58 Squadron Announcements
Last updated March 25, 2017 6pm
March 28, 2017
Duty Officer –LtParkinson
Duty Sgt –Sgt Feuillat Alternate Duty Sgt– FCpl Reynolds
Duty Cpl –Cpl Shipman Alternate Duty Cpl – Cpl Fyfe
Level 2 Training
Level 2's to meet outside HMCS Cataraqui drill hall, 24 Navy Way, Tuesday March 28 at 1830hrs, pickup is 2130hrs.
We are visiting 33 RCSCC as part of your training programme.
My cell number is 613-539-9072.
If cadets can't make it or will be late they need to call or text me AND email the sqn email address.
Cadets must bring their Health Cards with them.
The Kingston Recreation and Leisure Showcase
WHEN:Sunday March 26th from 10 am - 2 pm
WHERE:Boys and Girls Club West End Hub
1300 Bath Road Kingston K7M 4X4
58 Squadron will be having a display booth at the show and we need a minimum of 4 cadets to helping to show to public what a great program we have.
Uniform of the day will be full dress uniform with medals.
If you can help out (it is only 4 hours) please send an email to the squadrons email stating your name and that wish to participate.
Mr. Heyman
CO’s Parade – April 4
On the conclusion of the CO’s Parade April 4, the cadets and staff will pose for the annual squadron picture.
In addition to the squadron photos, I need to take the following groups and teams. If possible staff team leaders should be ready to be with your team
Flying Scholarship – Mr Cumming
Exertion – Lt Parkinson
Drill Team – Miss Brown & Mr. Dennis
Pipes & Drums – Mr. Thompson
Range – Lt Peterson
Biathlon – Lt Parkinson
Effective Speaking – Capt Peterson
Brass & Reed – Mr. Soo Lum
Orienteering – Lt Peterson
Sunday April 30 , 0730- 1700 at Mountainview. This is an excellent way to see what the Air Cadet Flying program is all about. Cadets should arrive at TDH no later than 0730. Civilian clothing, no uniforms. Lunch will be provided.
See Lt Parkinson in the Admin Office for a permission slip.
Tri-Service Sports Day
There is a Tri Service sports day happening this Saturday, 25 March at the Base gym. If any cadets are interested in being on a 58 Air team please reply to the Squadron website email. I need replies asap to confirm our participation. Open to all cadets but I need answers no later than tomorrow, tonight preferably.
Timings would be 0930-1700
Tri Service Sports Day Kit List
PT Gear(Long Pants and T Shirt)
Health Card
Water Bottle
Clean Indoor Shoes ( Outdoor shoes are not allowed in the sports dome)
Capt Peterson
CO’s Parade – April 4
On the conclusion of the CO’s Parade April 4, the cadets and staff will pose for the annual squadron picture.
In addition to the squadron photos, I need to take the following groups and teams. If possible staff team leaders should be ready to be with your team
Flying Scholarship – Mr Cumming
Exertion – Lt Parkinson
Drill Team – Miss Brown & Mr. Dennis
Pipes & Drums – Mr. Thompson
Range – Lt Peterson
Biathlon – Lt Parkinson
Effective Speaking – Capt Peterson
Brass & Reed – Mr. Soo Lum
Orienteering – Lt Peterson
Thank you
Mr. Heyman
The spring Tag Day weekend will be on April 7, 8, & 9.
Times of shifts are as follows;
Fri – 4pm-8pm
Sat- 8am-12pm
12pm- 4pm
Sun – 9am-1pm
As this is one of the squadron’s main fundraisers ALL cadets are expected to take part.
Each cadet is required to do at least 3 shifts over the course of the weekend however if you can do more it is really appreciated.
If you do 2 or 3 shifts in a row and are tagging over a meal hour your meal will be provided by the squadron.
Sign up sheets will be posted at TDH starting this week. Check with your parents what shifts you can do before you come to cadets.
Again this is a Commanding Officer’s Parade and as such is mandatory for all cadets.
Promotion Interviews
Promotion interviews will take place as per the squadron calendar on Thursday March 23, 2017 1900.
Note: Location changed to Bayridge Alliance Church 825 Gardiners Road
And some timings changes.
Full Dress Uniform
Interview timings are below. Cadets should arrive at least 20 mins in advance of their interview time so if we have a cancellation we can proceed without interruption
1900-1910 Dabra
1910-1920 Donnelly
1920-1930 Gray
1930-1940 Heisman
1940-1950 Morris S
1950-2000 Schmidt
2000-2010 Wagner F
2010-2020 Cooke
2030-2040 Krause
2050-2100 Lafreniere
Walk – Thon
The squadron’s 7kl Walk a Thon for charity is April 29, 2017 and will take place in TDH and CFB Kingston. This is a CO’s Mandatory Parade , all cadets are expected to take part and raise minimum of $75.00 in pledges.
This year the squadron will be supporting the local charity
“ Kingston 4 Paws” which trains dogs as guide dogs.
Pledge forms will be handed out Tuesday March 21.
If you did not pick up a registration form see Mr. Heyman
All cadets who will not be returning to the squadron next year due to aging out or moving on to post-secondary college or university please send me an email stating what your plans are at
Mr Heyman
The March Break Fun Night has been rescheduled to April 1 and 2nd from 1500 on Saturday to 1200 hrs Sunday. More details to follow when confirmed.
Yes it is an overnight event - Thompson Drill Hall. Join us for a fun filled evening of, Pizza, and our version of The Wheel of Fortune, complete with our very own Pat Sajak and Vanna White. Also planned is the 1st : Americas 58 Squadron Has Got Talent Show for both cadets and staff.
Timing: as per above
Cadets are to arrive at ( location to be determined )for 15:00
Dress: appropriate civilian clothing
Kit list:
sleeping bag
blanket if required
medication if needed (parents please indicate on permission form)
snacks if desired
books or movies if desired
chagne of clothes for next days events
Permission form
Meals will be provided by the Squadron
Parents are asked to ensure they pick up their cadets by 12:00 noon
Capt Peterson
Drill Team Weekend
"All cadets- If you're interested in improving your drill or learning some new moves feel free to join the drill team on their competition prep weekend. On Saturday 25 March from 1300-1700 we are having an all ranks drill workshop at TDH."
58 Squadron’s KIT SHOP page is now active, On the main page click the tab Kit Shop for a direct link up and running by the weekend.
PS – Parents stop by our new Kit Shop for those extra special gifts for school graduations, Easter gifts, birthdays and any other reason to reward your deserving cadets OR maybe even yourselves.
Mr. Heyman
New Flight Names
As of March 4, the new names for each flight will be
#1 – Voodoo
#2 – Halifax
#3 – Lancaster
Any cadet who is missing camp badges should see either Capt Helmer or Mr. Osborne in supply so a list can be made so they can be ordered.
Capt Helmer
Air Cadet League Post-Secondary Scholarships
The League’s National Office has reminded us the deadline to apply for three post-secondary scholarships is approaching onApril 1, 2017.
The Air Cadet League of Canada is pleased to offer three post-secondary education scholarship awards to Royal Canadian Air Cadets. They are the Young Citizen Foundation Scholarship, the Birchall Scholarship and the Dale Scholarship.
These are entrance scholarships which will be granted to a deserving cadet entering any community college, cegep or university in Canada for post-secondary studies. This scholarship has no restrictions as to the field of study.
In the process of evaluating the applications, for the academic component, the focus is on the following subjects: (a) Languages; (b) Mathematics; (c) Physical Sciences; and (d) Social Sciences. It is important that the most recent report card or transcript include these courses.
Applicants are required to complete the ACC64 application form online, and submit it in digital form (PDF), along with supporting documentation to the Air Cadet League of Canada, at:. The email should be titled beginning with your name and National Education Scholarships such as: Fred Jones National Education Scholarships.
Information on the scholarships and the application forms may be found on the League’s National website (
In addition to the Young Citizen Foundation, Birchall and Dale Scholarships, the National Office is pleased to announcetwo NEW scholarships fromtheir Jazz Aviation partnershipfor Cadet graduates of the Power Pilot Scholarship! Air Cadets who are interested in pursuing a career as a commercial pilot can now apply for one of these two new education scholarships.
If you are interested in applying for any of the above scholarships, please see Mr. Heyman
DRILL TEAM– Mondays 1830-2100Thompson Drill Hall
GROUND SCHOOL - Completed for this year. It will resume in September
BIATHLON – Completed for this year. It will resume in September
PIPES & DRUMS - Fridays 1830 – 2200 PWOR ArmouriesCANCELLED FOR THIS WEEK
ORIENTEERING–Completed for this year. It will resume in September
RANGE TEAM Practice will be on Sunday at TDH 13:00 TO 16:00
Please note the competition date has changed to 9 April. Please let Lt Peterson know soonest if this date doesn't work for you any longer as changes to the team will have to be made..
There will be no practice on April 2nd but possibly will be on Monday April 3rd. Still need to confirm the details. I am also hoping to have a final practice on Saturday April 8th and competition is April 9th.
EXERTION– Cancelled for this year
EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Completed for this year. It will resume in September
BRASS & REEDThursdays 1830– 2100 hrsTHOMPSON DRILL HALL
Flight Points
The total points earned by flight are now available at the end of the announcements page (Below). Top Flight for each month is in red
Flight #1Flight #2Flight #3
September 2020 1705 2085
October 1675 1725 1845
November 2400 2460 2700
December 1220 1210 1230
January 520 430 365
February 1010 830 890