Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Holme Parish Council

held on Tuesday 18 November 2014at Holme Village Hall.

Councillors present: Mr J Griffin, Mr. D. Neal, Mrs. C. Lambert Withers, Mrs J Weatheritt, Mr H Watson, and County Councillor R Henson.

Also present:Mrs J Osborn (Clerk)

  1. Apologies for absence:County Councillor McGuire, Mr D Milner, Mrs W Aylesbury.
  2. Declaration of interests:None.
  3. 6 members of the public attended, and one member of the press (Ramsey & Warboys Informer).
  4. Mr Cardell and Mr Archer addressed the Council and a discussion was held to evaluate the 1940s weekend. There were a few minor parking issues which will be addressed in 2015 by means of more staff and more parking areas. The event will not be growing any larger from the organisers’ perspective; it may however grow if more people attend. The 1940s committee wished to donate a sum from the car park receipts to the Parish Council for the benefit of the village, perhaps to pay for a defibrillator or a flagpole, or something else. The organisers to liaise with the Clerk. Mr Griffin proposed thanks on behalf of the Council.

5. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2014

CllrLambert Withersproposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2014be accepted and signed as a true record. Seconded by Cllr Neal. Unanimously agreed. Minutes signed by the Chairman.

6.Matters arising from the minutes:

  1. Network Rail. The next exhibition is on 20 November 4-8 pm at the village hall. Maps of the proposed route have been published and show a variant on the southern option which was the option preferred by 94% of those who responded to the poll held in August. The route shows a bridge, width 6.75m plus 3m cycle path, diverting the B660 to the south of the existing crossing and back to join Station Road by the cemetery entrance where a roundabout is proposed.

A discussion was held to formulate the Council’s formal response to the proposal. The Clerk was asked to raise the following points: Parking at the cemetery; footpath on the bridge; roundabout needs to be large enough to be able to be negotiated by HGVs; access to the Nature reserve for vehicles and a more direct access for pedestrians- footbridge at Holme Lode desirable; car park shown too small; lighting to be subtle (dark skies); speed management. What is to become of the land between the new road and Station Road after completion?

The closing date for the consultation is 15 December.

  1. Parish News.The bid for funds from the Holme Reading Room Trust to increase the circulation of the Parish magazine produced by the Churchhad been refused. Rather than abandon the project the Clerk will set up a meeting between a working party of Councillors and Mrs Lawes to revisit the subject with a view to making a revised application in January. The Councillors felt that a paper magazine was a good way to reach every household.
  2. Communication. There is a Facebook page “Holme Village” in which the Clerk will participate in her official capacity.
  3. Speed limit/LHI applicationfor traffic calming & to reduction of speed limit to 30mph.

The application for funding has been made and Cllr Griffin attended the bid meeting, where he was supported by County Councillor McGuire. The result will be announced in February.

  1. Speedwatch.

This is running well, more volunteers are sought. There are certain “hot spots” in the village and several reports have been made to Cambs Police – the perpetrators will initially get letters about their speeding.

  1. Broadband

Superfast Broadband is expected to be available by Christmas; it is already live in Glatton, Conington and part of Sawtry.

  1. Defibrillator

Still no news. Cllr Neal will take on this challenge. The 1940s donation to be used to buy a defib.unit if the First Responders’ item is not available.

  1. Cemetery maintenance

Clerk to look and see what needs doing and obtain a quote from Stafford’s to level all the sunken graves on the new side of the cemetery as one task. Mr Griffin to prune apple tree. Some tree work is going to be needed in summer and quote from Ayres Tree Care was agreed and is to be included in the budget. Clerk had been approached by a younger member of the community who wishes to carry out some volunteering for his Duke of Edinburgh award. The Council agreed it would appreciate some light maintenance/emptying bins in the cemetery, under the guidance of the Clerk.

  1. Mobile Post Office

Mrs Lambert Withers and Mrs Osborn had met with Mr Knight (Village Hall), Hemingford PO and the PO Field Manager with a view to solving the service problems of the mobile post office and to examine the possibilities of relocation to the village hall car park. It is possible that a hardwired internet connection could be provided and the PO representative agreed to ask BT for a survey to see whether this solution would also be feasible at the village hall. The survey has now been commissioned and results awaited.

7. Planning

1401691FUL Erection of dwelling/office accommodation for the Great Fen Project, New Decoy Farm–Approved.

8. Health & Safety

a. The broken bollard outside the school has been replaced

b. Cemetery rota – Clerk to revisit (see above re volunteer). Mr Watson will continue to empty the dog bins.

c. Trees in Churchyard. Clerk to obtain 2 quotes from qualified arboriculturalists for the surveys recommended by Ayres Tree Care, and these to be considered in January.

d. Wall – Clerk to obtain quote from Mr Shelton to repair/rebuild the north wall of the Churchyard.

9. Financial report.

  1. Payment of outstanding debts:

30/9/14 / Mrs J Y Osborn (wages & exps,Sept) / £295.41
30/9/14 / HMRC PAYE / £6.40
24/10/14 / D P Stafford Landscaping / £1287.36
31/10/14 / Mrs J Y Osborn (wages & exps, Oct) / £315.01
18/11/14 / Ayres Tree Care / £450.00

b. Current position.A copy of the receipts and payments and bank reconciliationto 18November 2014was handed to each Councillor.

c. Gift of Bulbs –planted, and a thank you letter has been sent to the donor. Additional bulbs to be planted near the Diamond Jubilee Oak tree.

d. Cllr Neal will install the old noticeboard on new legs near the village hall, expenditure agreed for wood etc.

e. Budget. Clerk had prepared a summary of current expenditure and estimated budget for 2015-16. Sums need to be included for Tree work, Churchyard wall and traffic calming as well as normal maintenance, also election costs may be incurred in May.

After discussion the Precept for 2015-2016 was determined at £13500 (an increase of £1000, or 8%) Agreement of all the above items proposed by Cllr Griffin, Seconded by Cllr Watson, agreed unanimously.

A copy of all schedules will be attached to the minutes.


a.Holmewood Hall. Clerk to respond concerning a contribution towards the defibrillator.

b. Boundary Commission – public consultation regarding reducing County Councillor numbers and equalising the constituencies.

c. Letter from Shailesh Vara MP about the level crossing proposals.

11. Date of the next meeting.

Network Rail exhibition: 20 November 4-8pm.

Next Council meeting: Tuesday 20 January 2015. 7.30pm
