Warblington School – Finance and Site Committee - Minutes of meeting on 14 March 2017


held on Tuesday, 14th March 2017

at The Conference Room, Warblington School

Present:Ian CrabtreeCo-opted Governor, Chair of Governors

Marcia NguyenLocal Authority Governor, Vice–Chair

Matt RussellParent Governor

Dan StroudCo-opted Governor, Chair

Julia Vincent *Headteacher

In attendance:Phil Leckey *Senior Site Manager

Nigel Sharp *Business & Administration Manager

Mike TurnerCover Clerk, Governor Services

Apologies:Campbell McMurrayCo-opted Governor

* Member of staff

Quroum is three Governors (half appointed, minimum three).

Meeting opened at 8:03 am.

  1. Welcome and apologies

Noting apologies as above (which were accepted) DS welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Declaration of pecuniary interests

There were no new pecuniary interests declared.

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting on 15th November 2016 were agreed without formal vote.

  1. Action report

The action report was reviewed:

  • SFVS. This has been considered and IC authorised to sign on, subject to FGB ratification at their meeting (21st March 2017).
  • Terms of Reference. It was noted these were affirmed at FGB on 25th January 2017.
  • Audit & checking. It was confirmed Governors had met with staff colleagues to ensure this statutory requirement was fully covered, details of reviews held within school records.
  • Budget. It was noted these had all been updated, with reports circulated ready for discussion later in this meeting.
  • PTA. IC confirmed this had been considered.
  • SFE. The review of SFE is ongoing.
  • Account for student prizes. NS confirmed this account is active and will update further in due course.
  • Apprenticeships. JV confirmed the School is looking at options for apprentices with several agencies. This should help offset the financial impact of the Apprenticeship Levy.
  1. Headteacher’s report.

The Headteacher’s report had been emailed to all governors prior to the meeting. Asking for questions and comments, JV clarified:

  • NFF (National Funding Formula). This is set nationally but represents a significant reduction to income for many local school. The Havant MP has been contacted appreciates the issue; it is hoped the proposals are amended but in the interim the school must agree how to facilitiate the (approximate) £100,000 reduction in income.

It was agreed this concern be more fully considered under the update from NS.

  • Budget. JV reminded Governors that in addition to the NFF issue the school also needs to look at changes to the structure to ensure the school remains financially stable. For the purpose of this review she reminded Governors that the present projected carry forward stands at £120,000, but this could obviously change as not all areas are within the direct control of the school and/or staff.

COMMENT (NS): For example we await final confirmation of pupil premium income and this wil clearly influence the end of year financial outcomes.

However these issues necessitates consideration of staff appointments and the process to confirm pupil needs prior to making new or replacement teaching appointments. JV tabled a confidential update on this potential supported by informal conversations with staff.

COMMENT: While we value our staff and would not want to lose them, it is fully understandable that some want to move as they develop their career.

COMMENT: These represent an honest, realistic but confidential consideration of potential staff moves to assist planning in future years.

Supporting different options, JV shared illustrative budgets for 2017/18. Advising that figures cover April 2017 to March 2018 meaning that with some changes anticipated for September the whole year budget impact is reduced, JV explained that the first budget incorporates all confirmed staff and other changes for next year and results in an in-year deficit of about £100,000.

COMMENT: I fully agree – although we must continue increasing the quality of teaching and to ideally maintain staffing levels, the on-going deficit must be addressed.

The second budget illustration allows for the financial impact of theinformal conversations. JV again stressed that none of these were confirmed, but this provides an indication of the financial position should these members of staff all leave the school.

COMMENT: Fully accepting the uncertainty within these budgets, they are very helpful in our deliberations.

QUESTION: Can I presume that the outcome of staff not being replaced is that class sizes will increase? ANSWER (NS): In terms of income but also your question we need to also register the falling NoR (Number on Roll). ANSWER (JV): However it is inevitable that some classes will increase in size.

Following this debate it was noted that the school must look at these vacancies as opportunities to review different aspects of school life and options available to pupils.

PL left the meeting at 8:31 am

Another area that could be considered for review include the pastoral work of the school

COMMENT: The work of this team has been invaluable – it has supported many pupils and helped them remain in a mainstream school setting.

PL rejoined the meeting at 8:33 am

JV observed that several pupils have undertaken managed or other moves into this school as an alternative to special school provision. With the pastoral support provided they have integrated into the school.

It was agreed that any changes to the structure of this successful team would not be in the interests of many pupils attending the school.

After further discussion, the Committee also summarised the work of TAs around the school as valuable to pupils; individual or group support for pupils with acknowledged needs enable the teacher to concentrate of the remainder of the class, resulting in better learning for all pupils.

Other “uncomfortable” considerations remain; the “Y” Code allocation is intended to support the medium term premises needs of the school so ideally should be kept separate from other expenditure while the school continues to look at options, one example being the use of vending machines to support our regular hirers.

Importantly Governors agreed that, if annual deficits are not resolved, other considerations would be necessary such as a review of pupil subject options, which would likely include a major review of personnel.

QUESTION: Can you comment on our NoR – I understood there are increasing numbers of pupils in school but we seem to have a falling NoR? ANSWER (NS): Overall numbers are set to increase, but within the part of the country that is currently within primary schools. The future year predictions within these budget forecasts follow this trend. Numbers are predicted to rise again in 2021/22. This leaves us with the financial need to bridge those years.

QUESTION: Are there other considerations we need to explore further – for example are there charities or others supporting the work of schools in and around deprived areas? ANSWER (JV): We regularly look for such opportunities. Some attract smaller schools or projects for younger children to meet the providers preferred target market. It is necessary therefore to research prior to bids being initiated to ensure they meet the application criteria. Bids for larger funding can require significant investment on time to complete applications.

In discussions it was felt there could be scope to talk to other schools locally to see if there is an opportunity to create some shared support process for pupils such as pastoral or home support.

COMMENT: With this guidance and discussion we can look to our positives, we know our “worst case” scenario and can take action accordingly.

COMMENT: As Governors we need to show stability to help support the school.

QUESTION: In terms of income – what is the situation regarding the co-located Day Care Centre? ANSWER (PL): This was agreed by the LA on a three year pricing scheme so should be up for review in about a year.

QUESTION: Is the steady increase in photocopier costs over future years correct? ANSWER (NS): I will need to check that detail as I think it should be more stable. I suspect the formula requires correction following the removal of paper from this line.

COMMENT: I would value the spreadsheet detail and formula as opposed to the bland numbers so we can see how the future year predictions work.

It was agreed that the existing format should be remain for most Governors but this would be available to Governors on request.

Summarising the debate DS noted that the school continues to provide strong support to pupils and track consequential costs. Subject to confidentiality issues it was agreed the budget for 2017/18 should be taken to FGB on 21st March 2017.

QUESTION: Turning to the current year – can you confirm the accuracy of our budget? ANSWER (NS): There were two more significant issues in the year, with overspends on catering and exams which have been well discussed. These aside the budget was accurate with the usual minor changes such as those linked to staff changes and associated costs.

  1. Site Manager’s report

6.1.Site report (including health and safety, fire safety, site developments,contracts, future site considerations). This report had been circulated prior to the meeting.

PL reported that all Health & Safety returns had been completed on-line within LA timescales, with no new issues raised.

Commenting on the recent “near miss” incident, details of which (including the CSHST Manager technical report comments) were included in his report, he confirmed the likely cause appears to have been either the temporary heaters supplied by contractors overloading the electric circuits or the main switch overheating. Fortunately although three members of staff and a pupil attended Hospital as a precaution for unknown fume inhalation while others were treated on-site, there appears to be no permanent injury.

PL also advised that the school had been vandalised over the Half Term, with several windows to the front of the building broken. The damage is below the threshold for LA support meaning the school will have to meet the cost from existing maintenance budgets.

QUESTION: Can you comment on the staff head injury incident? ANSWER (JV): This was the action of a pupil while in a heightened state; the member of staff could request or take further actions, but has chosen not to do so. However all other relevant school actions have been implemented including conversations with their parent/carer.

MN left the meeting at 9:10 am.

PL updated on the Site Assistant role, advising that following a resignation, the role had been successfully recruited and a start date agreed of 10th April 2017.


The meetings with Park Community School (PCS) were noted; these have resulted in a proposal that their Head Chef is seconded to this school to oversee the conversion to a similar in-house service starting in September. The clear advantage of this proposal was immediate access to their experience and food supply chain. The primary aim of the change is to ensure the quality of food is extended and provides healthy options for pupils. Taking on the service does create statutory and internal considerations such as food hygiene, staff recruitment and training. There are also financial implications including kitchen equipment and cold storage arrangements. The majority of staff will move to this project under TUPE but we will need to recruit our own chef/manager.

QUESTION: Why is PCS willing to release their Head Chef for this project? ANSWER (JV): That is a good question; there are several key reasons. Firstly we have built a good rapport with their school leaders, based on mutual respect; they believe they are creating a system that improves the environment pupils which they want to share. Secondly they want to ensure that their valued and capable Head Chef remains challenged in his role.

COMMENT: I understand PCS are developing their catering further – they are able to provide a venue for non-school events (for example weddings or birthdays) and offer catering options. This nurtures their letting income as well as generating increased income form catering.

COMMENT: In the early stages PCS had to encourage pupils to look at lunch content; it has taken them time to nurture their healthier lunch options. Our new team will have similar issues to address; these will be increased due to the single sitting arrangements. Obviously we can review this overtime if necessary, but will be an initial matter for consideration.

6.3.Sports Development.

PL confirmed that this work had suffered from the quality of materials used and the consequential maintenance costs. However the space is required and is therefore being used so while there are discussions to be held with the LA much of this will be a cost to the school.

6.4.Recladding & Kitchen project.

PL updated on the tendering process. Sadly the tenders were all missing in different aspects so the LA has invited a re-tender process with this detail included. It is hoped the process can be completed by the end of this week.

QUESTION: How will this impact the timescale? ANSWER (JV): We already knew slippage would delay completion of this work until January 2018 and that remains the target.

COMMENT (PL): We would hope for at least partial availability from December so we can be prepare for launch of the new facility at the beginning of the Spring Term.

6.5.Accident Report.

This was covered in the main Site Managers Report.

  1. Finance Report

7.1.Business and Administration Manager’s report.

7.2.Budgetary Items

7.3.Number on Roll (including financial implications on five-year plan).

These had all been circulated or covered elsewhere in the meeting.

QUESTION: Can we raise with the LA our concerns around pupil numbers? The income for 2016-17 was based on dated pupil numbers and we now have more than 30 additional pupils to support. ANSWER (NS): We can do so, but the process is the same for every school in Hampshire, so there are winners and losers. There is provision for “growth” funding but this is normally applied to schools with a growing PAN (Pupil Admission Number) rather than NoR.

  1. SFVS

As referred to earlier in the meeting IC will meet with NR to ensure the document is taken to FGB on 21st March 2017.

  1. Policies/Documents

Best Value Statement. Noting the Statement is largely unchanged, this was approved without formal vote.

Charges and Remissions. Noting this Policy was similarly also largely unchanged, this was approved without formal vote.

Conditions of Hire. PL advised that the main change to this Policy was the removal of the time previously allowed for preparation/clearing (Section 10). This will better facilitate multiple bookings. This adjustment was agreed and the Policy approved without formal vote.

  1. Items for next agenda.

It was agreed that, in addition to routine udpates, the next meeting would concentrate on budget and finances.

  1. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 8:00 am and be held at Warblington School.

The meeting closed at 9:48 am


Finance and Site CommitteeCompleted/Outstanding actions from meeting on 15th November 2017
Item / Action / Responsible / Due date / Date actioned or closed
7(iii) / Statement of Financial Expectations – to be reviewed with the Chair of Finance Committee following budget review. / NS/DS / ASAP
7(v) / Account to support prizes for students – Nigel to scrutinize past finance minutes to clarify this account. / NS
Finance and Site CommitteeCompleted/Outstanding actions from meeting on 14 March 2017
Item / Action / Responsible / Due date / Date actioned or closed


Signed ………………………………………………………………Date …………………………………..

Chair of Finance and Site Committee