Dep.Manager, CCTV, Emergency Planning & Wardens Service
Tel: 0208356 2183
Mr Simon James /
Wednesday, 04 September 2013
Dear Mr James,
There are twoCCTV cameras oppositeSainsbury'sin Lower Clapton Road which were installed in 2002 and2005-6, neither of which I would describe as recent installations.Of these two, one (the top one, installed in 2002) is solely for crime and disorder use, the second (installed in 2005-6)is primarily used for Traffic Enforcement but can be taken over whenever necessary forcrime and disorder use, which has a higher priority. I would be grateful if you could either send us a still image of the camera you are referring to, or alternatively contact me (Andy Wells on 020 8356 2183) to clarify your request.
You also asked some general questions:
3) A copy of your guidance to and/or policy for camera operators.
4) Date of installation
5) Evidence of consultation over new camera
6) Evidence of notification
7) Signpost to the relevant committee decision
8) Number of tickets issued since installation
9) Amount of money earned from camera since request
10) Evidence that camera is set to real time footage
11) I would like to know where these images are stored, for how long
they are kept in the councils database, who has access to them, and
who I have recourse to for damages if these images ever find their
way into a public forum without my knowledge and/or agreement.
Answers for these questions are:
[3] Could you please clarify if you are asking for thepolicy for crime and disorder use or traffic enforcement? The crime and disorder policy is currently being extensively revised due to recent changes in law.
[4] 2002 or 2005/6.
[5] Consultation regarding the crime and disorder CCTV cameras installed in the St John's Churchyard scheme was undertaken with the Metropolitan Police however the files on thispre-date the Council's electronic document management system and are now disposed of.
[6] I'd be grateful if you could clarify this question as I don't fully understand it.
[7] The decision would have been taken by the CCTV Manager at the time rather than a committee; I was part of the team that designed it and the reason for the installation was to reduce crime and disorder in the area, which was and still is an area with more crime than surrounding areas.
[8] Parking Services can provide this information if we can clarify the CCTV Camera you are requesting information on.
[9] Ditto.
[10] All Council owned street CCTV cameras in Hackney are set to record video continuously at 12.5 images per second. All recording of short clips of traffic enforcement video are set to record when required at 25 images per second.
[11] Crime and disorder CCTV recordings are kept in a series of decentralised recording facilities around the Borough. The two cameras opposite Sainsbury's in Lower Clapton Road are recorded in Hackney. Crime and disorder images are designed to be stored for 28 days unless required for a number of purposes such as evidence in civil or criminal court or training.Access is governed by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 which gives investigative agencies the power to seize images when legally required. Access is also granted to members of investigative agencies or solicitors who have a bona-fide need to see them and to trainee Police Officers and CCTV Operators. Once images have beenseized by, or given to an outside agency the Council has no control over who they disseminate those images to, however those organisations are bound by the data Protection Act 1998. If you feel someone has failed to secure your personal data you have recourse to the Information Commissioner's Office (details below).
Please note the information is still covered by copyright legislation. You are not authorised to re-use this information for commercial or research purposes as defined by the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. If you do wish to re-use this information please contact the Information Governance Team, 3rd Floor, Maurice Bishop House, Reading Lane, London, E8 1HH.
If you are dissatisfied with this response and wish to appeal, please write to the Information Governance Team, Appeals, 3rd Floor Maurice Bishop House Reading Lane London E8 1HH and your complaint will be dealt with through our Internal Review procedure.
If you are still not satisfied following the Internal Review, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. He can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone:01625 545 700
Yours sincerely,
Andy Wells,
Dep.Manager, CCTV, Emergency Planning & Wardens Service