Doc No: X3L8/96-49a

Reply to: Burton G. Parker

(703) 979-0319

9 December, 1996

Minutes of the 98th Plenary Meeting of X3L8, Data Representation

The Chair of X3L8, Phong Ngo, opened the 98th Plenary Meeting of X3L8 at 1:20 PM on 21 November 1996.


Date: November 21 and 22, 1996

The X3L8 Plenary meeting was held on the afternoon of each day after X3L8 SIG meetings.

Place: National Institute of Standards and Technology

820 West Diamond Avenue, Room 501

Gaithersburg, MD

Phong Ngo, Chair X3L8, opened the meeting at 1:20 PM, 21 November.

1.0 Administrative Matters

1.1 Welcome and meeting logistics

1.2 Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was approved with minor revisions.

1.3 Membership attendance list and address list

A sign-up attendance list and membership address list were circulated. The list of attendees is attached.

1.4 Appointment of person to take minutes of the meeting

Mr. Burton Parker was requested to draft the minutes.

1.5 Document Distribution

Documents X3L8/OCT96-0xx through 0xx were distributed. See the document list for titles of these documents.

2.0 ANSI X3.30, Date Standard

2.1 Review of draft standard

Burton Parker reviewed the work done on revising the ANSI X3.30 standard, Representation of Date for Information Interchange.

2.2 Final revisions of draft standard

Burton Parker motioned a slight rewording of Clause 1.1 to make it clearer that the standard applies to calendar date format interchanges regardless of date format(s) in native information systems. Dan Gilman (I think Dan seconded, didn’t he, Phong, or was it Doug?) seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Frank Olken proposed that a rewording of Clause 4.2 be made to include the phrase ‘, Common Era (C.E.), after ‘anno Domini (AD)’ to indicate the time frame of referenced assumed by the standard unless stated otherwise in date interchanges. Dan Gilman so motioned and Douglas Mann seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

2.2 Approval of draft standard

Douglas Mann motioned that the draft date standard, as revised, be voted out of committee for public review. Philip Diamond seconded and the motion was carried, unanimously. The editor of the standard will adjust the draft for these changes and send it to OMG for release for public review, after the Chair confirms that a 30 letter ballot is not needed in the interests of expeditious progress of the standard in this case.

3.0 Review of standards scheduled for reaffirmation in 1997.

The Chair listed the ANSI standards scheduled for reaffirmation during 1997:

X3.43Representation of Local Time of Day for Information Exchange

X3.50Representation for US Customary, SI and other units to be used with

limited character sets

X3.51Representations of Universal Time, Local Time Differentials, and

U.S. Time Zone References for Information Interchange


4.0 JTC1 Metadata Workshop news

The Chair announced that a JTC1 Scientific Metadata Workshop was held in September, 1996. One result of this workshop is their request for ISO/IEC SC14 to organize and lead a JTC1 workshop on metadata registration. The Chair wants the X3L8 members to be aware that SC14 may request X3L9 to host this workshop. The September workshop documents are available at the following Internet site:

X3L8 Plenary Closing Session, October 16, 1996

The Plenary meeting was brought to order by Phong Ngo at 2:20PM on 22 November.

Bruce Bargmeyer reported on the US TAG to JTC1 meeting of 21 November 1996, which clarified the consequences of the X3L8 reaffirmation of interest vote on SC14 projects. Basically, a vote in Categoryby a national body (i.e., the project should be pursued in the SC but the national body is unable to provide standards development resources) is not a vote to support the project, but rather a vote to kill any project that otherwise has less than 5 active participants. This means that the U.S. vote in Category B for the French work on ISO/IEC 6523, Parts 1 and 2, Data Interchange-Structures for Identification of Organizations,was not supportive of the as intended. Instead, with its Category B vote, the US essentially voted to kill it. Accordingly, Bruce Bargmeyer motioned that the U.S. change its vote on this work item from Category B to Category A. Doug Mann (Ithink it was!!) seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

The Chair, after calling for any further business, closed the98th Plenary Meeting of X3L8 at 2:35 PM.

5.0 Future meetings:

The locations are listed below:


December 12, Thursday NIST North Rm. 501 Dining Room C

December 13, Friday NIST North Rm. 501 Dining Room C


January 23, Thursday NIST North Rm. 501 No Dining


January 24, Friday NIST North Rm. 501 No Dining



November 21-22, 1996


Brent Archinal,U.S. Naval Observatory, 202/762-1564

Bruce BargmeyerEnvironmental Protection202/260-5306


Philip Diamond,Veterans Administration,202/273-6927

Dan GilmanCensus Bureau301/457-3690

Michael HuhnsUniv. of South Carolina803/777-5921

William Kenworthey,Self,301/622-3223

Douglas MannBattelle703/575-0139

Judith Newton,NIST,301/975-3256

Phong NgoSAIC703/908-2433

Burton ParkerSelf,703/979-0319

Andy Schoka , Mitretek,202/488-5702

By phone conference:

John McCarthyLawrence Berkley Lab510/486-6835

Frank OlkenLawrence Berkley Lab510/486-5891


November 21-22, 1996

