HELD ON 16th MARCH 2011


16 Márta 2011

Matters Arising

The Chairperson and Committee welcomed three new councillors, Cllr. Michael O’Sullivan, Cllr. Sheila Howes and Cllr.Pat Dunne, co-optees for Cllr. Eric Byrne, Cllr. Michael Conaghan and Cllr. Joan Collins who were recently elected to Dáil Éireann.

The Committee agreed to invite a delegation from St. Ultan’s School to attend the April South Central Area Committee Meeting.

314.Minutes of Meeting held on 16th February 2011.

Order: Agreed.

315.Questions to Dublin City Manager.

Replies circulated.


(i) Delegation from Liberties Recycling.

Order: (i) Presentation givenby Philip Moloney, CEO Liberties Recycling,

Fran Foster, Supervisor and John Ellis, Participant on the Project. Noted.

317.South Central Area.

(i) Quarterly Report on South Central Area Community Section.

(ii) Proposal to initiate the procedure for the extinguishment of the

public right of way over a section of the footpath at number

1 Pimlico Cottages, Dublin 8.

(iii) Proposal to initiate the procedure for the extinguishment of the

public right of way over a section of the footpath at number

52 Ring Street, Inchicore, Dublin 8.

(iv) Proposal to initiate extinguishment of the public right of way over

a section of pavement to the front of Nos.13-17 Ebenezer

Terrace, Dublin 8.

(v) Naming and numbering proposal for a development at St Michaels

Estate, Inchicore, Dublin 8.

(vi) Area Manager’s Report.

Order: (i) Noted.



(iv) Agreed.


(vi)The Area Manager informed the Committee of the following: -

a)The demolition of Braithwaite Street Senior Citizen Complex is scheduled to commence on March 21st.

b)Construction of the Childcare Building in Willie Pearse Park has been completed, with work on the grounds including paths and play area continuing. The recruitment of staff is in process and initial staff will be in place from next month. Applications for a place in the crèche are currently open, and will be accepted in the Crumlin Area Office.

c)The next meeting of the Ballyfermot/ Chapelizod Local Policing Forum takes place on April 14, at 19.30 in the Ballyfermot Civic Centre.

d)The official opening of the Anna Livia Bridge was postponed and as yet no new date has been set. Members will be notified when it is.

318. Cultural Recreation & Amenities Matters.

(i) Public Library Events for February 2011 – South Central


(ii) South Central Area Sport & Leisure Services Quarterly Report.

(iii) Report on Parks Improvements Works Programme 2011 for the

South Central Area.

(iv) Report on the Parks Division Street Tree Planting Policy.

Order: (i)Noted.



(iv) Noted.

319. Roads & Traffic Matters.

(i) Minutes of Traffic Advisory Group held on the 17th February

2011 in relation to Traffic Matters for the South Central Area.

Order: (i)Noted.

320.Planning and Economic Development Matters.

(i) Proposed disposal of fee simple in a site at St. Patrick’s Hospital,

Bow Lane West, Dublin 8 to Murphy Mulhall property consultants,

acting on behalf of The Governors of St. Patrick’s Hospital, (report

(ii) Proposed grant of a lease of lands and buildings at Cherry

Orchard Green, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 to Cherry Orchard Equine

Centre Ltd.

(iii) Proposed grant of a 5-year lease of Cameron Hall, Cameron

Court, Cameron Street, Dublin 8 to the Daughters of Charity,

(who, for the purpose of this lease, will be known as Ossingley


(iv) Proposed Addition to the Record of Protected Structures of Anna

Livia Bridge, Chapelizod, Dublin 20.

(v) Enforcement Report to December 2010 for the South Central


Order: (i) Agreed. Recommend to Council

(ii) Agreed. Recommend to Council.

(iii) Agreed. Recommend to Council.

(iv) Agreed to initiate procedures under section 55 of the

Planning & Development Act 2000.

(v) Noted.



16TH MARCH 2011

Planning Applications: -

Application Number: 2203/11

Application Type: Permission

Applicant: Padraig Thornton Waste Disposal Ltd

Location: Unit No. 51, Henry Road, Park West Business Park, Nangor Road, Dublin 12

Registered Date: 15-Feb-2011

Validated Date: 18-Feb-2011

Decision Due Date: 11-Apr-2011

Order: (i) Noted.



16TH MARCH 2011

Emergency Motions

The order of business was suspended to deal with the following emergency motions:

Emergency Motion from Cllr. Críona Ní Dhalaigh

That security measures such as cameras or movement-sensitive lighting be immediately installed at the upgraded Liffey Walkway between Inchicore and Chapelizod. There has been a constant threat from anti-social elements to the area and only as recently as last weekend the scene that greeted walkway users was one of destruction with most of the trees knocked down, by the drivers of the cars that were burned out there later in the area.
I raised my concerns 2 years ago re the lack of security here and asked that something be done to address the problems. Nothing was done and shortly after I (and concerned citizens) raised that problem the lifebuoys were stolen and drinkers started digging up the tree-struts for firewood. Over time,the degradation of the area has continued; more broken bottles,litter, abandoned motorbikes and occasionally burned-out cars. Meanwhile, the Council has failed to finish its worksin the area by, for example, planting grass or controlling the spreadof invasive species such as Japanese knotweed. At times there is so much broken glass that user’s fear to push a bike or buggy over it, or to walk the dog.
The inevitable result of this neglect is to be seen in the picturesattached; expensive landscaping now gone to waste, just three years after the works were done. While the riverside walkway is still in reasonable condition, this area is now worse than it was; more strewn with broken glass because of the hard tarmacadam that was put in. We call on Dublin City Council and the Gardaí to address the anti-social activity and clean the area up and that the issue be put on the next Dublin South Central JPC agenda for progress report.
Order: Report noted. Agreed to refer to the next meeting of the South Central Area

JPC on April 15th.

Emergency Motion from Cllr Vincent Jackson, Cllr Brid Smith, Cllr Louise Minihan and

Cllr Shelia Howes

That this Committee as a matter of urgency seeks a meeting with the City Manager Mr John Tierney, to address at first hand the serious concerns regarding the proposal by Dublin City Council to withdraw funding from St Ultan’s School, Cherry Orchard, Dublin 10. This decision was relayed to school Board of Management within the past week. There was never any indication that this unilateral decision was on the cards. Dublin City Council gave a commitment in 2008 to fund the administration aspect of this project in consultation with the Dept of Educationon the basis that issues effecting life opportunities in Cherry Orchard necessitated the need to develop a different school, one in which the children were at the centre . The new school has 3 streams, a child care facility, early start, primary school & after-school programme. The subjects taught here reflect a desire by the Board of Management to create a holistic approach to education with the hope of developing a culture which sees the value education plays on improving the outcomes for the children, families & the community as a whole.

We the councillors mentioned below are seeking an opportunity for the Board of Management to make a presentation to the South Central Area Committee at the April meeting in addition that the City Manager be asked to attend same. This project is not just a school; it is a full integrated facility one of which we cannot walk away from as Cherry Orchard has specific issues which need addressing and the St Ultan’s aims to respond to some of the structural issues which effect educational opportunities.

Order: Agreed to refer to the City Council. The Committee also agreed to invite St.

Ultan’s School Board of Management to make a presentation to the April South

Central Area Committee.


321.Councillor Clare Byrne

Can the Area Manager please give a detailed report of who is responsible for the boundary wall, trees and green at Huxley Crescent, Cork Street.

Order: Report to Councillor.

322.Councillor Brid Smith

This Area Committee calls on management to organise for the installation of CCTV on the lane linking Thomond Road and Kylemore Road. This laneway is a magnet for anti-social behaviour and the distress and annoyance to local people is incessant. Despite many representations in the past from other Councillors, the problems have not been dealt with. CCTV would act as a deterrent to those who are causing the problems.

Order: Report to all Councillors.

323.Councillor Brid Smith

This Area Committee calls for management to organise a clean up of the pathway along Croftwood Drive in Ballyfermot. The area is filthy and is only manageable because of the cleaning efforts of local people. Burnt out cars, broken glass and other items litter the green in front of the houses and the path does not drain properly when it rains. We have been informed that this area is cleaned every three months and this is not acceptable.

Order: Report to all Councillors.

324.Councillor Brid Smith

This Area Committee welcomes the work being carried out at the bus stop on Galtymore Road to improve access for buses to ensure they can safely pull in and stop to allow passengers embark and disembark. We call on Dublin Bus to make similar improvements for the bus stop on Errigal Road for safety reasons and for the convenience of visitors and patients using the Childrens Hospital.

Order: Report to all Councillors.

Councillor Clare Byrne


21stMarch 2011.



Cllr. C. Byrne, Cllr. P. Dunne, Cllr. J. Gallagher, Cllr. S. Howes, Cllr. V. Jackson, Cllr. R. McGinley, Cllr. R. Moynihan, Cllr. L. Minihan, Cllr. C. Ní Dhálaigh, Cllr. M. O’Sullivan& Cllr. B. Smith.


Maire Twomey, Area Manager, South Central Area;

Sean Moloney, Assistant Area Manager, Ballyfermot Area Office;

Bruce Phillips, Assistant Area Manager, Kilmainham & Liberties Area Office;

Mary McGuane, Area Housing Manager, Crumlin Area Office;

Kay Noonan Cork, Area Housing Manager, Liberties area Office;

Declan Ronan, Area Housing Manager,Crumlin Area Officer;

John Behan, Area Housing Manager, Ballyfermot Area Office;

Don Daly, Centre Manager, Sports & Leisure Services;

Patricia Hyde, Senior Executive Planner, Conservation Section

Rosemary Gibbons, Senior Executive Planner, Planning Department

Sally Reddington, Senior Executive Engineer, Traffic Department,

John Durkan, Asst. Community Dev. Officer, Community Development;

Gerry Bowe, Senior Architect, South Central Area;

Margaret Riordan, Staff Officer, Development Department;

Catherina Benson, Administrative Officer, Liberties Area Office;

Dominic Hession, Act. Asst. Staff Officer, South Central Office;

Cathriona Woulfe, Senior Staff Officer, South Central Office.