Minutes of the Meeting Held January 28, 2016

Marriott Cornhusker, Lincoln, NE

The following are motions and formal decisions made by the Board during the January 28, 2016 meeting:


David Merrell, ChairmanLarry Mussack, NeCGA

Alan Tiemann

Debbie Borg

John Greer

Dennis GengenbachSTAFF PRESENT:

Jon Holzfaster Kelly Brunkhorst

Tim Scheer Roger Berry

Brandon Hunnicutt Boone McAfee

Janet Miller

Emily Thornburg


Deb Gangwish, NeCGATom Nathan, NecgaSteve Nelson, Necga

Rick Koelsh, UNLJoel Grams, NecgaDave Dahlgren, Necga

Andy Jobman, NecgaCarl Sousek, NecgaRick Gruber, Necga

Guy Mills, NecgaLarry Mussack, NecgaSteve Ebke, Necga

Scott Merritt, NecgaLynn Chrisp, Necga

Morgan Wrich, NecgaDan Wesely, Necga

Brenda Zanga, NecgaGreg Whitmore, Necga

Chuck Emanuel, NecgaDan Nerud, Necga

Jim Hultman, NecgaJay Reiners, Necga


The NCB meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by David Merrell, Chairman. Merrell announced that the notice of the meeting was given and published in compliance with the Open Meetings Law and that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Law, a copy of which was available for public inspection and review during the meeting.

Nebraska Corn Board Meeting

January 28, 2016

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The Corn Board and the Corn Growers met jointly and no action was taken.

Corn board sponsored a working dinner at 6 p.m. at the Nebraska Club.


►A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.



David Bruntz, Secretary/TreasurerJanet Miller, Business Manager

Minutes of the Meeting Held January 29, 2016

Marriott Cornhusker, Lincoln, NE

The following are motions and formal decisions made by the Board during the January 29, 2016 meeting:


David Merrell, ChairmanLarry Mussack, NeCGA

Alan Tiemann Bobbie Wickham, NDA

Debbie Borg Hector Santiago, UNL

John Greer

Dennis GengenbachSTAFF PRESENT:

Jon Holzfaster Kelly Brunkhorst

Tim Scheer Roger Berry

Brandon Hunnicutt Boone McAfee

Janet Miller

Emily Thornburg


Ron Kallhoff, NETDave Buchholz, D&ATom Nathan, Necga

Todd Sneller, Ethanol BrdLoren Isom, UNLCraig Head, Farm Bureau

Stacy Agner, FFADan Schwartzkopf, UAIBob Storant, NDA

Claire Oglesby, Budget


The NCB meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m. by David Merrell, Chairman. Merrell announced that the notice of the meeting was given and published in compliance with the Open Meetings Law and that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Law, a copy of which was available for public inspection and review during the meeting.

Nebraska Corn Board Meeting

January 29, 2016

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►A motion was made to approve the minutes from the November 23, 2015 meeting, as amended.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.


►A motion was made to approve the fiscal reports for November & December, 2015.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.


►A motion was made to not forward the funding request from the Veteran’s Freedom Music Festival.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

►A motion was made to suspend the rules to discuss the UNL CUTC Travel Request.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

►A motion was made to approve and fund the UNL CUTC travel request in the amount of $3,195 and general sponsorship of $2,500, out of Research unobligated.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

►A motion was made to not forward the funding request for the “Flex my Fuel” proposal.

A roll call was taken:

Aye: Tiemann, Borg, Scheer, Gengenbach, Greer, Holzfaster, Hunnicutt

Nay: Merrell

Absent: Bruntz

By a vote of 7 ayes, one nay, motion carried

►A motion was made to approve and fund the Water for Food Conference in the amount of $5,000, out of Research unobligated.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

Nebraska Corn Board Meeting

January 29, 2016

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►A motion was made to approve Husker Sports (IMG Communications) funding request as follows: $25,770 – Football

$17,800 – Basketball

$10,450 – Baseball

$12,600 – Media

A roll call was taken:

Ayes: Merrell, Tiemann, Borg, Scheer, Gengenbach, Greer, Holzfaster, Hunnicutt

Absent: Bruntz

By a vote of 8 ayes, no nays, motion carried

►A motion was made to approve and fund the Ethanol Forum in the amount of $2,500, out of general unobligated.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

►A motion was made to approve and fund the FFA Foundation True Blue program in the amount of $2,500, out of general unobligated.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

►A motion was made to suspend the rules to discuss the Platte River Basin, Frogfest & 98 Days of Summer funding requests.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

►A motion was made to approve and fund the Platte River Basin in the amount of $25,000 out of general unobligated, Frogfest in the amount of $7,500, out of communications unobligated and 98 Days of Summer in the amount of $15,000, out of communications unobligated.

A roll call was taken:

Ayes: Merrell, Tiemann, Borg, Scheer, Gengenbach, Greer, Hunnicutt, Holzfaster

Absent: Bruntz

By a vote of 8 ayes, no nays, motion carried

Nebraska Corn Board Meeting

January 29, 2016

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►A motion was made by the Executive Committee to adjust our carry out percentage to

20% with new projected fee revenue of $7,786,650 and fund UNL Foundation - Ruminant Nutrition at $7,500, NeCGA Ethanol Program at $35,000 and UNL Corn Presidential Chair at an additional $250,000.

A roll call was taken:

Ayes: Merrell, Tiemann, Borg, Scheer, Gengenbach, Greer, Hunnicutt

Absent: Bruntz

By a vote of 7 ayes, no nays, motion carried

►A motion was made to add $168,346 to general unobligated.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

A roll call was taken:

Ayes: Merrell, Tiemann, Borg, Scheer, Gengenbach, Greer, Hunnicutt

Absent: Bruntz

By a vote of 7 ayes, no nays, motion carried


►A motion was made to approve the following nominations for the following awards:

Ag Achievement Award – Don Hutchens

Agribusiness Award – Cargill

Ethanol Award – Kum & Go

Livestock Award – Duane Lienemann

Media Award – Pure Nebraska

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.


►A motion was made to allow the NCGA board to recommend the portfolio dollars as needed.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.


►A motion was made to approve the following travel/calendar:

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.

●January 31-Feb 4, 2016 – NCGA Action Team Meetings - Appr: Gengenbach,

Borg, Hunnicutt, Holzfaster

Nebraska Corn Board Meeting

January 29, 2016

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●February 8-11, 2016 – NeCGA & NCGA Committee Meetings - Appr: Hunnicutt

●February 13-18, 2016 – USGC Meeting, Florida - Appr: Tiemann, Merrell,

Hunnicutt, Brunkhorst, Jay Reiners-Necga

●February 15-18, 2016 – National Ethanol Conference - Appr: Berry, Gengenbach,

●February 22-23, 2016 – NCGA Ethanol Committee Mtg, Orlando - Appr:

Gengenbach, Holzfaster

●March 1-6, 2016 – Commodity Classic, New Orleans - Appr: Borg, Hunnicutt,

Gengenbach, Holzfaster, Greer, Merrell, Bruntz, Berry, Brunkhorst,


●March 2-3, 2016 – Gov. Ag Conference, Kearney - Appr: Scheer, McAfee,


●March 14-18, 2016 – USGC, Peru/Chile - Appr: Tiemann

●March 14-18, 2016 – NCGA Meetings - Appr: Holzfaster

●March 21-25, 2016 – NCGA Leadership Mtg - Appr: Greer

●March 30-31, 2016 – USGC Monsanto Mtg - Appr: Tiemann

●April 4-5, 2016 – NCB Meeting - Lincoln - Appr: All

●May 3-5, 2016 – NCGA State Staff - Appr: Brunkhorst, McAfee, Thornburg, Berry,

Miller, Zabel

●May 16-18, 2016 – Communications Summitt - Appr: Thornburg

●May 25-27, 2016 – USMEF BOD Mtg - Appr: Bruntz, Brunkhorst, Berry

●June 3-4, 2016 – Cattlemens Ball - Appr: all


Merrell allowed for open public discussion for growers to offer ideas and suggestions on board programs or policies. No topics or issues were brought before the board.


►A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

A voice vote was taken; unanimous aye by members present; motion carried.



David Bruntz, Secretary/TreasurerJanet Miller, Business Manager