Parish Council


Monday, 20th April 2015 at 7.15 p.m.


Venue:Parish Meeting Room, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR.

Present:Chairman Cllr. A. Youel, Vice Chairman Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey,

Cllrs. C. Bowden,C. Bryant, P. Dixon, C. Stacey, Clerk V. Furniss (Mrs),

Clerical Assistant E. Winn (Mrs).

15/105Resolution to approve apologies for absence.

Cllr. F. Brand – Work Commitments

Proposed: Cllr. C. BowdenSeconded: Cllr. C. Stacey

15/106Members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda.

There were no members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda


Four residents attended

15/108Planning, letters, decisions and applications.

15/108.1 – Applications

S/2015/0624/FUL – Burgess Farm Farthinghoe Road

Change of use of agricultural building to dance studio

We would like any changes to be in keeping with the surrounding area and adequate parking available for visitors.

15/108.2 – Decisions

No decisions have been received


15/109Dands Drive – Update

A request had been sent to District Councillors to have the decision process moved from the Case Officer to Committee. A decision on this is still to be decided. A resident said she had also written to District Councillors and had received a reply that she considered inappropriate. This was also the view of another resident attending. The Clerk had left a message for Planning to return her call in order to clarify matters. Grand Union had also issued letters to residents asking them to clear their garages.

Action: The Clerk to speak to Grand Union regarding clearance of garages

15/110WW1 Memorial – Custodians - Update – Cllr. Stacey

Councillor C. Staceysaid she did not have a specific update. However, the unveiling was still scheduled for the 14th May 2015.

15/111Beacon – Usage – All Cllrs.

It was agreed to review dates of conflicts and decide when to use the beacon or fly a flag. A suggestion put forward was to use the School flag to commemorate dates decided upon. The Clerk put forward the suggestion that perhaps the History Society would like to be involved, similar to other villages. The Clerk had responded toa resident offering free use of the Parish Council beacon explaining to the resident regulations regarding risk assessments and health and safety issues. To date a response has not been forthcoming.

Action: The Clerk to liaise with School Bursar regarding the school flag

15/112Public Footpath – Arrow Close to Waters Lane – Clerk

This is a designated footpath, No:AU15. The Chair and the Clerk will be attending a meeting with David Wilson Homes and the Clerk will raise concerns regarding this footpath.

Action: The Clerk to ask David Wilson Homes for help in improving the path.

15/113Security – Parish Meeting Room – Update

The Chair gave an overview of the meeting with Amber Security. The Chair, Cllr Bryant and the Clerk had attended a meeting to discuss security for the office. A reduction to the original quotehad been offered using less equipment. However,both the Chair and Cllr. Bryant consideredit necessary to revert to the original quote as the discounted version was thought to be inadequate for Lone Working purposes. Cllr. Stacey asked whether there was a budget for security measures. The Chair explained that although there was not a budget for this exercise there are funds in Reserves to meet the costs.Following debate and a proposal to accept the quotation, Cllrs proposed that the original quotation should be accepted.

Proposed: C. Bowden Seconded: Cllr. P. Dixon

Action: The Clerk to write accepting the quotation and arrange for work to start.


15/114ICC Report

Bovis Estate – Street Lighting – Update

The Chair and the Clerk had met with a representative from Bovis regarding the commuted sum being offered to Council for street lighting. Prior to the meeting the Chair had prepared a summary covering 40 years using Bovis figures, and presented these revised figures to the Director in attendance. Bovis will revert regarding the revised figures in due course.

15/115Clerk/RFO Report

  • SPLAT – Update

Details had been sent to the Playing Field Committee (PFA) who have taken the matter forward and are dealing directly with South Northants. The Clerk has also given details for the Middleton Cheneyfire engine to the Chair of the PFA to see whether usage can be made during village events, such as the Village Fete in June.

  • Permitted Footpath – Dands Drive to Main Road

The Clerk had been in touch with Grand Union regarding access from Dands Drive to the Main Road and had been assured that it would not be cut off.

  • Yellow Lines – Parking

Information and photos had been sent to Northamptonshire Highways regarding yellow lines that had been put in the lay-by on the High Street. Highways have passed these details to their Regulations Team to investigate. They believe a member of the public has carried out the work as they are not standard road markings that they would use; they would revert in due course.

  • Kings Stile

Despite this matter being followed up on a regular basis before each meeting, we are still no further forward. It is still in hand with Bovis.

  • Village Hall Car Park

Following the Clerk’s letter dated the 23rd March 2015a key has been allocated to the Parish Council for their use.

  • Community Enhancement Gang

The request sent to Highways on the 4th March 2015 will be reviewed and it is expected that some or all of the work will be carried out during May/June 2015.


  • Rectory Lane – bollards

The Clerk has arranged to meet a representative from Highwaysweek commencing 27th April 2015 to discuss issues relating to the verges by All Saints church wall.

  • Elections

Nomination papers were submitted by the deadline specified and the Parish Council is uncontested. We have 8 Cllrs going forward. There are 4 more places to fill.

  • Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 13th April

Clubs who managed to attend gave their reports. These will be attached to the minutes in due course. Our County Cllr., Ron Sawbridge, had attended the meeting. Unfortunately, the Police and District Cllrs were unable to attend along with a few organisations. A resident raised the issue of Purdah and ultra vires at the end of the meeting and thought the Parish Council had possibly contravened the rules and was disappointed that this had not been checked out prior to the meeting. Although the Clerk said this was not the case as it is business as usual she suggested that she would check with the Returning Officer, SLCC, NCALC and County. All four upheld the Clerk’s comments.

  • Kerbstone and trees

A resident had contacted the Clerk to ask whether it would be possible to put Kerbstones down at his property. The Clerk had suggested that he contact Highways. In addition, he was concerned regarding tree and vegetation that had not been addressed close by his property as he thought this was impeding residents when walking. The Clerk said she would follow through regarding the vegetation but asked the resident to contact Highways with suggested kerbstones queries.

  • All Saints Church Wall

A meeting had been arranged with the Architects to review the 12 month defect inspection and to arrange when the Final Certificate would be issued. The meeting would take place on Wednesday, 22nd April. The Clerk would report back any findings.

  • Elite Motorhomes - Road Sign

Highways have reviewed the request by Elite Motorhomes to have a directional sign to their premises and have declined the request as this would make reference to a local business and this contravenes their policy. They had looked at using a generic term but thought this would also be open to interpretation and they could be challenged by other businesses wishing for a similar thing or have already been refused.


  • Bus Stop

Highways have looked at the request by a resident to have the bus stop moved. The suggestion by Highways would be to decline the request as the accesses in question are not new and the road is over 7 metres wide. They would be looking to see if there has been an accident history that would indicate a problem. If not, the bus stop will remain where it is as there does not appear to be a great change to the existing layout.

  • Cemetery Hedge

Maintenance had been delayed by a week due to operatives being sick.

  • Year Of Remembrance

Presentation of the cheques took place at the Dolphin to the 3 charities. A report has been submitted to the Banbury Guardian.

  • Longburges – hole in grass area

A picture of the hole that has appeared at the above site was circulated. The neighbours close by have been advised to contact their insurance company. A quotation has been received from a Ground Works company to rectify matters. The company’s initial reaction is that the hole has appeared due to roots rotting causing the ground to sink. As the Parish Council is required to obtain 3 quotes the Clerk will contact 2 other companies. Clerk to update those in close proximity.

15/116Next meetingsFull Council Meeting – 5th May 2015

Parish Council Annual Meeting – 18th May 2015

Closed meeting

Motion to exclude Public and Press. It was resolved in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, relating to HR, it was advisable in the public interest that the Public and Press be temporarily excluded from the meeting and wereinstructed to withdraw by the Chair.

Signed ………………………..


Dated …......


Chairman:Cllr. Alan Youel

Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey

Clerk: 01295 713500Email: