MEMBERS PRESENT:Tom Shimizu, John Glauser, Dean Smart, Jerri Harwell, Sylvia Orton,

Gayle Conger, Bev Lund, Don Antczak, Carol Woodside

MEMBERS NOT PRESENT:Jerry Christiansen

OTHERS PRESENT:Linda Dunleavy, Assistant City Manager, Ann Eatchel, City Events ` Coordinator, Dan Metcalf, Public Relations Specialist

Tom Shimizu opened the meeting at 6:15 P.M. He welcomed Linda Dunleavy, Ann Eatchel and Dan

Metcalf. Mike Peterson, City Councilman asked to be excused from our meeting and Ms. Dunleavy

attended in his place. Ms. Eatchel and Mr. Metcalf were present to explain projects they wanted the

committee’s help for the ten year anniversary of the city.

Since John Glauser had to leave at 6:30 P.M. to attend another meeting he asked to share some

Written information he had from the Utah Heritage Foundation. Gayle Conger responded that

they had toured her home and property and she had been featured in their newsletter.

The committee would like to see many of the historic buildings, including The Old Mill, documented. For

the past two years we have missed the deadline for applying for a grant to cover the cost of a

professional doing a survey to identify the historic sites. We need to have all the material ready by the

first of the year so that once we get the application we can immediately apply.

In response to Mr. Shimizu’s concerns about term limits for our committee, Ms. Dunleavy advised us the

City Council is in the process of making a change in the ordinance so that participation and attendance will be considered when deciding if a member will be asked to stay on.

Ann Eatchel explained that since the anniversary is on a Thursday, January 15, 2015, it has been decided that the formal celebration which will include, the Governor, Senators, Representatives, and other City Mayors, will be held on Friday, January 16th at the Butler Middle School. On Saturday the 17th the celebration will move to the Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center and will be a fun night for families. She would like our committee to have a photo display in the foyer at the Middle School. This display will then be moved to the Rec Center.

There is a 5 year anniversary video by Chad Booth that covers that period of time. This would be a good resource to use as well as photos taken by Bob Warnick. Linda Dunleavy will also search the City’s photos once we have a timeline of important events. Don Antczak suggested using Leanne Stillman as a source since she documented the special events during the time she was City Manager.

Dan Metcalf is working on a special enlarged City Newsletter for January 2015. There will be a centerfold which will have a timeline along the bottom of the page noting the events that stand out in our history. He would like our committee to come up with those bullets for the timeline along with paragraphs describing them. There could also be photos used in the timeline. He wants 600 to 800 words in a narrative covering our history. He will edit it if needed.

A committee was formed to work on the timeline and narratives. One-third of the timeline is to cover the history of the area, with two-thirds covering the last ten years, or the ten years of the City’s history. Gayle Conger will document the early years up to the time of incorporation and Jerri Harwell will take the lead in the last ten years. Carol Woodside and Sylvia Orton will help out as needed and also work on the photos for the display. The committee will meet weekly, if needed, to accomplish all that needs to be done by the end of November.

Dan Metcalf showed us the “Trail” brochure. He will email it to Ms. Conger to proof.

Mr. Metcalf also showed us a copy of one of the historic street signs. Several changes were recommended. Ms. Dunleavy asked Ms. Conger to email the new graphic artist regarding those changes.

Don Antczak reported on his assignment to call the Utah Historical Society in regards to finding out what is necessary in order to find a historian to work with our committee and write our history. He was unable to get much help, but will talk to our attorney to find out what information is needed to file a RFP.

There was a discussion regarding whether or not we will hold the regular committee meeting in November. It was decided that we would wait and see what progress has been made on our two projects for the anniversary celebration. If a meeting is held we would restrict it to working on the projects only.

Linda Dunleavy will search the files and find the “Historic Questions & Answers which have been missing in the last two newsletters. Jerri Harwell suggested that for the January newsletter we have a more current one dealing with our incorporation. This could be expanded for a couple of months depending on workload of the committee since we already have two years worth of “Historic Questions & Answers” that haven’t been used yet.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.