1) Attendees

Cllr E. Henderson(Chair), Cllr J. Donald, Cllr W.Greenfield, Cllr.L.Oxby, Cllr R.Hutchinson, Cllr S.Gillard (arrived at 18:50) Cllr M.Souter. Christine Bell (Clerk)

Parishioners present: Mrs. Suzanne Herbert, Mrs. Dee Hollingsworth.

2) Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Cllr Greenfield proposed Cllr Henderson to be elected Chairman; this was seconded by Cllr Souter with all members in agreement.Cllr Souter proposed Cllr Hutchinson as Vice Chairman; this was seconded by Cllr Donald with all members in agreement. Both parties signed the acceptance of office forms.

3) Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 10th May 2013.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4) Matters arising from AGM held on 10th May 2013.

The matters arising from the previous AGM are attached to these minutes at Appendix A.

5) Finance – Presentation of accounts to year ending 31st March 2014.


The precept increased from £5k to £6k for a possible election. This did not materialise and funds were used towards H &S work on trees on village green and RecreationPark. Council tax support grant of £161 was received; this will reduce in future years and will be £145 for 2014/15. Wayleaves received were £71.98 including £10 arrears from the Three Tuns. £500 was received from TAP for dog bags.

Sport England grant of £49271 for further development of RecreationPark.

Income from Leekworth field reduced from an anticipated £390 to £83.42 due to maintenance work required.

Reclaimed VAT of
£9267.95 included £8601.27 that came from recreation park invoices. This money has been placed in an active saver account at Barclays and all monies will be used for further maintenance and upkeep of the recreation park. Parish Council agreed to pay for a new gate for the recreation park with a contribution from the recreation park committee of £662.81.

Bank interest of £10.93 was earned on two deposit accounts.

Summary of income

Balance carried forward £ 9809.22

Normal parish income £ 6327.33

DCC Grant £ 500.00

Recreation park £49933.81

VAT refund £ 9267.95

Total Income £75838.31


The clerk’s salary showed a large increase in the year but this was due to the fact that the previous year’s salary was paid in a lump sum in 2013. The clerk’s hours have also been increased from 2 to 3 with effect from September. The clerk is currently incurring 8-9 hours per week on council work.

Recreation park expenditure of £53455.61. All monies due to the recreation park have now been spent and the only money left in the account is the VAT refund.

Annual insurance payment of £1338.49, clerk is currently reviewing other companies.

Grass cutting increased from £7010 in 2012/13 to £14540 in 2013/14. The previous contractor gave notice shortly before 2013 season and a new contractor was hired at short notice. Tenders were sent out in January 2014 for the next three years and a contractor has been appointed until March 2017.

The village hall maintenance bank account has been closed and the balance paid to the village hall.

Work to trees which was necessary under H & S cost £1765 net of VAT.

Summary of expenditure

Recreation park £ 53548.01

One off payments £ 2737.01

Normal expenditure £ 6182.35

Total expenditure £ 62467.37

Balances carried forward

Current account £ 1.70

Business saver £ 5848.46

Active saver £ 7520.78

Total £ 13370.94

The question was asked if the purchase of the printer would be a village asset. Cllr Henderson explained that this would not be practical but it was hoped to site the printer in the village hall where user groups could use it.

A copy of the accounts is attached to these minutes.

6) Nomination, voting and election of council members for various committees. There will be no need to vote this year as it has been incorporated into Parish Council standing orders that Councillors will serve on committees for the length of their elected term.

7) Adoption of revised standing orders.

The revised standing orders were agreed unanimously and will be displayed on the notice board.

8) Diary dates.

The Council will continue to meet on the first Tuesday of every month. The dates for the AGM and Parish meeting will be agreed nearer the time.

9) Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks.

The clerk confirmed that insurance arrangements were in place, the renewal is due on 1st June and quotes will be obtained from other companies.