Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Clubhouse on Thursday 5 July 2012 commencing at 9pm.
Chairman:M Holmes (President)
The Chairman welcomed 34 members to the meeting. The Secretary C Hudson and Treasurer M Willey were present.
1 / ApologiesP Donovan K Tranter (Chairman) H Faulds P Kiddie P Wilford D Johnson N Crick C Dakin L Ketteringham R.Bates C Cooke K Liscombe
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 15 July 2011 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record / Proposed by J Brown
Seconded by N Langridge
3 / Annual Reports
The Committee’s Reports with Team Reports was noted.
The Secretary updated members about the redevelopment plans. The final grant application to Sport England is due to be adjudicated within the next week. Tenders are due in on 17 July 2012. Subject to final consideration by the Committee construction is hoping to be commenced in September 2012.
The Treasurer’s Report was considered. The surplus for the year was £15k.
The Treasurer stressed that the forthcoming year needed Income to be maximised and Expenditure controlled to a minimum as the need to generate funds was paramount.
From a personal perspective the Treasurer (who is leaving office at the end of the meeting) said how much he had enjoyed his time as treasurer and thanked the club’s members and officers over the years for their support and friendship. He had seen many changes both at the club and to the game of rugby. The club was fortunate to have the Chairman and Secretary leading the redevelopment team in what will be a marvellous achievement when the redevelopment takes place and which will continue the club’s main purpose to provide a game of rugby and all the good things that go with that in the local community.
On behalf of his wife Anne and himself he wished to thank the club again for the presentations made to them at the recent Annual Dinner.
A resolution was passed expressing a vote of thanks to Martin Willey for all the work he has done for the club. / Proposed by I Bills
Seconded by M Holmes
4 / Election of Officers
The Committee’s nominations for Officers and Committee were considered.
It was resolved to accept the Committee’s nominations en-bloc save for Fixture Secretary (a recent change in work commitments meant that committee nominee T Kilburn could not continue in that role).
Team Captains will be appointed at a later date.
In addition to the Committee nominations L Evans and T Goldsworthy were voted as Player Representatives and P Blake to be Fixture Secretary.
It was resolved to re-appoint the current Vice Presidents en-bloc. / Proposed by J Spurrier
Seconded by P Blake
Proposed by R Jones
Seconded by J Sullivan
Proposed by N Langridge
Seconded by M Willey
5 / Appointment of Auditors
It was resolved that Barker & Co be re-appointed. / Proposed by
N Langridge
Seconded by J Spurrier
6 / To consider any other business brought to the meeting under Rule 8.5
No business had been tabled.
7 / Any other business for the future consideration of the Committee
The Secretary, supported by Nick Langridge, emphasised the need for the club to communicate to everyone that the Leicestershire Rugby Union will be taking a hard line against clubs that fall foul of the rule known as 5.12 ie conduct prejudicial to the good of the game. This rule is used as a ‘catch all’ and is extremely difficult to defend. Sanctions can be penal. It was agreed that the Committee will assess a number of ideas about how best to communicate the message that individual and collective discipline must be instilled and maintained throughout the club.
8 / Any Other Business
On behalf of the Ladies’ section D Hardwick presented the plaque given to them on their recent tour to Wales. The plaque will be displayed in the clubhouse.
The Secretary reported that following an incident during the recent pitch maintenance it was believed that a 1” hollow steel tube was embedded somewhere on the ground. H Scutt agreed to provide a metal detector to assist in the discovery of the tube.
(Later note: the spike has been found.)
The meeting closed at 9.45pm.
AGM Minutes 5 July 2012