Elsie M. Campbell
Math 1302
MCS 220H
Office Hours:8:00 am – 10:00amM, W
11:00 am – 1:00 pmM, W
12:15pm – 2:15pmT
or by appointment
Lab: There is a lab available for all ASU students. It is staffed by a lab coordinator and students. The schedule is to be announced. You are encouraged to use this facility. Take your book and notes to help the tutors with the course content.
Attendance: Attendance will be taken daily and is mandatory. You must be punctual to be counted present. Three late arrivals (5 minutes late) will be considered as one absence. Leaving class early will be counted as an absence. Leaving class for the restroom or a drink is not acceptable and will be considered as an absence. All absences and missed lectures are the responsibility of the student. Student absence for observation of a religious holy day must be documented and arranged for in advance. Perfect attendance is worth 3 points on your final semester average.
Homework, Quizzes, and Tests: All homework, quizzes, and tests must be worked using a pencil. I will not accept any work in pen for any reason. Do not cross work out. Erase it fully. Skip lines between work vertically, and space work well. Please use standard size white notebook paper without a spiral fringe for homework. If you have more than one piece of paper, staple your papers together in the upper left-hand corner. Then fold the paper lengthwise with your name and row number on the outside in the upper right corner only (same side as punched holes). Please list the assignment on the front of the first page of your assignment. Assignments not meeting the criteria will not be graded. Except for true/false and completion problems, show your work in an organized and readable form. I will grade your work as well as your answers. In general, show as much work on your papers as I show on similar problems. If you hand in tests, quizzes, and homework with no work shown, you will receive a grade of zero. Individual problems with no work, except as stated above, earn no credit. Homework assignments are due promptly at the beginning of class following the class when the assignment was made, unless you are told otherwise. If you miss a test, you cannot make it up. You must see me about a missed test. I do not accept late homework or allow makeup work for any reason.
Grading: There will be quizzes and daily homework. Some of these quizzes will be unannounced. These grades will be combined to form your daily average. The breakdown is as follows:
Daily Average15%
Tests (3)60%
Final Exam 25%
I use the standard scale as follows:
90 – 100A
80 – 89B
70 – 79C
60 – 69D
0 – 59F
The three lowest homework grades will be dropped at the end of the semester. This allows for unavoidable absences. You may take a test early if you know you are going to be absent, and the absence is excused by me. Allow me sufficient notice to prepare the test, test time, and testing area. Students will be provided a midterm average and a course average prior to the final.
Final Exam: Monday, May9, 2016, 10:30am – 12:30 pm, MCS 210 (10:00 am class).
Thursday, May 12, 2016, 8:00 am – 10:00am, MCS 210 (9:30 am class).
Miscellaneous: Homework can be sent to class with a friend or spouse, but it must arrive by the start of class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to call a classmate or me or check my web page to find out what homework was assigned. The student should come by my office to discuss any absences with me. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. It will be reported promptly to the head of the department for immediate action. The instructor reserves the right to amend any part of this syllabus.
Academic Honesty: Please refer to the ASU Student Handbook. It will be enforced.
AngeloStateUniversity expects its students to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic pursuits. Students are responsible for understanding the Academic Honor Code, which is available on the web at .
Persons with disabilities which may warrant academic accommodations must contact the
Office of Student Services in the University Center, Room 112,in order to request such accommodationsprior to any accommodations being implemented. You are encouraged to make this request early in the semester so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Text: College Algebra11thEdition. Gustafson and Hughes.