Held at 14:30 hours, April 20, 2011
In Attendance:Jim Bailey, Gina Bennett, Pauline Bennison, Jason Colombo, David Dick, Bev Evanchu, Rusty Gahr, Karen Langan, Lil McPhail, Marilyn Petersen, Shahida Rashid, Hilary Segarty, Norma Sherret, Doris Silva
Regrets:Adam MacDonald, Doug McLachlan, Wendy Panchyshyn, Aurora Poole, Nick Rubidge, Kevin Szol, Kelsey Voysey
1. Agenda
Add under New Business
4.1 Revisions to Transcripts
1.2 Approval – The agenda was approved as amended.
2. Confirmation of the Minutes
Moved by COLOMBO, seconded by EVANCHU to accept the minutes of March 16, 2011 as presented. CARRIED.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
3.1 Policy 2.5.5 Flexible Assessment
Lil explained that this policy was approved at last week’s CPC meeting and is back here at EdCo for final approval, the only change being an FA (Flexible Assessment) grade added to the college transcript.
Moved by COLOMBO, seconded by EVANCHU to accept Policy 2.5.5 Flexible Assessment as amended. CARRIED
4. New Business
4.1 Policy Revisions
2.1.4 Academic, Technical & Adult Basic Education Course Challenges
Doris explained that this policy was no longer required as the new Flexible Assessment policy covers course challenges.
Moved by COLOMBO, seconded by BENNISON to rescind Policy 2.1.4 Academic, Technical & Adult Basic Education Course Challenges. CARRIED.
2.5.1 Student Evaluation (Grade) System
Doris reviewed the minor revisions that were made on the policy due to the introduction of the Flexible Assessment Policy.
Moved by EVANCHU, seconded by COLOMBO to accept the revisions to Policy 2.5.1 Student Evaluation (Grade) System. CARRIED.
2.5.2 Student Records
Minor revisions were reviewed.
Moved by COLOMBO, seconded by EVANCHU to accept the revisions to Policy 2.5.2 Student Records. CARRIED.
2.4.8 Academic Performance
Doris reviewed the minor revisions required on this policy.
Moved by EVANCHU, seconded by COLOMBO to accept the revisions to Policy 2.4.8 Academic Performance. CARRIED.
Revisions to Transcripts
Doris has made minor changes to the back page of our transcripts. These changes were reviewed and Pauline suggested that this page be inserted into our program guides. Also, it was suggested to indicate that College of the Rockies is in British Columbia.
4.2 CASC Recommendations
Moved by PETERSEN, seconded by SHERRET that EdCo approve the recommendations of CASC to approve the course outlines for APNP 117; COMC 100; ECED 128, 149; ENGL 100; NURS 215, 225, 236; PHIL 180; PNUR 203; PSYC 265; RELS 112, 180, 265; and the BBA Program Outline. CARRIED.
5.1 Chair’s Report
Jim reported that he will be attending the Academic Governance Council meeting on Saturday, April 30th.
5.2 Vice President Education Report – No report
5.3 Committee Reports
- Awards Committee
51 applications have been received for our entrance awards. This is a good number and there were very strong applicants this year (10 with over 90%). Although our tuition fees have increased 2% annually, we have not received an increase in the entrance scholarship budget and it is becoming increasingly difficult to fund worthy applicants. This could impact to recruit and retain students.
The SIDIT funding will be drastically reduced for 2011/2012 with a loss of $144,000 this year. This will have a huge impact on trades funding for our students.
We received a $5,000 donation from Velma McKay before her passing and a new award will be created in her name for next year. The College is matching this donation and we hope to receive more funds from outside donors.
- Curriculum & Articulation Standing Committee (CASC)
Nothing to report.
- Classroom & Information Technology Committee
This committee has not met since their last report.
- Program Planning Committee
At the last PPC meeting, Amy Boeckner from Institutional Research presented the program reviews for Tourism Recreation Management and Dental Assisting. Financial data for these programs was not available. To make the data more useful, it was decided that programs would be reviewed on an academic year basis.
As this past year has primarily been used to work on the program review process, it was agreed that the IR Department move forward with 2010/11 reviews rather than continue with the 2009/10 reviews to get back on track. Also, the IR Department’s intention is to provide summary data for all programs and only provide full-blown program reviews for programs identified by the Deans.
Currently, 1500 Student Satisfaction Surveys have been completed during 2010/FA and 2011/WI. The survey will continue until August 2011.
6. Correspondence- None
7. Information- None
8. Next Meeting: - 2:30 p.m., May 25, 2011
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 3:30
Dr. James Bailey, Chair