School of Computing

Minutes of the Faculty Meeting

January 13, 2016

Present: C. Babb, S. Babu, K. Caine, C. Cook, B. Dean, R. Ge, R. Geist, J. Hatfield, L. Hodges, H. Hu, B. Knijnenburg, E. Kraemer, J. Levine, R. Lowe, F. Lou, B. Malloy, J. McClendon, J. McGregor, R. Pargas, C. Plaue, S. Remy, A. Robb, I. Safro, M. Sitaraman, M. Smotherman, J. Sorber, P. Srimani, J. Wang, D. Weeks

The meeting was called to order at 12:16pm

Minutes from the November 6th meeting were approve as written.

Good News:

·  Duck- Duck Punch made the Clemson News

·  Home Depot is offering 10 internships this semester

·  Roy Pargas’ class CPSC 4820/6820 (iOS development) 5 projects are being funded this year for continued development.

·  Robert Geist’s graduate student Chuqiao Wang graduated in December and immediately received an offer to join Dream Works as a Technical Director. Her thesis was titled “Painting with Turbulence.


·  Amy Apon has a new role for the spring semester: Associate Director for Strategic Initiatives. She will also serve on the on-line programs.

·  Trip Reports- Upcoming visits to GE, Boeing and IBM. Eileen would like to have “Ready” set of slides and presentations and research one-pages for the last minute request with corporations. Please send to Kelly Caine and ‘cc Eileen.

·  Travel forms- Please submit before the trip and provide information on what classes you will miss and who will cover so we can answer questions from students and/or parents.

·  Special faculty meeting- Wayne Goddard will hold a special faculty meeting to vote on the student awards on Thursday, February 4th at 2:15pm in McAdams room 226. Please send your nominations now.

·  Eileen has a meeting in Columbia tomorrow and Friday to discuss the proposed joint Clemson/ MUSC in Biomedical data science and informatics.

New Business:

·  SoC New Website: Any request for updates, revisions, broken links, etc. about the SoC website should be submitted via web form here Requests for posts on SoC social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin) shouldbe submitted via If you need to include an image(s), please email it to me directly. I’m looking into seeing if you can attach it to the form. These will also be added to the News tab on the website. Also, please remember to connect with SoC on social media. The icons can be found in the footer of the website.

SoC social media links:

Mark Smotherman discuss the MS program proposed changes. After much discussion a straw poll was taken for relaxing the limit on 8810 and remove the dissertation on MS.

13- YES and 4- NO

General Requirements

The basic requirement for the M.S. in Computer Science is successful completion of 30 credit hours of approved courses. A student's program of study must be approved by both the student's advisory committee and the M.S. Program Coordinator.

At least 21 of the 30 credit hours must be at the 8000 level for the coursework-only option, and at least 24 of the 30 credit hours must be at the 8000 level for the thesis option. Students in either option may include up to six hours of approved courses from outside the School of Computing. The six hours of approved courses may include courses transferred from another university.

A student must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the 30 credit hours used to satisfy the requirements for graduation. All requirements of the Graduate School for the M.S. degree must also be met.

Course Requirements

Concentration Requirement: Each student must take at least three courses in one core area. These courses can be selected from the courses listed in the table below or from preapproved CPSC 8810 special topics courses in that area.

Breadth Requirement: Each student must take one course in at least three other core areas.

MS Core Area / Courses (CPSC prefix unless otherwise specified)
Computing Foundations / 8280, 8380, 8390, 8400, 8480, 9400
Graphics and Visualization / 6040, 6050, 6110*, 6160*, 8040, 8050, 8110, 8170, 8190
Informatics and Scientific Computation / 6550, 6620, 6630, 8100, 8450, 8470, 8620, 8630, 8650, 8770
Interactive Computing / 6110*, 6120, 6140, 6160*, HCC 8310, HCC 8330, Mobile Device Software Development
Software Engineering / 6160*, 6720, 8700, 8710, 8720, 8730, 8750
Systems and Implementation / 6200, 6240, 6280, 6780, 8200, 8220, 8240, 8270, 8290, 8300, 8510, 8520, 8530, 8540, 8550

* CPSC 6110 and 6160 span core areas but will count in only one core area each

Thesis Option: Of the 30 credits required for graduation, the student must have six credits of CPSC 8910. The student must also meet the Concentration and Breadth Requirements as defined above in the remaining 24 credits of coursework. (A student may take more than six credits of CPSC 8910, but only six credits may be applied toward the degree.)

Course Exclusions: Of the 30 credit hours of approved courses required for graduation, the student may not include credit for CPSC 6280, 6810, 8880, or 9500; and, the student may not include credit for DPA 6000-6030, 8600, or 8800. Additionally, only six credits of CPSC 6820 or 8810 can be included.

Updates from Division Chairs:

CS- Murali Sitaraman: They have selected 15 for the short list. Calls have been made and interviews are being set.

HCC- Larry Hodges: Half way thru the phone interviews and first candidate will come in February.

VC- Dida Weeks gave an update: Craig Shoerder will interview on February 1st and 2nd.

Updates from Staff:

Facilities- Christy Babb: Please tell students to clean their lab space. Also I need a list of the students that are assigned to each labs.

IT- Chuck Cook: I'm starting a new database to better keep track of computers and related assets. I've created a web form to help gather information so please take a few moments to enter details for you computers, laptops, and tablets.

Updates from Committees:

Space-Sab Babu: Space committee is trying to gather information concerning new faculty members that will be hired and what their need would be. Eileen will make the overall decision concerning space.

Graduate Affairs- Josh Levine: We have several options like fee waivers and fellowships.

Other Announcements:

IEEE VR conference- Papers accepted are a t 13%. Conference dates are March 19-23. March 21st we will have 10 buses that will bring 600 people to campus around 6:45pm to the Watts building for demos. If you are interested in participating in the demos please let Sab or Larry know.

Meeting adjourned at 1:18pm