The November 2009 General Meeting of Local Union l50l, I.B.E.W. was called to order at 4:45 P.M. on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at VFW Hall, 9800 Goodluck Rd., Lanham, MD. The meeting was called to order by President Dion Guthrie. Officers present were:Unit Chairman Local 1501-2 Bob Denhardt. Unit Recorder Robert Taminelli. There was a quorum of members in attendance.
President Guthrie asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the previous meeting. Hearing none, a motion was made to waive the reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting, motion seconded and carried. A motion was then made to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, (August 2009) as circulated, motion seconded and carried.
A motion was made to dispense with standard meeting actions and begin formal IBEW Local Union 1501 Office Nominations proceedings. The motion was seconded and carried. Unit Chairman Bob Denhardt began the proceedings:
NOMINATION OF OFFICERS – The nominations of officers is as follows:
Office / Nominee / ACCEPTED / Nominated byBusiness Manager/President-
Pension Advisory Board Member-President 1501 Building Corporation-Delegate to International Convention-Administrator Health & Welfare Plan / Dion Guthrie * / Yes / Shirley Adams, John Arter, Neil Becker, Anthony Behrens, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Delaney Burkart, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Bob Denhardt, Kathy Doyle, Jeffrey Dunn, George Fulton, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, William Iasielo, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Phyllis Kisser, Walter Leary, John Mause, Michael Micciolo, Lori Mooney, John Phillips, Walter Plesniak, Ramjit Ramrattan, Fred Richards, Jamie Ripley, Thomas Rostkowski, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Robert Taminelli, Julie Thomas, Rick Wilson, John Zebraski
Robert Harmon / Yes / Dustin Carter
Vice President / Fred Richards / Yes / Shirley Adams, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Dave Burtis, Michael Bullinger, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Dion Guthrie, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Phyllis Kisser, Walter Leary, John Mause, Lori Mooney, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Julie Thomas, Rick Wilson, John Zebraski
Recording Secretary / Thomas Rostkowski * / Yes / Kathy Doyle, Dion Guthrie
Financial Secretary / Jamie Ripley / Yes / Kathy Doyle, Dion Guthrie
Treasurer / George Fulton * / Yes / Steve Gauss, Dion Guthrie, Leonard Venzke, John Zebraski
Delegate to International Convention / Thomas Rostkowski / Yes / Dion Guthrie
Western Central District / William Iasiello * / Yes / Dion Guthrie
Northern District / Jeffrey Dunn * / Yes / Dion Guthrie
Mid Eastern District / Bob Denhardt / Yes / Shirley Adams, Nathan H. Allen, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Dion Guthrie, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Walter Leary, John Mause, Lori Mooney, John Peil, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Julie Thomas, Rick Wilson, Allen Winters, John Zebraski
Southern District / Anthony Behrens * / Yes / Dion Guthrie
Canada District / None Submitted
Unit 1501-2 ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation MSEC (N.A.S.A)
Chairman / Fred Richards / Yes / Shirley Adams, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Michael Bullinger, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Walter Leary, John Mause, Lori Mooney, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Julie Thomas, Rick Wilson, Allen Winters, John Zebraski
Sherrod Ware / Yes / Nathan Allen, Jeffry A. Borten, Rudolph L. Foxwell, John Peil
Vice Chairman / Jason Strawhorn / Yes / Shirley Adams, Nathan Allen, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Michael Bullinger, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain,Janet Cunningham, Rudolph L. Foxwell, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Walter Leary, John Mause, Lori Mooney, John Peil, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Julie Thomas, Sherrod Ware, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Recorder / Robert Taminelli / Yes / Shirley Adams, John Arter, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Rudolph L. Foxwell, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Phyllis Kisser, Lori Mooney, John Peil, Michael Micciolo, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Julie Thomas, Sherrod Ware, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Executive Committee
Neil Becker * / Yes / Shirley Adams, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Phyllis Kisser, Walter Leary, John Mause, Michael Micciolo, Lori Mooney, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Julie Thomas, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Delaney Burkart / Yes / Shirley Adams, Nathan Allen, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Phyllis Kisser, Walter Leary, John Mause, Michael Micciolo, Lori Mooney, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Julie Thomas, Sherrod Ware, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Bob Denhardt * / Yes / Shirley Adams, Nathan Allen, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffrey A. Borten, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Walter Leary, John Mause, Lori Mooney, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Julie Thomas, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Tony Keim / Yes / Tony Keim
Mike Micciolo / Yes / Nathan Allen, Rudolph L. Foxwell, Jason Strawhorn, Sherrod Ware
Walter Plesniak * / Yes / Shirley Adams, Nathan Allen, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Rudolph L. Foxwell, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Walter Leary, John Mause, Lori Mooney, John Peil, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Sherrod Ware, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Fred Richards * / No / Jeffry A. Borten, Rudolph L. Foxwell, Lori Mooney, John Peil, Sherrod Ware, Allan Winters
Executive Committee: Jackson & Tull / Janet Cunningham / Yes / Janet Cunningham
Executive Committee: Jackson & Tull / John Phillips / Yes / Shirley Adams, Nathan Allen, John Arter, Gary Bell, John Bishop, Jeffry A. Borten, Dave Burtis, Paula Cain, Janet Cunningham, Rudolph L. Foxwell, Brandon Gauss, Steve Gauss, Ved Gupta, Tom Huber, Charles Keeney, Richard Keim, Phyllis Kisser, Walter Leary, John Mause, Michael Micciolo, Lori Mooney, Ramjit Ramrattan, Andrew Scharmann, Charles Scharmann, Joseph Selba, Gary Sheridan, Jason Strawhorn, Julie Thomas, Sherrod Ware, Rick Wilson, Allan Winters, John Zebraski
Nominations for Office of President/Business Manager were read into the record. The Nominees are Dion F. Guthrie and Robert Harmon. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of President/Business Manager was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Office of Vice President were read into record. The Nominee is Fred Richards. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of Vice President was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Office of Recording Secretary were read into records. The Nominee is Thomas Rostkowski. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to closed nominations for Office of Recording Secretary was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Office of Financial Secretary were read into record. The Nominee is Jamie Ripley. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of Financial Secretary was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Office of Treasurer were read into record. The Nominee is George Fulton. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of Treasurer was made. The motion was seconded and carried.
Nominations for Executive Board Southern District were read into record. The Nominee is Anthony Behrens. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Executive Board Southern District was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Executive Board Northern District were read into record. The Nominee is Jeffrey Dunn. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Executive Board Northern District was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Executive Board Western Central District were read into record. The Nominee is William Iasiello. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Executive Board Western Central District was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Executive Board Mid Eastern District were read into record. The Nominee is Robert Denhardt. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Executive Board Mid Eastern District was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Executive Board Canadian District were read into record. There was no one nominated. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Executive Board Canadian District was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Chairman Denhardt continued Unit 1501-2 Office Nominations proceedings. Nominations for Office of Chairman were read into record. The Nominee(s) are Fred Richards and Sherrod Ware. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of Chairman was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Office of Vice Chairman were read into record. The Nominee is Jason Strawhorn. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of Vice Chairman was made. A motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Office of Recorder were read into record. The Nominee is Robert Taminelli. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Office of Recorder was made. The motion was seconded and carried. Nominations for Executive Member Positions were read into record. The Nominee(s) are Neil Becker, Delaney Burkart, Bob Denhardt, Tony Keim, Mike Micciolo, Walter Plesniak, and Representing Jackson & Tull: Janet Cunningham and John Phillips. Chairman Denhardt indicated that the five (5) highest voted nominees would be the winners. No other valid nominations were submitted. A motion to close nominations for Executive Member Positions was made. The motion was seconded and carried.
A motion was made to close all nominations; the motion was seconded and carried. General discussion about Union Office Positions, Opinions, and Philosophies ensued. A motion was made and unanimously carried to have the Recording Secretary cast one (1) vote for all unopposed candidates. The Acting Recording Secretary then cast one (1) vote for each unopposed candidate for their office and then nominations proceedings were officially closed.
President Business Manager Dion Guthrie appointed the election judge as follows: Earl Brown, Jr. and tellers: Kathy Doyle, John Lugmayer and George Noble.
12/01/09 FROM: Dion F. Guthrie, Business Manager/President
I want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your contributions to the Committee on Political Education (C.O.P.E.) Program. I am enclosing the I.B.E.W. C.O.P.E. pin for 2009, though this is just a small token of our appreciation.
I know there are some of us who would rather not be involved in politics, to those I would only say remember, “If we can’t live with them, then we certainly can’t live without them.” Politics is involved in our everyday life and shapes our entire future and decides whether we have a job or not, or what kind of job, and what it pays. For example, for years, American workers have suffered the consequences of a trade treaty done the wrong way. The so-called North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), by nearly everyone’s measures, has resulted in massive job loss in the United States and downward pressure on wages and benefits in the jobs that remain. Our trade deficits with Mexico have reflected the loss of about 1,000,000 U.S. jobs. Labor was opposed to N.A.F.T.A. however, it takes C.O.P.E. dollars to fight this type of legislation. It also takes C.O.P.E. dollars to support those candidates who support the issues that keep members of our Local working. Again, I can’t thank you enough and keep up the good work for those who contribute and sign up a friend at work. Remember “1 Vote Counts.”
Sincerely yours, Dion F. Guthrie, Bus. Mgr./Pres.
9/22/09 Michael Fucheck, Esquire, Vice President/General Counsel, Amtote International, In., 11200 Pepper Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031. RE: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Amtote International, Inc. and I.B.E.W. Local 1501. Dear Mr. Fucheck: I am sending this letter at the request of Dion F. Guthrie, President and Business Manager of Local Union No. 1501. AmTote International, Inc. has failed to execute the successor collective bargaining agreement which the parties reached several months ago. Despite a number of oral and written requests from Mr. Guthrie, the Company has still not sent the Union a copy of the agreement signed by the Company. Failure to execute a collective bargaining agreement is an unfair labor practice. Proceedings on such charges at the National Labor Relations Board are not subject to the automatic stay in bankruptcy. Please be advised that if Local 1501 does not receive a copy of the agreement signed by the Company on or before October 1, 2009, the Union will file charges at the National Labor Relations Board on October 2. Very Truly Yours, H. Victoria Hedian. Law Office Abato, Rubenstein and Abato, P.A.
KALAT, KENNETH, Rosecroft, G-2, DANIELS, RANALDO M., Fairgrounds, G-2, DANNA, PAUL P., Fairgrounds, G-2
Our sympathy goes to Brother DION GUTHRIE on the passing of his father-in-law Walter Yent, Jr. on October 11, 2009
Brother TAVON JOHNSON died September 1, 2009 and we extend our sympathy to his family
Our sympathies go to the family of EDWARD JOHN HULBERT SR., who passed away on October 1, 2009.
We express our deepest sympathy to Brother TOM KING whose, mother Mary departed this life, Friday,November 13, 2009.
9/22/09 Dear IBEW: On behalf of the family of Tavon Johnson, thank you for the beautiful Bible that was sent after his passing. We were appreciative and amazed that the IBEW would remember him and our family during this difficult time. It made us very proud! Sincerely, Kamala D. Via, Tavon’s Aunt.
9/29/09 To: All IBEW 4th District Local Union, Dear Sisters and Brothers: This is to inform you of the Union Plus Scholarship Program. The deadline is January 31, 2009. This Union Plus Scholarship application can now be accessed online at A copy of the application is enclosed for your convenience. Unlike the IBEW Founders’ Scholarship Program, the Union Plus Scholarship Program is also available to the child dependents of IBEW members and other AFL-CIO affiliated unions. Best wishes, Salvatore (“Sam”) Chilia, International Vice President, IBEW Fourth District
Negotiations are wrapping up with Team Analex. A tentative agreement has been reached
It has been quite impressive seeing the union members wearing their Local 1501-2 shirts. Unity has given the Company a true message: We are a Team. The committee is as follows; Chief negotiator Dion F. Guthrie, Bob Denhardt, Robert Taminelli, Fred Richards, Walter Plesniak, Jason Strawhorn, Delany Burkhart, Neil Becker, and John Phillips.
Travel expenses are not getting paid in a timely manner. Some union members stated they are submitting their expense reports on time and have not been paid since mid September. They are requesting an e-mail notification from Analex when they receive the union members expense reports as a verification of receipt. Fred Richards took an action item to follow up with Analex management and the union membership on this issue.