Minutes of the Meeting
of the Board of Trustees of
Orlando Church of Christ, Inc.
A Florida Nonprofit Religious Corporation
Mission Statement
In view of God’s grace and mercy, we devote ourselves
to loving God, His word, His people and His mission.
Time, Place and Attendance
The Board of Trustees of the Orlando Church of Christ, Inc. was duly convened and held a regular meeting at the time, on the day, and at the place set forth as follows:
Time:6:00 p.m., Local Time
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2016
Place: Orlando Church of Christ Multipurpose Facility
2400 South Goldenrod Road
Orlando, FL 32822
The following Board members were present: Reggie Price, Lucas Morris, Brandon Redler, Eddie Francis, Lisa Powell, and Richard Runge. Also in attendance was J.P. Tynes (Lead Evangelist).Doug Kelly was not in attendance. Jeff Sabotin chaired the meeting.
Call to Order and Quorum
Jeff Sabotin called the meeting to order at 6:26p.m. Eddie Francisdetermined a quorum was present.
Appointment/Election of Officers
Lisa Powell volunteered and was appointed Secretary
Review of Minutes
Reggie Pricemoved for the approval of the minutes from the January 28, 2016 Board Meeting. Brandon Redlerseconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.
The chair introduced the Agenda (attached) for the meeting.
Report on Action Items
Action Items
1.All Trustees–Read before the next board meeting the Amended and Restated Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of Orlando Church of Christ.Board members who have not yet done this are asked to Read the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation prior to the next board meeting
2.J.P. Tynes– Find out who is affected by the FSLA Policy and whether or not time sheets need to be kept for affected employees.J.P. Tynes and Eddie Frances will attend a training session on April 7that Gray Robinson from 7:45 – 12.
3.Richard Runge – Put together a proposal regarding electronic social media and policies for the next Board meeting. Richard has been working on this. The document provided by Bill was more relevant for employees. Richard will continue working on drafting policy for staff and work on general wording suggestions for membership for the next meeting.
4.Doug Kelly – Bring a final resolution to the next meeting with a proposed list of participants that would begin working on both a short term (5-10 year) and a long term (10 year +) plan for our church property.Tabled until the next meeting.
5.Eddie Francis–Forward the work proposal for the Facilities Manager role to Kathy Crites for inclusion in the 2016 budget.Eddie Francis did complete this and Tristan Hiers has received the paperwork and is in the process of filling it out.
6.Richard Runge & Eddie Francis – Rework the Corporate Governance policy with assistance from John Bringardner (cost permitting) before the next Board meeting.Richard and Eddie have not yet spoken to John Bringardner but will continue to review and edit Chapter 3.0 (Corporate Governance). Discussion continued working on reviewing/editing these in parallel. The editing needed is to remove ICOC specific verbiage. Eddie will check with Odessa and Kathy to see if any of these have already been updated. VII. a.
7.All Trustees – Update the Board Directory. Completed.
Review Financial Statements
End of Year Variance Report, Year-to-Date interim statements, and Jan/Feb Operating Statement for Space Coast were provided. J.P. reviewed these year-to-date statements with the Board. Question was discussed from the variance report. Why was 5,276.77 left in the Worship Ministry category?1
Weekly Offerings were also discussed. Notes for that discussion appear below in VIII d.
Review Policies & Procedures
- Corporate Governance –Discussion started with Corporate Governance but then expanded to assigning different chapters to various Board Members for review/edit in parallel. See notations made for action item 6. Eddie Francis will check with Odessa and Kathy to see if any chapters in the Minimum Standards [Corporate, Financial, and Risk Management Policies and Procedures Applicable to Church Operations] have been updated.2 and 3
Chapter / Title / Assigned for review/edit
01.00 / Introduction
02.00 / Organizational Structure
03.00 / Corporate Governance / Richard and Eddie
04.00 / General Workplace Policies / Reggie Price
05.00 / Employment Policies, Hiring & Firing / Reggie Price
06.00 / Housing (Parsonage) Allowance
07.00 / Employee Benefit Administration
08.00 / Time Off and Leaves of Absence
09.00 / Reimbursement of Expenses / Lisa Powell
10.00 / Out of Town Travel Reimbursement / Lisa Powell
11.00 / Moving Expense Reimbursement / Lisa Powell
12.00 / Budgeting
13.00 / Cash Management / Brandon Redler
14.00 / Accounting Information Systems / Jeff Sabotin
15.00 / Cash Receipts / Brandon Redler
16.00 / Fixed Assets / Lucas Morris
17.00 / Cash Disbursement Accounting Controls / Brandon Redler
18.00 / Benevolence & Financial Assistance / Eddie Francis
19.00 / Membership Directories
20.00 / Risk Management Program
21.00 / Youth Ministry Guidelines
22.00 / Church Property & Management / Lucas Morris
23.00 / Records Retention/Document Management
24.00 / Intellectual Property / Reggie Price
25.00 / Charitable Solicitation/Fundraising
26.00 / Information System Policies / Reggie Price
Items/Resolutions for
- Annual Audit Report (CRI)–The audit report for 2015 provided by Carr Riggs and Ingram was reviewed. Reggie Price moved to accept the audit report. Richard Runge seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.
- Building Use Policy (Internal and External)–Previously policy was set to not rent the building out externally and to have limited internal use for members only (i.e. weddings, funerals). Eddie Frances moved to prohibit building use for external groups and only allow for limited use for active members. This policy should be added as a written policy at some point. Reggie Price seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.
- Lease Termination Costs –Eddie Francis moved to ratify Board decision (made via email on March 2nd) to pay early lease termination costs incurred by Joseph Bruno of $662.90. Richard Runge seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.
- Weekly Offerings–In addition to the YTD offering report, J.P. Tynesprovided information comparing 2015 YTD averages and 2016 YTD averages. Discussion took place on possible causes for the decrease in offerings. Discussion also took place on looking at offerings by region by week. Discussion also included printing the newsletter for the month of April. J.P. Tynes discussed his thoughts on possible savings if changes need to be made due to offering decline.4
- [Redacted]
- Disciples Today Support–Lucas Morris moved to donate $3500 to support Disciples Today as long as this is an existing line item in the 2016 budget. Eddie Frances seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.5
- 2020 WDS –J. P. Tynes and Jeff Sabotin gave a report on the ICOC Delegates Meeting they attended in Los Angeles last week. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that had been sent by the Orlando Church has not been signed at this time. Mike Taliaferro has not yet reviewed the MOU.
Risk Assessment
- Outstanding items - An incident reportwas submitted for the following individuals: [Redacted]
Board Training
Nothing new to report.
Officer records all discussion, votes and Resolutions
Schedule Next Meeting of the Board
The next meeting of the Board will be held on May 19, 2016, at 6:00 pm at the Orlando Church of Christ Multipurpose Facility.
Adjourn the Meeting
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:57p.m. on a motion byEddie Francis. Richard Rungeseconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
Action Items
1.J.P. Tynes– Find out if $5,276.77 is accurate as unused in Worship Ministry category in the 2015 budget.
2.Eddie Francis - Check with Odessa and Kathy to see if any standards have been updated and Eddie will send out the standards to the Board members in electronic format.
3.All Trustees and J.P. Tynes – review/edit of assigned chapters from Minimum Standards [Corporate, Financial, and Risk Management Policies and Procedures Applicable to Church Operations]
4.J.P. Tynes - will get Regional breakout of Offering and forward it to the Board members
5.J.P. Tynes - will check to see if $3500 is budgeted as a donation for Disciples Today in the 2016 budget
6.Eddie Francis –[Redacted]
7.Doug Kelly – Bring a final resolution to the next meeting with a proposed list of participants that would begin working on both a short term (5-10 year) and a long term (10 year +) plan for our church property.
Agenda for the Meeting
of the Board of Trustees of
Orlando Church of Christ, Inc.
A Florida Nonprofit Religious Corporation
Mission Statement
In view of God’s grace and mercy, we devote ourselves
to loving God, His word, His people and His mission.
March 24, 2016
- Call to Order
- Corporate Secretary Determines whether Quorum is Present
- Appointment/Election of Officers
- Review Minutes from Previous Meeting
- Report on Action Items
- Review Financial Statements
- Review Policies & Procedures
- Corporate Governance
- Items/Resolutions for Discussion/Ratification/Approval
- Annual Audit Report (CRI)
- Building Use Policy (Internal and External)
- Lease Termination costs
- Weekly Offerings
- [Redacted]
- Disciples Today Support
- 2020 WDS
- Risk Assessment
- Outstanding Items
- Board Training
- Officer records all discussions, votes and resolutions
- Schedule date and time for next meeting
- Adjourn the meeting
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