Volunteer Communications PanelTerms of Reference
Purpose of group
The vision for Girlguiding’s communications, as determined by our Membership Communications Task and Finish Group in 2015, is: ‘we want clear, concise, planned conversations, that are heard and acted on, and are useful and motivating for everyone.’
The Volunteer Communications panel support the Lead Volunteer for Membership Communications to provide volunteer input, oversight and scrutiny of Girlguiding communications to ensure that vision is met.
The Volunteer Communications Panel is chaired by the Lead Volunteer for Membership Communications.
Membership of the Panel includes the following:
- one Country or Region Chief Commissioner or Deputy
- two specialist role volunteers (eg CPRA, Trainer, County Commissioner etc)
- two grassroots volunteer (one Readership Panel representative)
- two young members aged 14-25 (one Youth Editors Panel representative)
- provide a volunteer sounding board for membership communications plans and help identify ideas, improvements and flags from a volunteer perspective
- To feed into Girlguiding’s communication planning including reviewing existing plans and suggesting items for inclusion in Girlguiding communication channels.
- To stay in tune with the opinions of local guiding to inform evaluation and new ideas for use throughout Girlguiding channels.
- To review membership communications analytics and help analyse any successes or challenges, and identify and undertake follow up actions required.
- To actively contribute to the Volunteer Communications Panel through quarterly face to face meetings and in between via email or phone.
- To consider ways of continuous improvement in communication between Girlguiding and Girlguiding members.
- To champion Girlguiding’s communications, both internally and externally, and be ambassadors for improvement and change across Girlguiding.
The additional role of the Readership Panel representative and Youth Editors Panel representative
- To act – with the support of Girlguiding staff team - as the main point of contact for the Readership Panel and Youth Editors Panel Facebook groups respectively.
- To promote positive and proactive discussions with the Readership Panel / Youth Editors Panel Facebook groups on what to include at the Volunteer Communications Panel.
- To collate ideas from the Readership Panel/Youth Editors Panel Facebook groups and present them to the Volunteer Communications Panel at the quarterly meeting.
- To provide relevant feedback to the Readership Panel/Youth Editors Panel Facebook groups items that have been agreed to take forward.
Members of the Volunteer Communications Panel will be identified through a mix of open and targeted recruitment across the UK so that there is a geographical spread.
Terms of office
The Readership Panel representative and Youth Panel representative should serve two years. Other specialist roles will serve a minimum of one year with the opportunity to extend this a further year. There will be a rolling membership to ensure consistency and reduce the need to train/induct all members each year.
Frequency of meetings
Face to face meetings will be held quarterly throughout the year. These will be day-long meetings. There is scope for these to take place outside of London. Reasonable expenses will be paid.
Code of Conduct
- Members should make a positive contribution to the Volunteer Communications Panel.
- All members to sign up to the Terms of Reference.