Harpenden Town Council
Minutes of the Harpenden In Bloom working party meeting
monday 12 august 2014
Present:Councillor Rosemary Farmer (Acting Chair)
Mrs Beryl Hopkins
Mrs Victoria Hornett
Mrs Jackie Falcolner
Mr Richard Bromilow
Mr Barry Timms, Luton Traded Services (LTS)
Apologies: Councillors Pawle and Mrs Kent
Mr John Sidnell
Mrs Helen Brading-Miles
Mrs Dorothy Mills
1.1.1 / Introduction
The intention of the site meeting was to;
- identify successful displays and possible improvements.
- recommend to the Environment Committee planting displays for the next year in consultation with relevant contractors.
2.1 / Summer Planting Scheme 2015
Very positive feedback had been received from residents regarding this year’s planting. The Working Party made the following comments on the current beds (summer planting 2014): some of the beds did not have enough petunias in. The wrong ageratum had been planted (it should have been the taller blue mink). The Working Party felt that soil in some beds needed improving before next season and the Amenities Officer to liaise with LTS regarding this.
2.2 / A colour scheme of yellow, red and blue was agreed. It was RESOLVED to recommend to the Environment Committee that;
the colour scheme for planting be yellow, red and blue and that the scheme at appendix one be approved.
2.3 / The Working Party viewed the concrete planters next to the bus stop on the High Street but did not want to include them in the planting. Their recommendation was that they be removed. It was RESOLVED that;
the Amenity Officer advice Herts County Council the planters would not be included in any seasonal planting programme
2.3 / The date of winter planting was agreed for Saturday 25 October 2014. Summer planting 2015 is provisionally Saturday 23 May 2015.
2.4 / The Working Party asked about progress regarding the Nickey Line bed. The Amenities Officer confirmed that quotes had been received and was waiting to hear from a potential sponsor. The Working Party was keen to progress this for autumn planting and it was agreed to add it to the Agenda for the next meeting.
3. / The meeting closed at 4:15pm.
Chairman …………………………..…
Date ……………………………...
Proposed Planting Scheme
Winter 2014 Planting Scheme
A planting scheme of mixed polyanthus and winter bulbs have been ordered for Winter 2014.
40 hanging baskets.
Summer 2015 Planting Scheme
Flowerbed / Summer 2014 – additions for 2015Bull Road Roundabout / Central shrub: Hebedonna ‘Emma’ (mauve colour) to stay
Red geraniums
Inn On the Green Flowerbed / Central shrub: Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’.
Mainly yellow marigolds with accents of geranium and blue ageratum (see image below)
Leyton Green / As Inn on the Green.
Brownie Flowerbed / The group agreed that the Brownies should be given a colour scheme and allowed to plant this bed to their own design. Roses to be pruned.
Red geraniums, yellow marigolds and blue ageratum
Amenities Officer to contact Brownies to arrange.
Small Round Flowerbeds (around the trees) / Plants for all beds under trees:
Red geranium with edging of yellow marigold
War Memorial / Four surrounding corner beds and steps down to high street: red geraniums
Beds around steps of memorial: red geraniums
Rotary Flowerbed / Central shrub: Skimmia japonica ‘Brocox Rocket’.
As Inn on Green
The tetê à tetê Flowerbed / Keep the thistle, Echinacea and Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’.
Strip of red geranium around central shrubs, followed by strip of yellow marigolds
Border: blue ageratum
(Both ends).
Rothamsted Avenue circular / Schools competition winners.
Rothamsted Avenue rectangular / Schools competition winners.
Stellar Rose Flowerbed / 5 surrounding triangle beds: yellow marigolds
Star beds: red geraniums
Batford Sign / As Inn on the Green
Kinsbourne Green Sign / As Inn on the Green.
All references to plants above should be the specific plants listed below:
Blue ageratum:‘Blue Mink’.
Yellow marigolds:‘Yellow Jacket’
Red geraniums:as advised by Barry Timms, LTS
Inspiration for planting: