Initial CLU study questionnaire:
lifetime Occupational History and
Selected SiLica-Specific Task and Materials-based questions
Now I’m going to ask you about your jobs and about some materials that you may have handled.
E1. Have you ever worked at a job outside YES[E3] 1
of the home for at least 1 year? NO 2
[IF NO:]
E2. Have you worked in a job training YES 1
program for at least 1 year? NO[E15] 2
Let’s start with the first job (or job training program) you held for at least one year.
Also tell me about jobs you might have held seasonally for a few years.
E3.What was the job title of the (1st/2nd/etc.) job you held for 1 year or longer? / E4.
What kind of company or organization (did/do) you work for?
What did your part of the (co./org.) specialize in, that is, what did they make or do? / E5.
What were your main activities or duties as a (JOB TITLE)? / E6.
In what year did you start working at that job?
01. JOB 1 /
Industry /
Occupation / Start
02. JOB 2 /
Industry /
Occupation / Start
03. JOB 3 /
Industry /
Occupation / Start
04. JOB 4 /
Industry /
Occupation / Start
05. JOB 5 /
Industry /
Occupation / Start
Page repeats for jobs 6-10
E7.In what year did that job end? / E8.
How many hours per week (did/do) you work? / E9.
How many months per year (did/do) you work at this job?
year / hours/wk / months/yr
year / hours/wk /
year / hours/wk /
year / hours/wk /
year / hours/wk /
year /
hours/wk /
E10. / E11. / E12. / [IF YES TO E12:]
Did you work mostly days, evenings, nights (from 11pm to 7am or a close variation), or rotating shifts at this job? / Did you work outside in the sun for at least 10 hours per week for at least 3 months of the year?
Y N DK / Was your work area noticeably dusty? / E13.
Was the dust from ground dirt or something else?
Y N DK / E14.
Did you usually use a mask or respirator?
Days 1
Evenings 2
Nights 3
Rotating, day/eve 4
Rotating, day/night 5 / 1 2 8 / YES 1
NO 2
DK 8 / Dirt 1 2 8
Other 1 2 8
/ Mask 1 2 8
Respirator 1 2 8
Days 1
Evenings 2
Nights 3
Rotating, day/eve 4
Rotating, day/night 5 / 1 2 8 / YES 1
NO 2
DK 8 / Dirt 1 2 8
Other 1 2 8
/ Mask 1 2 8
Respirator 1 2 8
Days 1
Evenings 2
Nights 3
Rotating, day/eve 4
Rotating, day/night 5 / 1 2 8 / YES 1
NO 2
DK 8 / Dirt 1 2 8
Other 1 2 8
/ Mask 1 2 8
Respirator 1 2 8
Days 1
Evenings 2
Nights 3
Rotating, day/eve 4
Rotating, day/night 5 / 1 2 8 / YES 1
NO 2
DK 8 / Dirt 1 2 8
Other 1 2 8
/ Mask 1 2 8
Respirator 1 2 8
Page repeats for jobs 6-10.
Just to be sure that we haven’t missed any jobs that might have been part of your working experience,
I would like to read you a list of some industries. Please tell me if you ever worked in any of these industries, even if you have already told me about specific jobs in that industry, or even if you worked for only a few months.
E15.Did you ever work at any of these jobs....
[IF YES, ASK E16 - E18.]
Y N DK / E16.
At what age were you first employed in (INDUSTRY)?
f. glass manufacturing? 1 2 8
g. pottery, ceramics, or 1 2 8
china manufacturing?
h. stone or brick mason, 1 2 8
brick layer, or in a quarry?
i. sandblasting or abrasive 1 2 8
grinding of rocks or stone?
j. other grinding, of glass or 1 2 8
other material?
l. mining? 1 2 8
m. manufacturing of scouring powder 1 2 8
or other cleansers?
n. manufacturing of plastics,
petroleum products, rubber, 1 2 8
chemicals, or dyes?
o. paint manufacturing or 1 2 8
commercial painting?
q. manufacturing cosmetics or 1 2 8
r. as an artist or sculptor 1 2 8
working with clay?
v. house cleaning, maid, janitor, 1 2 8
or other cleaning worker?
x. landscaping or gardening? 1 2 8
bb. dental lab or office? 1 2 8
For each positive response to E15 a – ff, also collect information on E17 and E18,
specifying number of years and months per year worked
E17.How many years did you work in (INDUSTRY)?
[01 = < 1 YR]
#YEARS / E18.
About how many months per year did you work?
Now I’m going to read you a list of chemicals and other compounds that you may have used at least once a week on any job.
At least once a week on a job, have you used or worked with...
[IF YES, ASK E23-E26.]
Y N DK / E23.
What age were you when you started using (MATERIAL)?
Y N DK Age / E24.
How many years in total did you use (MATERIAL)?
[00 = < 1 YR]
#YEARS / E25.
During the ____ years you used (MATERIAL), how many days per year did you use it?
#DAYS / E26.
While working with (MATERIAL), did you usually use special protective clothing, such as coveralls, gloves, or masks?
c. scouring powder or scouring cleanser (such as Comet or Ajax)? / 1 2 8 / 1 2 8
h. tile or fiberglass? / 1 2 8 / 1 2 8
i. clay? / 1 2 8 / 1 2 8
j. enamel? / 1 2 8 / 1 2 8