Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US. 17; US. 37]
Station 1:
1. What is Prohibition?
2. What is the Temperance Movement?
3. What did the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act do?
4. How did the people manage to get a hold of alcohol in the 1920’s?
5. What did the 21st Amendment do?
6. Look at the two pictures that are in support of Prohibition.
What do these pictures tell you about the prohibition movement?
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US. 18]
Station 2:
1. What did the 19th Amendment do?
2. Looking at the political cartoons, what are some of the reasons why men opposed women’s suffrage?
Imagine you were a suffragette. Design a poster showing your support for the movement.
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US. 45; US. 32; US 33; US 34]
Station 3:
1. What happened to the farmers after World War 1?
2. As farming became less profitable, new industries became prosperous:
3. Which Industry produced much of the prosperity in the 1920’s?
4. What were women doing during the 1920’s?
5. What impact did advertisements have on American society? What did advertisements promise? How did advertisements reach the American people?
6. What was the image of the middle class in the 1920’s?
7. For most middle class families prosperity meant:
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US. 43]
Station 4:
1. In what year did Charles Lindbergh take off from Roosevelt Field, Long Island?
2. How long was the flight (in hours)?
3. What was remarkable about Lindbergh’s flight?
4. How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit in 1927?
5. What about Babe Ruth made him stand out?
6. Define “uncouth” and “imbiber.”
7. What was Man O War’s nickname, and who gave it to him?
8. How many races did this horse win and how many did he lose?
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US. 42]
Station 5:
1. How did boys behave prior to the 1920’s?
2. How did girls behave prior to the 1920’s
3. How did F. Scott Fitzgerald describe the time period?
4. Draw a flapper including hair and dress?
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
Station 6:
Imagine you were a teenager living in the 1920’s. Using at least 10 slang words, write a short story describing your day. Your story should be a minimum of 5 sentences and each slang word should be highlighted or underlined.
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US 35]
Station 7:
1. What steps did the American government take to return the nation to “normalcy” after WWI?
2. The Harding Administration
a. Warren Harding appointed several distinguished people to his cabinet, such as ______as secretary of state.
b. Harding gave appointments to ______and ______
from Ohio, which led to corruption and numerous scandals.
c. The most famous scandal, the ______Scandal, concerned bribes for leasing navy oil reserves in Wyoming and California.
d. When Harding died, ______became president. The new president believed prosperity depended on ______.
3. Policies of Prosperity
a. The secretary of the treasury, Andrew Mellon, had three major goals under Harding and successive presidents: ______, ______, and
b. Mellon’s idea that lower tax rates grow the economy and result in the government collecting more taxes is known today as ______.
c. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover encouraged economic growth through his idea of ______. He believed it would ______and
promote ______.
4. Trade and Arms Control
a. By the end of World War I, the dominant economic power in the world was the ______. It tried to promote peace by using ______
and ______agreements.
b. Through the ______, American banks lent money to Germany to help it pay its war reparations.
c. The Washington conference proposed a 10-year halt on ______
d. A further step to end all wars, ______called for nations to abandon war and settle disputes peacefully.
Name: ______
US History Roaring 20’s
[US 38]
Station 8:
1. What was the basis of the Scopes Monkey Trial?
2. What was the Butler Act?
3. Who were Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryant and who did the represent?
4. How was this trial staged or set up?
5. Describe the perceptions of Traditionalist (fundamentalist) vs. Modernist.
6. What was the result of the case?