Minutes of the Langwith Parish Council Annual Meeting

held on Tuesday 20th December 2016 at 7pm at Whaley Thorns & Langwith Village Hall.

Present –Councillors S Peake,S Fritchley, B Elliott,H Hornsby, K Sharpe, C Dale.

Also in Attendance –Mr Ian Boulton, Parish Clerk, Aleah Bates Admin.

2016.206(1)Apologiesfor Absence Cllr J Wycherley due to illness, Cllr Anderson, Cllr L Fritchley and Cllr C Elliott due to work commitments, Cllr Berry and Cllr J Dixon out of the country, Cllr Wilson and Cllr Kane due to a bereavement,

2016.207(2)Declarations of Members Interests

Councillor S Peake declared an interest in item 9, Section 137 Grant Application from Whaley Thorns Residents Association.

2016.208(3) Public Speaking

No Members of Public were present.

2016.209(4)Police Liaison Officers, County Councillor and District Councillor.

None Present.

2016.210(5)Acceptance and Signing of the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2016.

The minutes of the above mentioned meeting were inspected by members. The minutes were moved by Cllr B Elliott, Seconded by CllrSharpe, agreed by all and duly signed by the Chair.

2016.211(6) Update on Medical Centre

Cllr Sharpe provided members with an update from the Patients Panel, stating that the plans for the new medical centre had been viewed. Some slight concern over the perimeter fencing and gated access but the plans looked good and hopefully the project would be signed off in the very near future.

2016.212(7) Review and Approve Tool Audit and Purchases

Members were presented with an audit of the Council’s tools and equipment and requirement needs and associated costs. The Audit was reviewed and purchases agreed. Moved by Cllr B Elliott, Seconded by Cllr Sharpe and agreed by all.

2016.213(8) To consider BDC’s Active Communities Programme.

Members were presented with the correspondence regarding the above programme. Members asked if we could invite a BDC representative to attend a later meeting to provide further information on this service.

2016.214(9) Section 137 Grant Application - Whaley Thorns Resident s Association

The application was considered by members. It was moved by Cllr Sharpe, Seconded by Cllr B Elliott and agreed by all to approve the £100 funding.

2016.215(10) Section 137 Grant Application - Langwith Bassett Community Hall

Members considered the application for funding towards a wall repair. Members asked for clarification as to whether any lease was in place and if so the terms of maintenance and repair encompassed within it. Cllr Dale and Cllr Sharpe to look into this query.

2016.216(11) Approval of Parish Pantomime.

Members all agreed the Pantomime for next year would be booked for Monday 15th January 2017 with the introduction of a nominal charge to avoid non-attendance.

2016.217(12) Review of Action taken on the Langwith Plan

The report was reviewed by members. A number of suggestions in regards to follow up letters on the Pit Hill Buildings, Land on Main Road, overhanging tree on Pit Hill and the Morefield Lane Allotments were made. Letters to be produced by the Clerk and pursued accordingly.

2016.218(13) To Receive and approve the Parish Clerks Payment Schedule

Members were presented with a report on payments issued since the last meeting. The report was scrutinised by members. It was moved by Cllr B Elliott, Seconded by Cllr Sharpe and Agreed by all to accept the payment schedule.

ii) The following accounts are payments made since the meeting on 15th November 2016

Date / CQ No: / Payee / Description / Amount
28th Nov / Autopay / Employees/HMRC / November 2016 Salaries & PAYE/NI / 4329.78
8th Nov / DD / Severn Trent Water / Water Supply, Changing Rooms, Portland Road, Period Charged 13/4/16 to 17/10/16, Inv. 886118620 / 40.58
8th Nov / DD / Land Registry / Land Registry Search for Old Petrol Station Adj. Dale Close, Langwith, Notification No 1124933732 / 3.00
9th Nov / DD / Severn Trent Water / Water Supply Allotments Off Pear Tree/Bramble Close, Period Charged 20/4/16 to 17/10/16, Invoice 937126141 / 737.60
14th Nov / CHQ 232 / Ian Boulton / Petty Cash Top-up / 90.01
16th Nov / DD / Sage / Monthly Online Payroll Subscription, Period Charged 1/11/16 to 30/11/16, Inv. 02063635 / 24.00
16th Nov / DD / Scottish Power / Monthly electricity Payment for Old School House, Inv. 684001448048 / 140.00
17th Nov / DD / Opus Energy / Gas Charges for Whaley Thorns Village Hall, Period Charged 2/10/16 to 1/11/16, Inv. 22035830 / 413.05
17th Nov / Chq 228 / Royal British Legion / Purchase of 2 wreaths for Remembrance Sunday / 33.00
21st Nov / DD / Opus Energy / Electricity Charges for MUGA/Cricket Pavillion, Period Charged 6/10/16 to 5/11/16, Inv. 61194881 / 50.90
21st Nov / DD / EDF Energy / Monthly Electricity Charges for Whaley Thorns Village Hall, Whaley Thorns V / 50.00
21st Nov / Chq 231 / Cllr C Kane / Purchase of 100 x 2nd Class Stamps / 55.00
22nd Nov / DD / Land Registry / Land Registry Search 16 Kelmarsh Ave, Wigston to try and locate co-owner of Hot Cross Bun, Notification No. 112585779 / 3.00
24th Nov / Chq 236 / New Harrison’s Nursery / Large Xmas Tree / 39.99
28th Nov / DD / Plusnet / Landline and Broadband Charges for the period charged 22/11/16 to 21/12/16 / 36.15
28th Nov / Chq 233 / Miss Claire Ward / Refund of Part Deposit for Hire of Whaley Thorns Village Hall on 23rd Oct 2016 / 15.00
29th Nov / DD / Land Registry / Land Registry Search for land on North Street, Langwith.(potential location for xmas tree) / 3.00
30th Nov / Chq 234 / Buckingham Insurance / Payment of Insurance premium for adding Lee Rodgers to the Parish Council Van Insurance, Inv. dated 16/11/16 / 37.50
1st Dec / DD / Screwfix/B&Q / Beading and adhesive for Windows in Village Hall, Inv. 0748627359 / 17.59
1st Dec / Chq 237 / Ian Boulton / Petty Cash Top up / 94.30
6th Dec / Chq 238 / Nick Wright (Dream Team Theatre Co.) / Payment for Pantomime 2016 / 650.00
7th Dec / DD / EE & T-Mobile / Mobile Phone Charges for Nov 2016, Inv. V01295062276 / 60.77
8th Dec / Chq 235 / Derbyshire County Council / Archaeological Way, Agreed Annual Maintenance Support / 1500.00
Total / £8424.22

Bank Balance as at 13th December 2016, £134,259.71

2016.219(14) To consider schedule of Planning Applications

No planning items to be considered.

2016.220(15) DALC Circulars

No DALC Circulars Received.

2016.221(16) Information Items and Correspondence

Members were informed presented with a number of Seasons greetings from various colleagues and acquaintances.

2016.222(17) Confidential Items (Langwith Junction Bowls Club Rent Review)

Members took the decision to have this re-scheduled for the January 2017 meeting when more members would be present.

2016.223(18)Chairs Announcements

No announcements for this meeting.

2016.224(19)Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7.00pm



