B1. Adding a Teacher
To add a teacher, go to the Start page and click on Staff under Setup in the left side bar. Click on New Staff Entry under Other Options.
Enter the information. The Preferred Name is the short name. Phone and address information are optional.
Click Submit.
Click on Staff Numbers under Custom Screens in the left side bar.
Click Submit. The teacher will now be in your teacher list and is ready to schedule.
B2. Inactivating a Teacher
Go to the Start page and click on Staff under Setup. Enter the teacher’s name in the search field. Search. This will bring up the Edit Information page. Scroll to the bottom and change Status from Current to No longer here. Submit.
B3. Viewing the Master Schedule and Adding New Sections
Viewing the Master Schedule
To add and edit Sections in PowerSchool you will need to view the Master Schedule Matrix View. Go to the Start Page and click on Master Schedule under Functions in the left side bar.
This brings up the Matrix View of the Master Schedule for your school. If you do not see the Matrix View, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Show Preferences to change. Before adding sections for your school, you will view the Master Schedule to see where a new section will fit.
Blue text indicates a link to more information. For instance, if you click on HR.Allen you will be taken to the Edit Sections page. Click on the 17/25 to view a list of students in that section.
The Master Schedule should be used to look for blank periods. Alice Creel has second and fourth period open.
To add a second period section to Alice Creel click on School under Setup in the left side bar.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Sections under Scheduling.
The Course List will now be displayed in the left side bar. You may sort by number or name by clicking on the blue links at the top of the list.
To view a list of all sections for 1st Grade English, click on the blue link in the course list on the left side bar.
All blue text will take you to a link with more information about that section.
Adding a New Section
You want to add a section of Basic Math for Alice Creel in second period. (Remember, we viewed the Master Schedule and found that she had second and fourth period open.)
Select Basic Math in the course list in the left side bar. There are currently no Basic Math sections set up based on the Master Schedule.
Click New to add a section.
Fill in the term, scheduled period (Expression), teacher, room, grade level, maximum enrollment and other information pertinent to your school.
Click Submit.
Alice Creel now has a second period section of Basic Math. This will also appear on the Master Schedule Matrix View.
B4. Creating Homerooms with Dependent Sections
Go to the Start Page and click on School under Setup in the left side bar.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Sections under Scheduling.
The Course List will now be displayed in the left side bar. The list may be sorted by number or name by clicking on the blue links at the top of the list.
First, we will set up English, Math, Science and Social Studies sections for Linda Howard. Second, we will set up Ms. Howard’s 1st grade Homeroom section and link these subjects as Dependent Sections.
Select 1st Grade English from the Course List in the left side bar.
Click on New to add a section of English.
Click Submit.
Ms. Howard’s section is now in the list of 1st Grade English Sections.
Repeat this process to create sections for Ms. Howard’s other subjects. Now we will create the Homeroom section for Ms Howard and link English, Math and Science as Dependent Sections.
Select Homeroom from the Course List. Click New. Fill in the required fields. The Expression (section number) for homeroom is HR. Enter the Dependent Sections.
Click Submit. Go back to the start page and click on Master Schedule to see that Ms. Howard’s sections are ready for students.
B5. Mass Enrolling Students
Go to the start page and click on 1 to see a list of all first graders.
Scroll to the bottom and click on the drop down to select a function for this group.
Click on Select Students by Hand. Now you will see the entire list of first graders. PC users should hold down the Ctrl key to select students. If you are a MAC user hold down the Command key while selecting students.
Be sure Keep selected students is marked. Click Functions.
Now you will see the Group Functions page. Be sure that the current student selection is 6. These are the students you selected.
Click Mass Enroll.
Select Ms. Howard’s name from the drop down list. Enter the course.section. Enter the correct enrollment date and click Submit. You will receive an alert indicating that the mass enrollment was successful.
Look at your Master Schedule Matrix View and you will see that the 6 students have been enrolled in Homeroom, English, Math, and Science.
To view the list of students, click on the 6/25.
B6. Scheduling a Student
Select the student you need to schedule. Click on Matrix View under Scheduling in the left side bar. You will see that this student has not been scheduled.
Click on Modify Schedule under Scheduling in the left side bar.
For elementary scheduling, PowerSchool is able to link dependent sections to a homeroom section. This means you can enroll a student in a teacher’s homeroom and they will automatically be enrolled in all subjects linked to that teacher’s homeroom section.
In this case, the student is a third grader enrolling on May 17, 2010. Homeroom sections are set up for period HR. If you know the course number you may enter it or you can search available courses by period.
Enter the search information and click Find.
This brings up a list of available Homeroom sections. Scroll down to find the homeroom sections available. This student is being enrolled in Mrs. Dawson’s homeroom.
Click on the blue homeroom link for HR.Dawson.
You can see that this student is now enrolled not only in a homeroom but also in other subject area classes that have been linked as dependent sections.
Click on Matrix View under Scheduling in the left side bar.
With the Matrix View you can see where the student is at any given time during the day. You may also view the students schedule in List View. Click on List View under Scheduling in the left side bar.
B7. Dropping A Student’s Classes
Search for the student from the start page. Click on Modify Schedule under Scheduling in the left side bar.
Select the individual classes you would like to drop then click Drop. If you want to drop all classes it is not necessary to select, just click All.
Enter the correct exit date and click Drop Classes. This will take you back to the Modify Schedule screen where you will see that the changes have been made. When schedule changes are made All Enrollments must be managed. Proceed to section B8 All Enrollments for further instructions.
B8. All Enrollments
All Enrollments is a snapshot of all scheduling entries or drops a student has for the current school year. There are several important things to remember about All Enrollments:
· All Enrollments CAN NOT BE IGNORED!
· All scheduling changes within your school will require you to exclude classes from state reporting in All Enrollments.
· All Enrollments is time sensitive and will cause MSIS errors when sending monthly files if not managed daily!
· A student enrolling at your school from another Rankin County School (E3’s) will need to have classes from the prior school excluded from state reporting AFTER your monthly file is successful in MSIS.
· If a class is not excluded in All Enrollments, MSIS will expect a grade for that class at the end of the year.
· If you exclude a class from state reporting and you receive an error indicating the exit date cannot be before the entry date THAT CLASS HAS NOT BEEN EXCLUDED!! YOU MUST GO BACK AND CORRECT THE DATES BEFORE THE CLASS CAN BE EXCLUDED.
From the start page, select the student. Click on All Enrollments under Enrollment.
The example below shows that several schedule changes have been made for this student.
Family Dynamics period 5B has an entry date of 8/10 and exit of 8/25. Scroll further down and you will see that the new 5B class was entered on 8/26 (Photography) and was completed on 1/1 at the end of the semester. The Family Dynamics class will need to be excluded from state reporting. If it is not excluded, MSIS will expect to see a final grade for this class at the end of the year. To exclude the class, click on Edit.
Check the box beside Exclude Class Enrollment from State Reporting. Scroll to the bottom and click submit.
The student also dropped Sociology and Nutrition and Wellness on 1/24. The new classes were Drawing 1 and Study Hall B Day. The Sociology and Nutrition and Wellness classes will need to be excluded from state reporting.