Sept 13-2017


Robyn Eresman, April Hellman, Brianne Schneider, Bev Hudec, Renee Glass, Amy Wagner, Pat Wilde. ((Phone Conference with Shane Andrus at 8pm))

Meeting called to order at: 7:05


Oct. 5th is World Teacher Day - Giving $30 to every school to buy apples for the students ( approx 90 apples) Set up signs with the apples for students to take saying “ have an apple on us teachers” Bev will set this up.

Susan and Bev will be meeting with a writing coach. Grades 1-7 are supported for teachers.


Phone Conferenced in-

The board is dealing with the budget cuts

  • Busing budget was cut 8-9%
  • The amalgamated routes as well as rerouting buses
  • Some students unfortunately were taking out of the division to homeschool - we will give them all the support they need.

-Staff in central office - Speech Pathology - Will be kept in the loop as it's very important for our school.

- New Education Act Proclaimed - It's Law -

- No concerns for the SCC at this time - will keep informed if issues arise.

-Trying to look at budget for years to come - This year they took out of savings ( 2.5 Million ) to help with the Transportation cuts

- Will need to look where the next 2.5 Million comes from.. Staffing is at 75%

-This year is the year that the school division will review schools and see if schools fall below its numbers. Will see if board wants to look into this again this year.. Still in talks..

Business Arising from Trustee Report

-Renee asked about the $500 grant that the board gives. Shane was sure that was in the budget cuts but will double check.

-Scc Forum will still be an event this year.

-Shane Followed up on the stage - did ensure that they will be coming back to put on baseboards ( pat also sent pictures to Kevin Jones and has been in contact )

-Shane will look into benchmarks for school numbers and get back to us

-Pat thought FV school was deemed a necessity school due to its Geography

-Renee had a community member ask about a chair lift into the gym. Possibly ask school division to help. Shane will ask and get back to us.

-Pat mentioned there is a CLUB Vball account that has approx $2000 in and they did mention giving back to school and could be used for something like this.

-Will need to look into fire codes, ask the facility department.

-Pat will send email regarding this to Kevin Jones and CC Shane and Renee


See Attached

  • Numbers are down this year from 139 to 129… will be losing a big graduation class this year only gaining about 11 kindergartens for 2018.
  • Burstall Bus Route Update - getting more comfortable with the driving. Will be giving an option of highway or gravel. Division member will be coming to sit with driver to see how they do with comfortability. For the safety of the students.
  • -Budget - has been a cut for the school but students and parents probably won't notice.
  • Unsure about the Ski-trip at this time as its approx. $850 ( for the drivers and vehicles)
  • The cut will not affect the learning materials and resources for the students

- We have obtained to host Girls Provincials again in 2018. This will be 2 years in a row.

( Scc has agreed we don't have the funds to put money towards the help of the Tournament but will donate our time helping prep food.)


  • $300 left in the account with the $1500 Grant Given. Shane said that the $500 is no longer available due to budget cuts.
  • Brianne will talk to St. Mary's about donation to the Fruit Program again, last year they donated $400


-Robyn will continue with SCC Bulletin Board - November the board will be used for Provincials

-Jenna will continue with SCC Facebook Page

-Decided to scrap the Math in the Gym. Maybe implement something with writing and student goals instead.

-Fruit Program - Brianne will ask about CWL/Parish donation.

-Treasure Box - full about $50 every two months to fill

-Attendance - PLC group came to see if we wanted to purchase prizes again ( will ask Jenna to see if she would want to ask tracey for Gift cards again )

-Buddy Bench - possibly fundraise for one for through a Hot Lunch,


  • See Attached for 2017-2018 Hoshins
  • See Attached for Writing K-8 and Student Engagement grades 9-12
  • Open House - no date yet - RCMP will set up date
  • SCC will help with Meal again - Prep- and Clean up - Will purchase Supplies

-Provincial Volleyball - See Attached form - SCC agreed to help with Food Prep. as we don't have funds to donate at this time but can volunteer

-Noon Lunches - will be every Friday. Try to have meals planned out a month ahead of time so parents know. Will let SRC pick first and then SCC will pick days to do hot lunch.

-Terry Fox Run - Sept. 28th at 11am, Cypress Credit Union will be sponsoring.

- Renee will be purchasing Juice Boxes and Donuts(from superstore as they are nut free) for after the run.

Deb Riddly from Maple Creek asked about the Virtual RCMP Ride from Regina - will look into it.


Received a Thank you Card from Kyra Anton regarding Grad.


October 11 at 7pm

Meeting Adjourned at: 8:40pm