December 7,2001 - Whittington, IL.

Sponsored by: ROE #12

DESCRIPTION: Certifies attendees in the use of the Keys To Safe Schools.com Assessment Tool. Schools are awarded a License to Reproduce the Tool for their staff who attend. The training is based on National Level research by the Department of Education, Office of Juvenile Justice, the FBI, the Secret Service and others. It looks at "Why" we miss these students and "What" we can do to identify them. There is an emphasis on identification and assessment of early warning signs in troubled youth. It provides schools a Risk Assessment Team Model as outlined in the Columbine Review Commission Report. It requires minimum time to put in place and effectively identifies students who may need help. But schools should not stop with training Assessment Teams but take the next step and provide an in-service for ALL staff in identification of Early Warning Signs.

The Training
Why we miss them? / Where shootings happen
Who were the shooters / Their common Characteristics
How to Identify Early & Imminent Warning Signs. / How to Assess Students for those Signs.
How to rank/rate the Early Warning Signs using the Assessment Tool. / How to develop an Assessment Team and Model for your School District.
The Assessment Tool
Is Objective not Subjective / Relies on Observable behavior
Nationally Researched / Applicable to Every School
Handouts in the Training
Tips for Parents checklist / Intervention Practices
Crisis Procedure checklist / Students Action Steps checklist
See how your School is doing "Is it safe?" checklist

CEU Credit: Available through each school/organization's Accrediting Group

WHEN: Friday - December 7, 2001 (8:30 Registration) 9:00 am-3:30 pm

WHERE: Seasons Lodge - Rend Lake Golf Course: Whittington, IL

SPONSORED BY: ROE #12 - Robinson, Illinois: Ms. Amanda Matthews

Pre-register: http://KeysToSaferSchools.com/On-lineRegistrationForm.htm

Other Workshops: Anger Management/De-escalation Training, Anti-Bullying Training, Crisis Plan Development, In-services and more. Go to "Critical Training" to learn more.