CARE Mozambique

Job Description

Potential Vacancy: Initiative Manager

Job Summary

The Initiative Manager will be responsible for the overall management and coordination of implementation of the above initiative, including (i) managing all program resources (HR, financial, assets, etc) as per CARE’s and the donor’s regulations (ii) coordinating all program activities thereby ensuring coherence between project components, timely and quality implementation of and reporting on project activities (iii) implementation of an M&E system that will allow for reliable data collection, the capture of knowledge and learning, measuring project outcomes throughout the life of the project and for informing the development of advocacy briefs (vi) promoting and coordinating effective collaboration with other CARE initiatives as well as with other relevant partners.

Responsibilities and Tasks

Job Responsibility # 1: Initiative management (30%)

Key Tasks:

1.1.  Drawing from the objectives and agreed upon key activities in the project proposal, develop detailed yearly and quarterly implementation plans and related budgets;

1.2.  Ensure DIPs (Detailed Implementation Plans) are followed and closely monitored to implement activities within the agreed timeframes and with available resources and immediately report any problems or deviations from plans;

1.3.  Identify implementation partners and coordinate signing of agreements with them; manage relationships with these partners to ensure deliverables are met timely and with the required quality; Ongoing review and assessment of partners performance and provision of support as needed;

1.4.  Ensure logistics for all training, capacity building, research and other events have been prepared and organized in line with CARE’s & the donor internal procedures and to create the best possible environment and conditions for participants in these different events;

1.5.  Responsible for all the initiatives’ resources management (HR as mentioned above, financial management, assets management, etc) in line with CARE’s and the donor’s rules and regulations. This involves financial management of funds allocated to this initiative, including rational use of resources according to approved budget and activity plan, reviewing monthly expenditure reports and reporting any problems to finance team in relation to monthly expenditure reports and collaborating with Finance to ensure timely submission of financial reports to the donor. It also includes overseeing all project procurement processes in line with both CARE and the donor’s procurement rules.

Job Responsibility # 2: Management of sub-agreements/contracts with partners (25%)

Key Tasks:

2.1.  Ensure scopes of work are developed for partners and that sub agreements which are in line with CARE’s sub agreement policy are signed with them, following a due diligence process and organizational assessment;

2.2.  Ensure partners have in-depth knowledge of CARE tools and models related to project activities through training, specifically Conservation Agriculture, Farmer Field Schools, promoter fee for service system, Gender equality and empowerment, climate change vulnerability and assessment tools, village savings and loans methodology. Where no such tool or model exists, ensure that new tools which are in line with CARE and program objectives are developed;

2.3.  Ensure that partners are involved in consultancies with relation to programs’ activities in specific areas as deemed necessary;

2.4.  Ensure a smooth flow of communication between all local partners with staff, government partners and other CARE project implementing in the same area for fostering a relation of trust, mutuality, joint learning, accountability and transparency; this will be done through formal joint planning, evaluation and sharing events (e.g. start up meeting, bi annual reviews, etc), other more bilateral interactions (regular visits to individual partners, joint field visits, etc);

2.5.  Establish a steering committee with relevant stakeholders and partners and ensure that this committee functions effectively;

2.6.  Ensure on-going capacity building especially for local partners, at both organizational and technical level;

2.7.  Liaise with other CARE projects and ensure synergies are as much as possible built with this initiative particularly with the projects working in the same communities; Ensure similar participants are targeted to receive a comprehensive package of support and services

Job Responsibility # 3: Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation (15%)

Key Tasks:

3.1.  Ensure a result based monitoring and evaluation system is developed, with the engagement of local partners and the development of a learning system that not only generates quantitative data but allows for ongoing collection of participants views on the programs relevance and success;

3.2.  Ensure that project indicators capture aspects of gender, nutrition and community vulnerability and assessment measures and that the on going M&E system captures these trends or changes for learning purposes.

3.3.  Ensure CARE and partner staff are trained on the developed monitoring and evaluation system;

3.4.  Coordinate and manage the design of the base line, mid term review and end line, with support from the M&E and learning advisor;

3.5.  Support the M&E and learning advisor to develop and maintain a sound M&E system with SMART indicators allowing to track initiative progress and the level of achievements of results at both output and outcome levels;

3.6.  Facilitate and document quarterly project reviews with key partners and stakeholders of the steering committee and ensure these reviews inform project implementation and are used to improve project quality;

3.7.  Support M&E and learning advisor position to document experience from the field to inform advocacy briefs, success stories and human interest stories targeted at key ministries; Review and improve on advocacy briefs and all stories produced by the project.

Job Responsibility # 4: Consultants Management- (10%)

promote and coordinate effective communication and collaboration across CARE as well as with other relevant government and CSO partners

Key Tasks

4.1.  The initiative manager ensures that relevant consultancies aligned with project learning activities and technical support needs are identified and their terms of references are drawn;

4.2.  S/he oversees the procurement process for consultants and ensures that all selected consultants are briefed on project objectives, on their assignments and managed throughout the consultancy process, providing all available materials and resources which will assist the consultants in their work, ensuring logistics is arranged (e.g. transport, translation, etc);

4.3.  Ensures that all reports are delivered on time and critically reviews those suggesting corrections before sharing the report with other partners or CARE projects;

Job Responsibility # 5: Reporting- (15%)

promote and coordinate effective communication and collaboration across CARE as well as with other relevant government and CSO partners

Key Tasks

5.1.  Ensure timely and quality narrative reporting through a six monthly and annually reflective reporting schedule assessing results against set targets and objectives while ensuring that donor reporting requirements are met;

5.2.  Ensure that partners and staff are well aware of reporting requirements of the project and develop a working system that allows integration of partner reports in the six monthly and annual reports;

5.3.  Ensure quarterly financial reports are sent to the donor and that these are a true representation of field activities;

5.4.  Ensure that all reports from consultancies are shared with staff, government and local partners as well as other CARE projects engaged with similar or complementary activities;

Job Responsibility #5 Any other duties
·  Required
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in one of the following fields (sociology, anthropology, economic development, business administration, agricultural economics or related fields)
·  Desired
Specific qualifications in agricultural project management
Experience, Knowledge and skills
1.  At least 5 years practical experience with agricultural or socioeconomic development project management in rural Mozambique;
2.  At least 3 years senior management role at project level, preferably in an international development organization;
3.  Experience in operational research preferred (not as researcher but at least as coordinator, supervisor);
4.  Very strong community facilitation skills and familiarity with participatory rural appraisal tools and approaches and qualitative research tools;
5.  Strong analytical skills;
6.  Experience and commitment to working in partnership with others
7.  Effective Communication skills & people skills
8.  Proficiency in English and Portuguese and writing skills in both
9.  Strong understanding of gender and inequality issues
1.  Prior experience in the development and use of participatory social accountability tools and approaches
2.  Knowledge and experience in M&E
Integrity and Accountability √
Commitment √
Excellence √
Diversity and Respect √
Problem Solving
This position will be working with others which in some cases will require diplomacy and tact. The incumbent will therefore need to be tactful when faced with non-descriptive issues. Some activities require developing new tools, training modules.

How to apply ...

Are You are interested join CARE 's in its efforts to improve the rights of women and girls in Mozambique and the world? Please send us your updated CV and a motivation letter in Word format to: