Place: Association Hall, Chennai Date: 26.01.2016
The 4thCEC Meeting was held at Chennai on 26.01.2016. Er.A.R.Ilavazhagan, Vice President-II presided over the meeting. Er.S.Mangalanathan, Organizing Secretary welcomed the gathering.
210 CEC Members except President, Vice President-I & Secretary/ Enrollment attended the meeting. The Secretary/EBF & Treasurer/EBF also attended the meeting. There were threeguests who took part in the meeting.
3.The CEC rose for 2 minutes to pay homage to the following deceased members of the Association and it expressed its deepest condolences to their bereaved families.
a)Er.K.Sivasubramanian, EE/TTPS on xx.xx.2015.
b)Er.S.Venkatesh., AE/EC Cell/HQs/Chennai on xx.xx.2015.
c)Er.R.Ramajayam., EE/GCC/Chennai on xx.xx.2015.
d)Er.V.Kesavan., AEE/MRT/Thiruvannamalai on 25.01.2016.
4.Er.A.R.Ilavazhagan, Vice President-II & Er.N.Mathimaran, General Secretary emphasized on the urgent need for proper follow up action in respect of (a) Direct Recruitment of Assistant Engineers (b) Assured Career Progression Program, (c) Legal issues etc.,
5.After detailed discussion, the following resolutions were adopted unanimously.
Resolution No.1:
The CEC unanimously resolves to represent to the Hon’ble Minister for Electricity and CMD for expeditious implementation of (a) Single Window Selection for filling up the post of Assistant Engineers (b) Assured Career Progression Programensuring a minimum of three promotions to the graduate engineers.
Resolution No.2:
The CEC unanimously resolves to consider appropriate legal measures in respect ofSLP (C) Nos. 16436/2015 & 25540/2015 before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India which have been filed against the judgment dated 26.02.2015 of the Hon’ble First Bench of Madras High Court in W.A.No.2044 of 2000 in respect of 3:1 ratio for filling up the vacancies among Assistant Engineers & Junior Engineers Grade-I.
Resolution No.3:
The CEC unanimously resolves to authorize the Secretary/ Legal at Chennai to consider appropriate urgent measures for early adjudication of the inter-se-seniority dispute of the Assistant Engineers (Electrical) for the year 2005.
Resolution No.4:
The CEC unanimously resolves to authorize the Secretary/ Legal at Chennai to take appropriate steps in the Writ Appeals filed against the judgment of learned single judge in respect of inter-se-seniority dispute of 2000/2001 direct recruits.
Resolution No.5:
The CEC unanimously resolves to authorize the Secretary/ Legal at Chennai to file “Implead Petition” on behalf of Association in the Writ Appeal filed by the Board in respect of “Common Designation” dispute before the Hon’ble Division Bench of Madras High Court.
Resolution No.6:
The CEC unanimously resolves to authorize the Secretary/ Legal at Chennai to consider effective steps to set aside all civil suits viz. O.S. Nos. 2439, 2829 & 2877 of 2015 filed against the Association election for the years 2015-2017.
Resolution No.7:
The CEC unanimously resolves to depute the General Secretary & Treasurer to meet Er.S.Sankaranarayanan, former GS Er.N.Senthilkumar, former Treasurer and persuade them to hand over the accounts of the Association, Minnagam Document and other properties of the Association forthwith. Er.J.Tamilselvan, Secretary/Minnagam shall also join in this endeavor and coordinate with the GS & Treasurer.
Resolution No. 8:
The CEC unanimously resolves to implement the resolution of GC Meeting held at Madurai on 16.08.2015 to open a separate bank account for legal fund in the Central Bank of India, Addisons Branch, Anna Salai, Chennai immediately. The above account in the name of “TNEB Engineers Legal Fund”shall be jointly operated by the General Secretary and Treasurer of the Association. It is further resolved that the above legal fund shall be utilized only for all common legal issues concerning the entire spectrum of the Association.
Resolution No. 9:
The CEC unanimously resolves to reiterate that all legal issues concerning select batch of engineers shall be contributed and handled by themselves. The CEC assures to extend its sincere cooperation for the success of their litigations. It is therefore resolved that there is no need for opening of separate bank accounts for handling their legal expenses.
Resolution No. 10:
The CEC unanimously resolves to release fund to the tune of Rs.6.5 lakhs, said to have been deposited by the direct recruits of the year 2005/06 to the Association, towards their legal expenses in respect of the inter-se-seniority dispute of the year 2005-2006. The CEC advises to meet additional expenses by themselves. The CEC assures to extend its sincere cooperation for the success of their litigations.
Resolution No. 11:
The CEC unanimously resolves to ratify the payment of Rs.1, 00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) to Mr.Naveen Kumar Murthi, Advocate towards his legal assistance in W.P. Nos. 14842/2013, 18197/2014, 18198/2014, 3519/2015 3676/2015in respect of inter-se-seniority dispute of the year 2005.
Resolution No. 12:
The CEC unanimously resolves to ratify the payment of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) to Mr.Naveen Kumar Murthi, Advocate towards his legal assistance in the O.S.No.2439/2015 filed by Mr.S.John Sundararaj, O.S.No.2829/2015 filed by M/s.V.Ravikumar, S.Palanivelan & G.Jayarajan and O.S.No.2877/2015 filed by Mr.S.John Sundararaj in respect of Association Election to the CEC & EBF for the years 2015-17.
Resolution No. 13:
The CEC unanimously resolves to ratify the payment of Rs.1, 50,000/- (Rupees one lakh and fifty thousand only) to Mr.Vijay Narayan, Senior Counsel towards his legal assistance in W.P. Nos. 14842/2013, 18197/2014, 18198/2014, 3519/2015 3676/2015in respect of inter-se-seniority dispute of the year 2005.
Resolution No. 14:
The CEC unanimously resolves to release a payment of Rs.30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only) to Mr.Devaraj, Advocate towards his legal assistance on behalf of Chief Election Committee in the O.S.No.2439/2015 filed by Mr.S.John Sundarraj, O.S.No.2829/2015 filed by M/s.V.Ravikumar, S.Palanivelan & G.Jayarajan and O.S.No.2877/2015 filed by Mr.S.John Sundararaj in respect of Association Election to the CEC & EBF for the years 2015-17.
Resolution No. 15:
The CEC unanimously resolves to ratify all payments exceeding Rs.5, 000/- (Rupees five thousands only) made in respect of expenses of all nature other than legal head during the period from May’ 2015 to Dec’ 2015.
Resolution No. 16:
The CEC unanimously resolves to approve the statement of accounts for the period from May’ 2015 to Dec’ 2015 presented by the Treasurer /TNEBEA.
Resolution No. 17:
The CEC unanimously resolves to authorize the Secretary/ Publication for reprinting 20,000 (twenty thousands) copies of 6th edition of Power Engineers Handbook. The handbooks after reprinting shall be priced at Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for life members and Rs.2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) for others.
Resolution No. 18:
The CEC unanimously resolves to continue to deposit the sale proceeds of PEHB after reprint into the account resting with Canara Bank, Mount Road Branch. It is further resolved that the above amount shall be earmarked exclusively for construction of multi-purpose complex at Minnagam.
Resolution No.19:
The CEC unanimously resolves that there is no need for opening of separate account for handling the receipts & expenses related to Minnagam, since the existing account resting with the Canara Bank, Royapettah Branch is viewed as quite sufficient.
Resolution No. 20:
The CEC unanimously resolves to authorize the Secretary/Minnagam to engage architect, evolve necessary plan and estimates and explore expeditious ways and means for securing necessary approval from the competent authorities like Corporation of Chennai/ Chennai Metropolitan Development Authorityfor construction of multi-purpose complex at Minnagam.
Resolution No. 21:
The CEC sincerely acknowledges and appreciates the efforts undertaken by Dindigul Branch for construction of Minnagam at Kodaikanal. It unanimously resolves authorizing Dindigul Branch to identify proper location, negotiate with the prospective vendors and place the outcome for examination and approval of the GC/ CEC. It is also requested to formulate necessary mechanism for the successful execution of this project.
Resolution No. 22:
The CEC unanimously resolves to enhance the salary payable to the care taker at Minnagam from Rs.7, 000/- to Rs.9, 000/- (Rupees nine thousand only) and the salary payable to the Office Assistant at the Association Hall from Rs.7, 250/- to Rs.8, 000/- (Rupees eight thousand only). This enhancement is permissible with effect from the pay for the month of Feb’ 2016 payable in Mar’ 2016.
Resolution No. 23:
The CEC unanimously resolves to nominate Er.G.Balakrishnan, former General Secretary and Er.K.Apparswamy, former President as honorary members to the CEC and request them to attend all GC/CEC meetings of the Association.
6.The meeting came to an end with vote of thanks from Er.V.Sampath Kumar, Secretary/Legal.
General Secretary
All CEC Members
Copy to: Secretary/EBF & Treasurer/EBF
Copy to: All Branch Secretaries
Copy to: Secretary/Publication to upload in the Website & to publish in Minthiran.