Minutes of the EC meeting held at IVS Office , NASC Complex, Pusa campus, New Delhi on 23.02.2016
The EC meeting was attended byProf A.K. Prasad, President; Prof M.P. Yadav, Ex-President, IVS; Prof N. Rishi, Ex-President, IVS : Dr G.P. Rao, General Secretary; Dr YPS Malik, Secretary; Dr R. Selvarajan, Secretary; Dr Bikas Mandal , Chief Editor; Dr VG Malathi, TNAU, Special Invitee ; Dr M.K. Krishnareddy, IIHR, Bangalore; Dr T. Makesh Kumar, CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram and Dr Amlendu Ghosh, IARI, New Delhi as Special Invitee .
I.Prof Anil K Prasad, President, Indian Virological Society welcomed the EC members
II.Proceedings of last EC meeting was read and approved.
III.EC discussed and approved the theme ““Evolution of Viruses: Management Challenges” for the VIROCON 2016International Conf to be held at IIHR, Bangalore from Dec 7-10, 2016 and matter for first announcement and also suggested for different tentative technical sessions for each discipline of virology . Registration fee structure was also discussed and approved.
Suggested Thematic
Ø Diversity and Evolution of Viruses
Ø Host-virus-vector Interactions
Ø Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Diseases
Ø Evolution of Diagnostic Techniques in Viral Diseases
Ø Status of Vaccines and Therapeutics in Virus Disease Control
Ø Academia, Industry Interaction in Virus Research
Ø Strategies for Management of Viral Disease of Man, Animals, Fish and Plants
RegistrationFee details for VIROCON 2016
Participants / Before 31thOct, 2016 / Spot Registratio0nFor Indians / For Foreigners / For Indians / For Foreigners
Industries / Rs. 8000/- / $ 350 / Rs. 9000/- / $ 400
Students / Rs. 3000/- / $ 150 / Rs. 4000/- / $ 200
IVS-members (Retired) / Rs. 5000/- / ------ / Rs. 5000/- / ------
General Registration / Rs. 6000/- / $ 250 / Rs. 7000/- / $ 300
IV.EC also approved that at least 30% of registration money collected for VIROCON 2016 shall be submitted to IVS a/c.
V.EC approved the proposal ofInternational Conference of IVS at Sarawak, Malaysiafrom 17-19, Nov 2016along with collaboration of Sivaram Foundation, Bangalore. EC approved that 10% of collected registration money (up to 100 delegates), 15% (up to 200 delegates) and 20% (for 200 and above delegates) will be credited to IVS a/c. The theme of the conference was decided and approved as “Virus Diseases : One Health One World”. Sivaram Foundation has been agreed forproviding all expenses for two IVS EC members. Besides they agreed upon for providing reduced registration fee for the IVS members. Regular Registration US $ 400 ( IVS member US$ 250.00), Students US$ 250.00 ( IVS members US$ 150.00) . A first brochure of the conference will be designed and circulated in first week of March 2016.
VI.EC disapproved the request of Dr Celia for her request of reimbursement of airfare for attending VIROCON 2015 at Shillongfrom IVS funds.
VII.EC also approved to write a letter to the Prof Anil Phukan, Organising Secretary VIROCON 2015 at NIMGRIHIMS for the reimbursement of advance money of Rs 150000.00 at earliest.
VIII.EC also approved to organize aseriesof invited lectures in 2016 at time of 25thAnniversaryward at different institutions and organizations all over India and abroad. EC also decided to pay a token amount to the organizing institute for the arrangement of invited lectures/ seminars.
IX. EC has approved to organize a half day program on "Influenza Awareness & Prevention" as a mark for Prof. A K Prasad's 80th Birthday.
IX.EC also approved the increase of salary of Mr Anand Kumar Chaubey, Editorial/Officer Manager from Rs 15,000.00 to Rs 20,000.00 w.e.f. 1.3.2016.
X.Vote of thanks by Dr G.P. Rao, Secretary, IVS.
G.P. Rao