Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II

2009-11 Program Review & Unit Planning Years 2 or 3

Unit/Area: Financial Aid Office (FAO)

Division/Area to Which You Report: Student Services

Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Kathryn Linzmeyer, Financial Aid Director

Today’s Date: March 30, 2009

School Year Program Review Completed: 2007-09

Audience: IPBC; Program Review Committee; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee

Purpose: To provide evidence of progress from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years.

Instructions: If you have completed your first year of program review, please answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made.

1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original (Y1) Program Review conclusions.

1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these conclusions?

From our last Unit Plan, we achieved our outreach goals of increasing the numbers of students applying for and receiving financial aid, realizing a 25% increase in a two year period. We implemented one of our technology goals with the debit card method for a more rapid and automated distribution of financial aid refunds. We continue to seek and provide better methods of advisement and communication with our students.
With increased federal/state mandates, increased volume of student applicants, and increased requests for manual intervention and recalculation of student eligibility, we need to obtain additional division (campus or district) resources to fund staff positions to provide continuous and timely services to students, without which we will see the effect of students not enrolling or dropping out when unable to get the financial aid services needed in a timely manner. This is discussed further in Part V(a).
We have collected data over a several year period that demonstrates our success, and our needs. 2009-10 initial application data proves that more students are applying, as we have 4236 applications on our first download, as compared to 2474 for 2007-08 (71% increase).

2. What have you been able to accomplish this year? How are these accomplishments related to your previous program review and unit planning work?

Goals and Objectives from our 2007-09 Unit Plan (revision March 15, 2008) included
1)  Enhance outreach opportunities in the community to ensure that financial concerns are one less obstacle to achieving students’ educational goals (Strategic Plan Goal A1, A2, and A3)
a.  We focused financial aid presentations in area high schools, human services agencies and non-traditional prospective students in the community during fall and spring campaigns; all outreach bilingual (English/Spanish)
b.  Chabot’s Financial Aid “Cash for College” program is a model in the East Bay
c.  We have created an increased and recognizable presence on campus and in the community to make financial aid more accessible
i.  Results: from 2006-07 to current point in 2008-09, we have seen a 25% increase in number of student applicants using the federal application for financial aid, 33% increase in number of students to whom we disbursed a Federal Pell Grant, and a 28% increase to the number of students who have had their fees waived through the California BOG Fee Waiver program.
2)  Provide financial aid on a fair and equitable basis, and award state and federal financial aid in compliance with applicable state and federal rules and regulations (Strategic Plan Goal B3)
a.  Consistently adhere to policy of addressing student files as we advise students in person, or in the order received.
b.  Exceptions are made when working with special cohorts of students, per college priorities and strategies.
i.  Even when we are most impacted, students trust that our office is treating them fairly.
c.  We work closely with our auditors, staff, and state programs to ensure that we identify potential areas of concern and remedy them for ongoing accuracy and compliance.
d.  We continue to improve instruction, policies and procedures, and communication with students and staff to be consistent and effective.
e.  Multilingual financial aid staff provide services in English, Spanish, Chinese
3)  Utilize and incorporate available technology to improve efficiency and communication (Strategic Plan Goal D5)
a.  Investment of time, talents and resources now will result in long-term benefits to provide more timely and consistent processes and communication in the awarding and disbursement of financial aid. The traditional manual nature of work takes up too much staff time, which would be better utilized in student advisement
b.  We implemented a debit card method of financial aid disbursement in August 2008 to provide delivery of needed resources to our students in a more timely manner than previous manual check method employed by the district.

3. What are your new or continuing unit goals? What do you plan on accomplishing? Please detail how you will accomplish these goals in the timeline on the next page.

Continued goals and objectives are to:
1)  Improve timeliness and quality of services
a.  Revisit our workflow and division of staff duties as program requirements, mandates and volume shifts and changes, to ensure quality and timeliness of our financial aid services, while still ensuring compliance with all state and federal financial aid regulations
i.  Combine with Goal #2, to reduce the amount of manual review and labor with automation of repetitious actions
ii. Look at other financial aid office models of workflow and organization
iii.  Obtain division / college funds to provide additional staffing for increased volume of applicants and program requirements
2)  Utilize and incorporate available technology to improve efficiency in processing and awarding financial aid, and in communication with our students (Strategic Plan D.5.d)
a.  Due to limitations on college and district resources, several of our goals have not been met, and are ongoing into the next cycle of planning.
i.  “Beta Test” Luminous emailing option to improve timely communication with students
ii. Automate awarding and allow online student authorization
iii.  OCR-capable imaging system for immediate “filing” and availability of heavy volume of incoming paperwork
iv.  Work with 3CBG (CA Banner schools) to accelerate implementation of electronic BOG, and ensure CLPCCD makes this a priority in its ITS planning
3)  Review options for providing augmented financial aid advising to students for better understanding and academic success
a.  Reach students and their families about financial aid options, including need for early and accurate application
i.  We are in the process of developing a financial aid orientation and checklist to assist us in meeting the advisement needs of our students, for both financial and academic eligibility; focus on Basic Skills students, Veterans, Foster Youth, late applicants, academic and athletic cohorts, and students in jeopardy of losing eligibility due to failure to meet academic standards.
ii. Creating online or multimedia communication and education (i.e. text messaging, video “how to’s”, podcasting, etc.) for the “youtube” generation
4)  Increase the number of students we reach on campus and in the community to provide financial aid services, to provide exceptional service and advisement to our students, and to increase the use of technology and automation for accurate, ddfadfds, and timely financial aid awards to eligible students
a.  continue collaborative efforts with campus divisions and services units for seamless support services
b.  goal to improve student retention, incorporate financial aid message alongside that of other units, and increase campus knowledge of institution’s Title IV requirements
c.  increase campus education on available financial aid programs and services
d.  cross train student services staff and counselors on basic financial aid

4. How do these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals?

All of our goals and objectives meet campus strategic plan goals of improving student success and retention, specifically:
GOAL A: Awareness & Access - Build awareness of Chabot’s academic excellence, and ensure access to education for all who seek it.
A1 Increase familiarity of Chabot and its programs throughout the community.
a.  Expand marketing & recruitment of students in our service area
c.  Continue presence at community-wide events
A2 Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education.
a.  Target outreach and recruitment efforts to underrepresented students
b.  Provide comprehensive matriculation and support services for first-time and underrepresented college students (e.g., Daraja/Umoja and Puente/HSI)
c.  Focus efforts on increasing completion for underrepresented students
A3 Promote early awareness and college readiness to youth and families.
a.  Expand outreach to middle & high school students
c.  Foster and support activities that increase the awareness of financial aid options and financial literacy skills for students and families
d.  Promote the Early Decision program to students and families
GOAL B: Student Success - Provide high-quality programs and services so all students can reach their educational and career goals
B1 Strengthen basic skills development as a foundation for success.
a.  Increase persistence from basic skills to college-level courses
d.  Expand follow-up services
B3 Support programs and initiatives that increase the success for all students in our diverse community.
GOAL D: Vision, Leadership & Innovation - Be an educational leader by continuously supporting and improving learning in our diverse institution.
D5 Provide safe, secure and up-to-date facilities and technology.
d.  Improve electronic communication systems on campus to disseminate important information quickly

5. Solution: How will you accomplish your goals?

Unit Action Plan Timeline

No. / Timeline / Milestone Activity / Person(s) Responsible / Accomplished?
In Progress* / Revised?
Yes / No
If yes, list revision year / Do you need additional funds to support this activity?
If, yes, what type?** /
1 / Six months (for 0910 budget) / Provide timely and accurate advisement, processing and awarding of federal and state financial aid programs to increased volume of students, including targeted populations, such as anticipated influx of veterans, former foster youth, and those affected by the economy (layoffs, etc.)
·  State and federal focus on Veteran’s services (anticipated heavy influx, from new legislated veteran’s benefits and deactivation from active duty)
·  State focus on former Foster Youth
·  Increased loan regulations and application volume
·  Increased volume of students requesting recalculation of eligibility due to layoff or other significant changes in family circumstances in these economically trying times / Kathy Linzmeyer
Financial Aid Office staff / In Progress / Yes –
2009-10 / Yes - Staffing
2 / Six to 12 months / Utilize and incorporate available technology to improve efficiency in processing and awarding financial aid
·  emailing option
·  electronic BOG process
·  OCR imaging system / Kathy Linzmeyer
Canice Auyeung
ITS / District staff / In Progress / Yes –
2009-10 / Need commitment from ITS as priority, rather than funds
3 / Six to 12 months / Increased advisement time to students, in office and group settings, especially for high risk populations, including:
·  those assessing into or taking basic skills courses,
·  those suspended from financial aid or funded on probationary status due to failure to meet academic progress requirements, or
·  those referred from elsewhere on campus. / Kathy Linzmeyer
Financial Aid Office staff / In Progress / Yes –
2009-10 / Yes – Staffing (see #1)

* Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.”

** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc…


Tabke II.A / FAFSA
(ISIRs) / Unduplicated headcount / $ - all funds (including scholarships & BOG) / Pell Grant / Cal Grant B/C / BOG Fee Waiver / Stafford Loans
Total # funded / Total $ disbursed / # Paid / $ Paid* / # Paid / $ Paid* / # / $$* / Loan Apps / Certified / $
00-01 (final) / 5,071 / 3,963 / $ 5,305,372 / 1,877 / $3,469,578 / 214 / $205,278 / 4,168 / $693,974 / 103 / $277,310
01-02 (final) / 5,349 / 4,124 / $ 6,348,470 / 1,995 / $4,216,589 / 330 / $363,712 / 4,058 / $685,779 / 123 / $350,468
02-03 (final) / 6,457 / 4,808 / $ 7,115,570 / 2,070 / $4,536,598 / 383 / $437,527 / 5,123 / $840,103 / 263 / 159 / $380,857
03-04 (final) / 6,988 / 5,127 / $ 8,258,708 / 2,161 / $4,927,174 / 433 / $501,338 / 5,662 / $1,411,873 / 370 / 194 / $726,938
04-05 (final) / 7,917 / 5,839 / $10,773,407 / 2,663 / $6,041,077 / 527 / $606,828 / 6,138 / $2,393,130 / 480 / 257 / $1,045,416
05-06 (final) / 8,363 / 5,761 / $10,336,767 / 2,470 / $5,488,755 / 566 / $614,531 / 5,964 / $2,364,797 / 514 / 276 / $1,143,590
06-07 (final) / 7,469 / 5,455 / $ 9,198,961 / 2,158 / $4,834,616 / 518 / $580,636 / 5,671 / $2,007,142 / 480 / 247 / $1,041,707
07-08 (final) / 7,999 / 5,898 / $10,694,284 / 2,697 / $5,947,141 / 533 / $584,526 / 6,197 / $1,849,239 / 618 / 324 / $1,496,634
08-09 (4/2/09) / 9,363 / 6,768 / $12,746,424 / 2,873 / $7,210,840 / 542 / $438,339 / 7,269 / $2,144,999 / 838 / 461 / $2,330,695
Cumulative change / +85% / +71% / +140% / +53% / +107% / +153% / +114% / +74% / +209% / +219% / +348% / +740%
*Note, $ amounts may reflect both increases/decreases in allowable award amounts as well as increases in number of recipients