Minutes of the Meeting Held on October 5th, 2011

Location: School Library at 6:30 p.m.


  • Ms. Pat Lewis- Principal, Mr. Christopher Casey - Guidance Counsellor, Mr. Sean Finn- Teacher, Ms. Preetkamal Shahi - Chair, Mr. Opkar Brar - Co-Chair, Ms. Harpreet Jassal - Secretary and Mr. Manoj Sharma, Mr. Sandip Prashar, Ms. Sejal Shah, Ms. Jalwinder K. Chahal, Mr. Sikander S. Chahal, Ms. Sejal Desai, Mr. Ravi Puthanpurayil andMr. & Mrs. Srikishun.

This was the first meeting of the school council for the academic year 2011/12. The school principal Ms. Lewis welcomed everyone to the meeting. Focus of the meeting was to form a council membership and set goals for the year. Introductions were held around the table. Ms. Lewis, Mr. Sharma and Ms. Shahi spoke about the importance and need for parent involvement as an advisory group to the Principal and Board for student success. Mr. Sharma praised Ms. Lewis for her exemplary leadership at the school and that Castlemore is blessed to have her. Mr. Sharma also stated that we are blessed to have Preet Shahiand her commitment to our council. Various activities handled by the council and school during the academic year 2010/11 were shared with the parents. Ms. Lewis called out the names from the submitted nomination forms and asked for parent volunteers to contact those were absent from the meeting to find out if they are still interested in membership. Accordingly, forms were distributed to the parents.

School Council membership elections were held and following positions were filled:

Chair:Preetkamal Shahi

Co-chair:Opkar Brar

Secretary:Harpreet Jassal

Members:Manoj Sharma and Ravi Puthanpurayil

Other members present at the meeting showed their interest in attending future meetings.

Subsequent to various discussions, the following goals were set for the academic year for which dates are to be set in the next council meeting:

  • Parent outreach: parent learning session on reading skills.
  • Fundraising for school’s library collection.
  • Communication flyer to the parents specific to the council (special thanks to Mr. Brar).
  • Movie night.
  • More ideas for fundraising to follow.

Ms. Lewis introduced Mr. Chris Casey, Guidance Counsellor to present the after school program. The program will be offered twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20 pm to 5:30 pm under the instruction of certified teachers. The student teacher ratio will be 12:1. In general, program will encompass academic, art and technology portion. Students will be assigned groups based on their grade level. This is a four week session at a cost of $70/- which includes supplies and euipment. Some academic support will be available for childern requiring help with their homework.Depending on the enrollment level, program is anticipated to commence first week of November 2011. For more information on the program and financial cost arrangements,Mr. Casey can be reached at the school phone number 905-913-0845.

Ms. Lewis explained the EQAO results and what it meant for Castlemore. Everyone was reminded to keep in mind that this testing is done within 3-4 days (snapshot of student’s abilities) versus evaluation throughout the year. Everyone present felt that the reading at Castlemore is a concern and requires immediate attention. Unanimously, it was agreed that a reading night with teachers and parents will be held at Castlemore over two evenings with focus on primary and junior.

Ms. Shahi emphasized that once a council member has committed to the council in any role it is important to communicate your absence. In addition, requested that minutes of the school council meetings be posted on the website. Also, email address posted on the school’s website be accessible so that response(s) can be delivered to parents’/guardians as necessary.

A question was asked regarding the resources/funds available to the school council to cover expenses. Ms. Shahi is to be further investigated before the next council meeting. Overall, this was a very fruitful meeting as every present member had a valuable idea to contribute this evening. Thanks to everyone.

The meeting was concluded by setting the dates for the school council meeting for the rest of the year. It was agreed that the council would meet at 6.30 pm on every Wednesday in the school library. The meeting dates are listed as follows:

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  • Nov 2, 2011
  • Jan 11, 2012
  • Mar 7, 2012*
  • May 2, 2012
  • Dec 7, 2011
  • Feb 1, 2012
  • Apr 4, 2012

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*Meeting for March 7th is reserved here. However, will be held on a need basis due to march break.

In the end, Ms. Lewis recommended that orientation and training sessions offered through the PDSB are very useful. The registration forms were handed out for school council members to be held on the evening of October 24, 2011.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.


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