






Please read carefully these guidelines

Every year the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers to British citizenswith agood knowledge of Italian language the opportunity to apply for scholarships to study in Italy atan Italian government recognised institution only. The age limit, except for teachers of Italian language, is normally 35 years, but further restrictions may apply in some Universities/Schools/Institutes.The candidate must be aware that the monthly payment (around 600 Euros per month) is unlikely to be sufficient to cover all the costs of their stay there. The scholarships offered by the Italian Government cannot be cumulated with other grants and once allocated dates and venues cannot be altered.

Scholarships for periods of 3, 6 or 9 months can be requested for the periodJanuary 2010 – September 2010,(except for courses in Italian language that can be of 1,2, or 3 months).

Renewals of existing scholarships can be requested for the period October 2009 - September 2010.

Please note:The successful candidate, who is a scholarship recipient, will have to provide every two months a certificate of attendance to the university course in Italy. Additionally, the candidate has to sit for an exam at the end of the course.Failure to do so will cancel the scholarship.

These grants are for the following scholarships’ categories:

  1. Courses in Italian language. These grants are open to undergraduate students possessing A-levels certificates. Prior knowledge of Italian is not required.
  2. Single courses or research works (Corsi Singoli o Ricerche) in any subject. In order to apply it is necessary to enclose a statement proving enrolment at a British university. Please note: an official letter written by the Italian Professor/Tutor who will be supervisor in Italy is also required, accepting the student and detailing the length and nature ofthe course chosen (Corso Singolo).
  3. First degree courses. A-levels certificates are required. Admission to certain degree courses may be subject to further requirements as defined by university regulations.
  4. Higher art and music education coursesin Academies of Fine Arts Music, Conservatories,NationalSchool for Cinema, Higher Institutes of Conservation and Restoration of cultural heritage, Schools for Archiving and Museums or Libraries, if linked to the University chosen by the candidate.A-levels certificates are required.
  5. Postgraduate courses such as research doctorate degree(Dottorato di Ricerca; different universities may apply different criteria for admission and therefore must be contacted directly), Masters (the candidate must be aware that fees are normally very high and are not covered by the scholarship), Specialization Degrees (Specializzazioni, excluding Medicine). The candidate must possess the equivalent of the Italian Laurea.
  6. Courses for Italian Teachers at the University of Foreigners in Perugia,Siena or Roma 3. Admission is also possible for students who attend at least the third year of a degree in the Italian language. Please note that it is necessary to attach an official letter from the school in England where the teacher is working as a language teacher. Also it is necessary to clearly state dates and length of the language course chosen to attend in Italy.

The deadline for application for all categories is10 June 2009.

By this date the candidate mustsubmit his application following the online procedure available at the URL

At the same time he has to send by post the following forms and documents

  1. Passport copy.
  2. Printed copy of the online application form, in 2 copies and all signed in original by the applicant, with 2 passport size photos (stapled to each of them). In the applicationplease give full details of your intended course of study: city/university where the candidate wishes to study, for how many months, from which date (always from the 1st of a month), exact title and content of the course.
  3. A certificate/academic records proving good knowledge of Italian (not required for scholarships for Italian language courses). Such document should be signed by the Italian lecturer from the Italian Department of the University where the candidate is from (if you apply for a scholarship, in order to carry out research or to attend a university course, you are expected to have a good knowledge of Italian).
  4. Two testimonials from British academic authorities (in original and with official letterhead – no photocopies or email messages will be accepted), to be attached to the application form. Please attach two photocopies of each letter to accompany the originals.
  5. Copies of degree/s or/and A-levels certificates, as required for the chosen course.
  6. Candidates who wish to attend “corsi singoli” at Italian Universities should provide: dates of such courses (beginning and end) and dates of “preselection tests”, if any. It is also necessary to give the name, telephone number and email address of the “Tutor” (Tutor del Borsista) who will be supervising the candidate’s work.

Please note: If a student has foreign academic certificates, other than British ones (e.g. a Canadian BA), they need to submit them with the “Dichiarazione di valore” (certification) issued by the Italian Consular authorities where the academic title was issued.

In case of renewal, the above procedure has to be adhered to fully. Winners of the scholarship who wish to apply for renewal of the scholarship for a second year must have passed at least two exams of the 1st year. Subsequent renewals are subject to passing all exams due in the previous academic years and two in the present academic year. Applicants for renewal must therefore provide certification of the exams passed.

Important guidance notes

  • In all documents the name of the applicant must appear in full: simple initials, abbreviations, nicknames, etc. are not acceptable. All signatures have to be “consistent” with the name which appears on the passport.
  • No age limit (normally 35 years) for candidatesapplying for category 6 provided they officially certify that they are Italian teachers (i.e. letter from the school or University where they teach).
  • The student will be required to pay their own fares and enrolment fees. A discount on enrolment fees is something offered by Italian state universities and institutes. The candidate should check directly with the University chosen in Italy.
  • Accommodation is not arranged or paid for. Insurance will be provided to cover against accident and illness while the student is in Italy for the duration of the scholarship.
  • Preference will be given to researchers on Italian history, literature and art, science, and to students and graduates who intend to become teachers of Italian in the United Kingdom.
  • Admission to courses held at fine art academies and music conservatories is by examination only, held in Italy by the chosen Institution. The offer of a place by the institution is a precondition of the award. No refunds for expenses will be granted.
  • Specify which scholarship you are applying for: one or more months.

The responsibility is on the applicant to supply all documentation (including the required number of copies). Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

Please note that the selection process for applications is divided into two stages. In the first stage, a selection committee in London will draft a short-list to be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, which will make the final decision. Further documentation will be required for this second stage. In the past, the final selection has never been made before the end of August.

Application forms, accompanying documents and all correspondence should be forwarded to the following addresses:

For England and Wales

Italian Cultural Institute

Scholarships Department

39 Belgrave Square

London SW1X 8NX

tel.: (+44) (0)20 7235 1461 / (0)2073964428
fax: (+44) (0)20 7235 4618

For Scotland and Northern Ireland

Italian Cultural Institute

82 Nicolson Street
EdinburghEH8 9EW
tel.: (+44) (0)131 668 2232
fax: (+44) (0)131 668 2777