Minutes of the BurtonPidsea Parish Council Meeting held on

Monday 12th June 2017 at the Burton Pidsea Primary School

Present:Cllr S Willie in the Chair, Cllr K Sadler, Cllr P Barker, Cllr J Smith, Cllr D King, Cllr J Smales, Cllr N Taylor and Cllr S Parker

1703Public Participation session

There were no matters raised for discussion

1704Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr N Sellar

1705Declaration of Interests

i)To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

ii)To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below

There were no dispensations to note

1706Approval of the Minutes of a meeting held on 8th May 2017

The Minutes of a meeting held on 8th May were approved as a correct record of proceedings thereat

1707 Matters Pending

i)Hedge at “Tarinda” Jubilee Lane – it was reported that the hedge has been cut back – RESOLVED noted

ii)Pond - Millennium Park – clearance – matter ongoing

iii)Parking outside Burton Pidsea Primary School/school signage –the Chairman read a letter from a resident questioning the legality of the new signage provided outside the school. It was RESOLVED that a response be sent informing the resident that the signs were provided with the support of the head teacher, that they are not illegal as they are removable and they are not Police notices – they are polite notices

iv)20mph speed limit - there was nothing further to report at this time

v)Hedge – Bellsgarth Road – it was reported that the hedge has been cut back. It was RESOLVED that an item “overhanging hedges around the village” be on the next agenda

vi)Training – use of speed cameras by the public – next agenda pending a visit from the Police

vii)Grass Verge at Black Bull – the Chairman read a letter from ERYC confirming that the land owner at this location cannot be established therefore ERYC are unable to carry out any maintenance work – RESOLVED noted

viii)The new drain and Environment Agency – the Chairman read a letter from the Environment Agency confirming that the Burton Pidsea flood alleviation scheme (new drain) will not be shown on EA flood zone maps as this type of scheme is not routinely shown. It was RESOLVED that a letter be sent to ERYC asking that they provide a letter to residents for insurance purposes stating that a flood alleviation scheme has been developed following the floods in 2007

ix)Car Park – Glebelands – it was reported that this work has been completed – RESOLVED noted

x)Roadside bank collapsing between “Springfield” and drain bridge due to road traffic – next agenda pending the receipt of a response from ERYC

xi)Footpath outside “The Chestnuts” and “Woodstock” – uneven -next agenda pending the receipt of a response from ERYC

1708Bus Service to Hedon

Cllr N Taylor informed members that the bus service is now only in operation one day each week and sets off fromRoos – RESOLVED noted

1709Accounts for payment June 2017

Salaries May£160.00

A Armstronglighting x 2£80.00

It was RESOLVED that the above accounts for the month of June be noted

1710Wind Farm Funds

Cllr P Barker informed members that a letter of thanks sent to the funding panel from the Church was not referred to at a recent meeting. It was RESOLVED that Cllr K Sadler raise this matter at the next funding panel meeting

1711Planning Matters

16/04041/PLF Erection of stables/barn, construction of a manege and erection of access gates (AMENDED PLANS) at Land East Of Charohnda Southfield Lane Elstronwick East Riding Of Yorkshire HU12 9AA – RESOLVED support

Planning Decision - 17/00740/PLF | Erection of extension to front with balcony over, alterations to windows and erection of balcony to side | Gatehouse Cottage Carr Road Burton Pidsea East Riding Of Yorkshire HU12 9DH – DECISION – APPROVED – RESOLVED noted

Planning Decision - 16/03941/PLF | Erection of two detached dwellings and garages | Land South Of The Black Bull Main Road Burton Pidsea East Riding Of Yorkshire HU12 9AX – DECISION – APPROVED – Following discussion it was RESOLVED that a letter be sent to ERYC in relation to this application asking that they clarify their thoughts on the safety of access/egress to this site/proposed development in relation to the school opposite and asking that, if Burton Pidsea Parish Council’s worries are realised and an accident occurs, what will their response/reaction be?

1712 Cemetery/Churchyard

i) to receive a report from Mrs C Taylor for the month of June 2017 – there was nothing to report at this time

ii)“Garden” plot – the Chairman informed members that the cemetery supervisor does not consider that there are any problems with plots at this time – RESOLVED noted with no further action

iii)Churchyard – a)grass cutting – the Chairman read a letter from ERYC regarding grass cutting in the church yard. It was RESOLVED that a response be sent thanking ERYC for agreeing to review the grass cutting in the church yard

b)broken gate – the Chairman read a letter from ERYC detailing proposals to repair the broken gate/fence. It was RESOLVED that ERYC be advised that, due to the church being a grade I listed building they should inform English Heritage and the York Diocese of any proposed repairs prior to commencing work

c)cleaning of war graves – it was RESOLVED that the clerk contact the War Graves Commission to clarify who they provide funds to for cleaning of war graves

1713 Parish Paths Partnership

i)Bridleway no. 3 - next agenda

ii)Footpath No 1 – finger post – the Chairman reported that this work has been completed – RESOLVED noted

iii)Woodland –a) it was reported that thee trees in the Millenium Wood require inspection/work – it was RESOLVED that the clerk report this matter to the Woodland Trust

b) it was reported that a tree on the bridleway to the rear of St Peters Walk requires attention – it was RESOLVED that Cllr J Smales report the matter to Mr R Lewis

1714Memorial Hall

i)New build – to receive a cost breakdown/parish council percentage contribution details – information having been circulated the Chairman stated that the absolute maximum that could/would be required as a contribution towards the new build would be £41k and following discussion it was RESOLVED that this information be noted

ii)Playground – Cllr N Taylor confirmed that any work on the play area would not commence until after the new build project was completed, however, grant applications would be made during the intervening period – RESOLVED noted

(Cllr J Smales left the meeting at this point)

1715Matters raised by members of the public

i)Advertising signage – Memorial Hall – Cllr N Taylor to discuss this matter with the Memorial Hall Cttee

ii)Back Lane – 30mph speed signs not visible – Cllr S Parker to prune back grass/hedging


There was no correspondence

1717Information/Future Business

There was no information/future business