Grade 9 Child Studies
Course Outline
Child Studies 9is the first opportunity in the junior high curriculum offerings for our students to be introduced to the important skills required of anyone who will be expected to care for and relate to children. While this is not a parenting course, it is an integrated approach to learning about the needs of young children.
There are 3 Modules:
- Module 1: Nurturing Growth and Development
- Module 2: Nutrition for Children
- Module 3: Learning Through Activity
2 hours in each 8 day cycle has been allotted to Child Studies 9, and I anticipate that our students will be able to meet the outcomes while enjoying a “hands on” approach to learning.
In order to accomplish our goals, there are a few expectations within the Child Studies 9 classroom.
- First and foremost – respect for yourself as a learner
- Respect for individuals, materials and equipment
- A positive attitude
- An open mind to new ideas and methods
- Respect for the opinions of others
- A desire to share your learning and to put your skills into action
- Organized and prepared for class (notebook, pen or pencil, text book, etc.)
There are a number of resources provided to support the Child Studies 9 program:
Parenting: Rewards and Responsibilities will be our “go to” text and it supports the outcomes for Child Studies 9. Students engage in building knowledge and skills related to meeting the needs of young children through a variety of text features. Interacting with and caring for young children is the focus of the text.
Better Baby FoodandBetter Food for Kidsare two excellent resources that focus on nutrition, food safety, dietary needs, allergies and food preparation. Recipes are included that reflect healthy food choices incorporating basic ingredients and food preparation skills.
The Real Care Baby II Pluswhich will be used exclusively during Module 1, allows students to participate in a simulated child-care experience. The computerized babies record care events and allow us to engage in discussions and activities surrounding responsibility for child care, financial commitment, and the maturity required to be able to adequately care for a child.
There are additional texts, manuals, software and websites that will complement our program and will be available for student use.
Child Studies 9 lends itself to various forms of assessment including:
In class assignments
Lab work (Modules 2 and 3)
Tests, quizzes and small and large group assignments and projects
A more detailed outline of the program’s outcomes in reference to; specific values of assignments, comments and marks will be available on the parent/student portal as they are assigned, corrected and published.
We are mindful of the various learning styles and interests of our students and we anticipate that the Child Studies 9 curriculum will have something for everyone.
Contact Information:
Darlene MacLellan
(902) 258-3700 ext.4234