Minutes of Welsh Council 2013



24thMARCH 2013 at




Draft 5


PresidentJane Davidson

Welsh Council Executive Committee

Gwyn Lewis(Chairman)Alan Austin (Vice Chair)

John Cook (Treasurer)Max Grant (Secretary)

Vernon DaviesRon Williams

Diane DaviesChris Hodgson

Maggie Thomas

Ramblers Scotland

David Thomson(Convener)(and Vice Chair Ramblers GB)

Dave Morris (Director Scotland)

Board of Trustees Representatives

Kate Ashbrook (President)

Area and Group Representatives

Ceredigion / Kay Davies / Aberystwyth / Roger Fisher
Lampeter / James Williams
Glamorgan / Margaret Scott / Cardiff / Glenys Afia
Mair Bevan
Martin Bye
Mary Bye
Vic Chambers
Jeff Hobden
Eleri Jones
John Newton
Rob Wilkinson
Gwenda Fitzpatrick / Swansea / Andrew Morgan
Zetta Flew
Ian Fraser / Tiger Bay Ramblers / Asta Smith
Vale of Glamorgan / Ruth Curle
Greater Gwent / Gwyn Smith / Gelligaer / Allan Jones
Keith Donovan / Cynon Valley / Gerry Evans
Pontypool / Margaret Stagg
South Gwent / Adrian Sheenan
North Wales / Neville Fernley / Bangor/ Bethesda / Margaret Fernley
Pete Bland
Pembrokeshire / George Allingham / Jeanette Allingham
Powys / Alan Rugman


Mavis Rear, Gloucestershire Area



Benedict SouthworthChief Executive / Angela CharltonDirector Wales
Simon Barnett
Director of Walking Programmes & Promotions / Gwenda Owen
Community Engagement Officer
Ramblers Cymru
Nicky Philpott
Director of Policy and Campaigns / Ceri Thomas
Communications and Finance Officer
Ramblers Cymru
Gary Davies
Interim Director of Finance & Operations / Elly Hannigan Popp
Youth Engagement Officer
Ramblers Cymru
Dave Morris
Director Scotland / Mel Jones
Let’s Walk Cymru
Ramblers Cymru


1.1The Chair, Gwyn Lewis,opened Welsh Council by welcoming everyone to the Welsh Council 2013.

1.2Housekeeping arrangements were explained by Ceri Thomas

1.3Jeff Hobden, of Cardiff Ramblers, welcomed all at Welsh Council to Cardiff. The Senior Management Team from Central Office were welcomed as guests, as were the Presidents of Ramblers GB and Ramblers Cymru Kate Ashbrook and Jane Davidson, and the Ramblers GB Vice Chair and Ramblers Scotland Convener David Thomson and Director Scotland Dave Morris.


2.1The President Jane Davidson started by talking about the Wales Coast Path and how it had become the global walking destination, not in small part due to the efforts of Ramblers Cymru volunteers. We know that there are still places where it is in the wrong place. Now may be the time to ask for enactment of the Marine and Coastal Access Act in Wales.

2.2Jane talked again about the legacy of Tony Drake and the Cambrian Way, and Llanelli Group walking this wonderful path.

2.3The new Active Travel Bill was supported by Jane and the requirements for Local Authorities to create new maps, both of existing and aspirational routes.

2.4Note was made of Walkers are Welcome towns, of which 25 are in Wales including 20 on the round Wales path including Offa’s Dyke Path.

2.5Jane closed with a series of thanks, firstly to WC for allowing her to be President, to the staff for their help, hard work and support, to the Groups who invited her to walk with them, and to the volunteers without whom our paths would be in a poorer state.


3.1Benedict Southworth started by stating his goal of wanting to visit Wales as much as possible as part of his role.

3.2Ramblers need to deliver on all our objectives everywhere. To do this we will need to change, but don’t want to throw away our legacy and achievements. There are many opportunities in Wales, so Ramblers Cymru need to be smart and to make an impact. There will be interesting times ahead in Wales in particular in changes to legislation.

3.3We need to communicate all that we do, such as the great job by path workers such as Silver Slashers in Ynys Mon which he visited this year.

3.4Benedict closed by hoping that he can work with all in Ramblers Cymru including volunteers and staff


4.1 Director Wales, Angela Charlton, gave her first full annual report for 2011-12.

4.2Angela gave her thanks to Jane Davidson for her help and assistance since she became Director Wales, and hoped that Jane would still be available as she will be invaluable to Ramblers Cymru.

4.3The Wales Coast Path opened in May 2012 with over 5,500 walkers participating in the opening walks. Although there are still issues with some of the route where it deviates inland, CCW are aware and are listening. We need to spread the message to let the public know what Ramblers Cymru did, especially all the volunteer practical work on the path.

4.4DW outlined the work being carried out by the Let’s Walk Cymru manager Mel Jones. We were awaiting the response from Welsh Government on our proposals to take LWC forward, but some organisers had already been made redundant.

4.5Both Mel and Elly Hannigan Popp the Youth Engagement Officer, were introduced to the meeting, as was Gwenda Owen the Communities Engagement Officer. Note was made of her work on the Active Travel Bill.

4.6A short film was shown which highlighted the Ramblers Cymru work over the past year. Much of this was with partners such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s scheme, the National Trust at Stackpole, and the Canals and Rivers Trust, all of which were thanked.

4.7A freedom of information request had been organised by Gwenda Owen, to find out what the Rights of Way spend was by Local Authorities in Wales. The results are coming in and will be published soon.

4.8Thanks were given to all the volunteers who had assisted in the 10 year review of the open access maps. We now had to await the results of our representations.

4.9Angela finished by reporting that she will be having an hour and a half meeting with the new Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales to discuss what Ramblers Cymru would like to see in the forthcoming Environment Bill.


5.1Dave Morris had been invited to talk about the history of the Scottish access legislation – The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (LRSA) - with the imminent changes due to Wales’ access legislation in the forthcoming Environment Bill.

5.2Dave was well aware of Wales access as he had attended an Outward Course at Tenby whilst at school, and was a graduate of Bangor University. He reminisced about there being no access problems in north Wales apart from Nantlle ridge which was difficult.

5.3A short history of LRSA was given, and in particular the Scotland Access Code was highlighted as a very necessary and useful document, which was prepared after LRSA was enacted.

5.4It was reported that LRSA was working well, and recommended that it was a suitable model for Wales, particularly the guidance in the Scottish Access Code.


6.1The Chair made a couple of apologies for a slipup in the election procedures, and asked the meeting to agree some corrections.

6.2There had been three nominees who had agreed to become our Vice Presidents, but the formal 28 day nomination period had been overlooked. Request to WC to forgo this nomination period was passed unanimously.

6.3The deadlines had also been missed for the nominations for the second Vice Chair. Again there was a unanimous vote to forgo this formal nomination period.


7.1 Tellers were appointed, and Martin Bye and Rob Wilkinson were appointed as scrutineers.


8.1Andria Massey’s name is incorrect.

8.2The dates for annual report, annual accounts and motions are incorrect.

8.3The minutes with these amendments were proposed and seconded and agreed by the Council. They were signed by the Chair as a correct record.


9.1There were no matters arising.


10.1A written report on actions taken on motions passed or remitted at Welsh Council 2012 had been circulated. There was no response to the Chair’s request for any comments or questions.


11.1 The Honorary Treasurer John Cook outlined the question and answer session to be held in the afternoon. The session would include reserves held by Groups, simplifying accounting procedures in Wales, and control of expenditure/budgets of Areas and Groups in Wales is sent via WCEC for approval, prior to sending to Central Office in London.

11.2 The Annual Accounts for the Welsh Council and WCEC were presented by the Treasurer, John Cook.

11.3 Discussions on the WC and WCEC accounts included that any surplus should be used by Wales asa whole and not just WCEC, for example on Environment Bill work.

11.4 The accounts were proposed by John Cook, seconded by Chris Hodgson, and carried unanimously.

11.5 Director Wales Angela Charlton gave an overview of the other budgets for the Cardiff Office, Areas and Groups funding, and the Legal Fund.


12.1The Chair, Gwyn Lewis, opened the business part of the meeting by welcoming everyone to the Welsh Council 2013. A minutes silence was held for absence friends that have passed away since last Welsh Council.

12.2Thanks were given to Angela Charlton, Director for Wales and all the staff for all their hard work over the last year

12.3Gwyn Lewis confirmed his position as chair following on from last year where he was Vice Chair. Dennis McAteer was selected as Chair at the last Welsh Council and he resigned in May for personal reasons. The constitution does say that the elected chair is valid for 3 years but since Gwyn Lewis had almost 11 months already in the position he will only serve for another 2 years not to exceed the 3 year term

12.4Earlier in the year the WCEC carried out a skills analysis, reviewing whether they had the right blend of age, geographic spread and skills in place. It was decided that the WCEC would introduce Saturday meetings to encourage members who are in full time employment to attend. There will now be alternative meetings held on Saturdays and Mondays in both Cardiff and Shrewsbury to allow a geographic spread.

12.5WCEC acknowledgesthat they are accountable to the Welsh Council and accept that the scrutiny will provide some uncomfortable moments but feedback and input is welcomed all the year around. Members’ feedback is welcomed in areas that concern them, what is needed and what issues the WCEC should be addressing.


13.1Reports are available online and are there for information purposes. The current representatives have agreed to continue in the role.


14.1Apologies had been received from Pete Bland, Jonathan Kipling (Chair Ramblers), Alex Marshall (Vice President Ramblers Cymru), Roger Fisher, Denis McAteer and Alan Rugman.


15.1It was confirmed that there is no election as such, but those elected are elected by those present, and the Chair requires two thirds majority using the voting cards. The following people were elected as officers for the coming year.

President / Denis McAteer
Vice Presidents / Alex Marshall, Richard Lloyd Jones, Huw Irranca-Davies, Jane Davidson
Chair / Gwyn Lewis
Vice Chair / Alan Austin
Vice Chair / Chris Hodgson
Honorary Treasurer / John Cook
Honorary Secretary / Max Grant

15.2Dennis McAteer who has been voted to President sent a note that unfortunately he was unable to attend the Welsh Council but says that he is grateful that he has been elected and considers it an honour and hopefully he can fill the role as President. He has previously worked with the Ramblers and with the WCEC and he would do whatever he can to ensure he succeeded in the future and would be pleased to work with them for all our charitable objectives and wishes us a productive Welsh Council.

15.3WCEC members

There were five nominations for 5 places, so the following were elected

Ron Williams

Vernon Davies

Diane Davies

Asta Smith

Kay Davies


16.1John Cook confirmed that the current auditor David Arwyn Howells had agreed to stand. He was proposed by Vernon Davies as the independent examiner of the WCEC accounts, and seconded by Chris Hodgson, which was agreed.


17.1 The WCEC resubmitted motions that were put forward last year, incorporating changes based on attendee input. The four motions were put forward by relevance so that similar parts of the new Standing Orders were kept together but each subject area was discussed separately.

17.2Diane Davies passed on thanks to the areas and groups that responded and made comments which have been very helpful.

17.3Four motions which affected the Constitution or Standing Orders were debated. Theresults of the debates are shown in Appendix 1

17.4Motion 1 was minor changes to present Standing Orders

It was proposed to make minor changes to the standing orders to bring the wording in line with the terms that are used by Ramblers Cymru and by Ramblers GB so that all standing orders are called with titles and terminology that is employed at present.

Proposed by Diane Davies

Seconded by Maggie Thomas

This is a constitutional vote and required 2/3rds majority.

Motion Carried

17.5Motion 2 wasfor Standing Oder 1.4, defining a two part budget.

This motion was to set out a budget that is now in place for Ramblers Cymru. There are 4 budgets that Ramblers Cymru have control over. The standing orders define the budgets so this is bringing the standing orders in line with the budgetary system that we currently have rather than the system that was in existence some years ago. Diane Davies reiterated that it is essential to bring standing orders in line with the system that is currently operating.

Proposed by Diane Davies

Seconded by Maggie Thomas

George Allingham proposed amendment to read Ramblers Cymru Office in Wales instead of Cardiff office.

Seconded by Chris Hodgson

Amendment to the Motion carried.

Proposed - Diane Davies

Seconded - Maggie Thomas

Amended Motion carried.

17.6Motion 3 was procedures for the budgetary system.

The motion defines what financial reports should be produced. It produces 2 new standing orders, firstly, that the WCEC shall be responsible for the operation of effective procedures of budgetary control and secondly that the Honorary Treasurer of the Welsh Council shall produce updates and then the present standing order is amended simply to account the renumbering of the standing orders.

It sets out the duties to the WCEC to establish the reporting system that we have control over expenditure and it ensures financial accountability. The Standing Order 1.6 sets out the duty to the Treasurer to produce those financial updatesensuring that by passing the motion they ensure that the WCEC and the Treasurer produces the necessary work to keep financial control over Ramblers Cymru.

Proposed: Diane Davies

Seconded: Maggie Thomas.

Motion carried.

17.7Motion 4 wasthe relationship between WCEC and Areas and Groups regarding the financial support of the Areas and Groups.

The motion sets out the System for the financial regulation and allocation of money to go to those groups already set up in standing orders but there are 5 standing orders and they define the relationships between groups, areas and WCEC. They are as far as Diane Davies is aware the system that is now in place and the system that ran last year so what they are doing is enshrining a system that is now in place for carrying out supplying money to areas and groups from WCEC and the system that the WCEC oversees the allocation of that money.

1.8 – Each area must submit to the WCEC an annual budget in accordance with the timetable, procedure and format laid down by the WCEC. The WCEC shall consider the budget and any funding request for an area submitted in accordance with the above. WCEC may vary the amount of funding which has been requested. They have not done that yet but it does give the WCECthe power to do that, for example the amount of money that WCEC has allocated and if budgets become tighter so areas are giving the WCEC the power to ensure that there is fairness in the distribution. That is the motion of the Standing Order 1.8.

Proposed By : Dianne Davies

Seconded By : Maggie Thomas

Motion carried

Thanks given to Diane Davies for all the effort put in. Everyone agreed.


18.1There was one non-constitutional motionon the agenda for debate. The full motion and results are shown in Appendix 2.