Application for Professional Development Committee
Financial Assistance
NAME ______DATE______
PHONE ______E-MAIL______
(Please check the appropriate category)
Administrator/Exempt Faculty Staff
Conference ( Presenter or Attendee)
Workshop, Course, Seminar (Check all that apply.)
Technical Training
Discipline Specific or Broad
Off-Campus or On-Campus Online
Educational Materials (Please explain) ______
Other ______
Briefly describe the activity and attach copies of any brochures or related materials. Please note: This information may be shared within the campus community in a professional development context.
A. What: ______
B. Where: ______
C. When: ______
D. Why: Provide a rationale for the activity and its relationship to the following: (Check all that apply)
PPO(Faculty) Perf. Management Form (Admin) Department Plan
Cost of activity:
1. Registration Fees: ______
2. Other Costs: ______
3. Total estimated cost for entire activity (Required): $______
4. Amount requested from the Professional Development Committee: $______
Maximum amount available from the Professional Development Committee per year:
$200 A&E/Staff $350 Faculty
Additional sources of funding: Supervisor, EVP
General Criteria for Awarding Funds
- Submit this completed application to your division administrator or supervisor for signature and he/she will forward it to the Professional Development Sub-Committee Chairperson.
- Proposed conference, workshop, etc., must relate to the Matrix, PPO/Perf. Management Form or Dept Plan.
- Funds are allocated on a first come/first served basis.
- Individuals may not request funds representing another individual’s potential allocation.
- Please contact the Professional Development Committee if your plans change and/or you do not use your PDC approved amount.
For the 2006-2007 Academic Year please return this form to the following Professional Development Sub-Committee Chairpersons as follows: (Division Administrators will forward)
Administrators/Exempt: Contact: Mary Ann Waclawik (OBCD) 732-224-2508
Faculty: For the following Divisions contact: Elaine Olaoye (Psychology) 732-224-2848 Arts/Communication
Health Science
Social Science
Business/Computer Science
Faculty: For the following Divisions contact: Nancy Liu (Physics) 732-224-2884
Student Development
Staff: Contact: Lynn Johnson (Biology) 732-224-2402
Your Signature ______Date ______
Div. Chair/Supervisor’s Signature ______Date ______
PDC Signature ______Date ______
Acct. Code ______Amount Approved $ ______
*Obtain forms from your division administrator or supervisor. Submit the completed forms to your division administrator or supervisor. For additional information, refer to the College Regulation 4.3501R Travel Expenses at the Brookdale Administration, Operations and Information Technology Services Web Page.
Revised 4/07 1