The Presbyterian Church of Wales
Before submitting an application please refer to the Handbook of Order and Rules Section 5.9, page 43, to ensure your application falls within these guidelines.
Name of Presbytery: ______
1.Contact details of person making the application for release of strategy funds
Contact tel. no.: ______
Position: ______
2.On whose behalf is the application being made?:
Church: ______Membership:______Ref: ______
Pastorate: ______Membership:______
Other: ______
3.Summary of aims and objectives of the work: ______
4.Total cost of the Project £ ______
5.For what purpose are the monies from the strategy fund required?
Ministry:How much in total is required £ ______
Worker: How much in total is required including the cost of employment £ ______
(Please contact the Finance Dept to receive employment cost figures re. Tax, NI, Pension etc.)
Building work: How much in total is required £ ______
Other:How much in total is required £ ______
6.Please indicate any monies received/raised from other sources towards the work:
Local church: £ ______
If Other then
please state source:1. ______£ ______
2. ______£ ______
To be completed for Applications for a Worker
Please refer to 5.9.15, Page 44 in the Release of Strategy Funds Guidelines contained in the Handbook of Order and Rules to ensure all relevant documents are submitted and procedures followed.
7.Who is the line manager to the Worker? ______
8.You must have a Steering/Support Group in place for the Project. Please provide details?
To be completed for Building Work or Other
Please refer to 5.9.15, Page 44 in the Release of Strategy Funds Guidelines contained in the Handbook of Order and Rules to ensure all relevant documents are submitted and procedures followed.
9.Estimate 1:Name: ______£ ______
Estimate 2:Name: ______£ ______
Estimate 3:Name: ______£ ______
10.Please indicate your preferred estimate and why: ______
Signed: ______Date: ______
To be signed by the person making the application under point 1.
To be completed by the Presbytery Secretary
Please provide a copy of the relevant minute discussing this application
11.a) Is the application within the Presbytery Strategy Plans approved by
the Ministries Department ? Yes/No
b) Is the building noted as a centre of worship? Yes/No
c) Is the work/worker noted as a strategic priority for the current year? Yes/No
12.Please attach a copy of the relevant part of the Presbytery Strategy Plans which this application falls under
13.What are the total funds held in the Presbytery Strategy Fund £ ______
14.What is the remaining balance in the Presbytery Strategy Fund £______
15.Please note the date of approval by the meeting of the Presbytery Resources and Properties Committee: ______
16.Please note the date of approval by the meeting of the Presbytery: ______
17.If the application is rejected please explain why: ______
Signed: ______Date:______
By the Presbytery Secretary
To be completed by the Association Secretary
Please provide a copy of the relevant minute discussing/approving/rejecting this application
18.Please note the date of approval by the meeting of the Association Resources and Properties Committee :______
19.Please note the date of approval by the meeting of the Association:______
20.If the application is rejected please explain why: ______
Signed: ______Date:______
By the Association Secretary
(See below the rules governing our use of Strategy Funds)
5.9 Appendix 9: Strategy Funds
Purpose of Presbytery Strategy and Funds
5.9.1Presbyteries are expected to plan for future ministry and use of resources within the Presbytery area or jointly with neighbouring Presbyteries and review them annually.
5.9.2Resources can mean buildings, investments, cash and people. As charitable organisations Presbyteries have a duty to use the resources at their disposal to best effect and to encourage the churches within the Presbytery to do likewise.
5.9.3The Presbytery Strategy should give a picture of what a Presbytery is aiming to achieve within a given timeframe and the resources required to achieve it.
5.9.4The Presbytery Strategy Fund is money set aside (currently 50%) out of sale proceeds of redundant buildings in order to support the work outlined in the Strategy. Presbyteries may have other, additional funds available to fund their Strategy.
5.9.5Review and Approval of Strategies
5.9.6Presbyteries will monitor progress against their Strategy on an annual basis, submitting updated Strategies every five years and revised strategies annually.
5.9.7This will include: Expenditure which will enable a local church to be involved in new work, or to develop existing work that would not be possible otherwise: Construction of a new building or extension including new fixtures and fittings Structural adaptation of an existing building Fixtures and fittings in existing buildings Re-roofing Expenditure on adaptations or work required in order to comply with future changes in statutory obligations e.g. Disability Discrimination Act, to facilitate mission work, e.g. audio-visual equipment Appointment of persons for a fixed term to carry out mission work, work with young people or social work
5.9.8Strategy Funds may not be used for: Purchase of or expenditure on Manses. General maintenance work or catch-up work owing to lack of maintenance on churches and associated buildings. Any work not included in the Presbytery Strategy or support for buildings not listed as Centre in the Presbytery Strategy.
5.9.9Any interest earned during a year that is not used will be added to the capital value of the Fund.
5.9.10Funds may be used over an extended period, e.g. one approval may be to use a total of £18,000 but over 3 years at £6,000 pa to support a mission worker.
5.9.11Reporting and Monitoring of Funds
5.9.12A statement of balance on the Strategy Fund will be provided by the Central Office to each Presbytery every twelve months, showing transactions for that period.
5.9.13Where funds are to be used over an extended period, e.g. an amount that is payable in equal instalments over three years, they will be known as ‘set aside’ and shown separately from the general balance.
5.9.14A summary report on Presbytery Fund balances, showing capital and interest earned, will be provided to Associations at the end of each year.
5.9.15Procedures for Release of Monies from Funds
5.9.16Expenditure must not be incurred, nor appointments made, until full approval has been given.
5.9.17The level of approval required is dependent upon the size of the claim, as shown in the table below.
Amount of claim Approval by:
Presbytery Association
Up to £2,500 √ –
£2,501 + √ √
5.9.18Any claim that involves funding a person in a post must come before the Presbytery and Association, no matter what the value of that claim. This is in order that proper enquiries may be made with the Ministries Department to ensure that the procedures for appointment follow the stated policies and procedures of the PCW.
5.9.19In deciding which level of authority is appropriate, a claim value will normally include VAT and will be for the totality of a project, not constituent parts.
5.9.20For claims in respect of equipment, furniture, fittings or works on buildings, the following documentation must be produced to support the claim: Completed application form. The form is available from the Clerk to Presbytery from the Office or the website Estimates to support the proposed expenditure – two estimates for expenditure of £5,000 or less; three for expenditure greater than £5,000. If the supplier to be used is not the lowest estimate, a written explanation of the reasons for accepting the particular estimate must be provided. Where the project involves building work, copies of architects plans or drawings must be provided, together with details of the architect including professional indemnity cover. Latest annual report of the church or body making the claim.
5.9.21For claims in respect of funding a worker, the following documentation must be produced to support the claim: Description of the project, including the primary aims Job description, person specification and term of appointment for the post A statement of who/which organisation is the employer Details of all partners involved Proposed funding sources and budget for the length of the project Exit strategy at the end of the designated period for the project
5.9.22Once approval has been given for claims, the Clerk to Presbytery or Clerk to Association (as appropriate for the level of claim made) will immediately notify the local church and Central Office. The Head of Finance will then make appropriate arrangements for the release of the money.