Minutes of Pupil Progress committee

On 30th October 2017

held at Guilden Morden Primary School

Jez Fisher (Head Teacher), Mark Robinson (Chair) Sarah Fryer, Anna Fettiplace, Ninette Taylor, Judith Davis Roach, Kristy Carter (Pre-school Leader)

Minutes written in the order that discussions took place.

1.  Welcome and Apologies for Absence
MR welcomed Kristy Carter to our Local Governing Board (LGB) meeting and thanked her for attending. Dorothy Dunnell (Member of Teaching Staff) sent her apologies.

2. Pecuniary Interests: JDR handed over her completed Pecuniary Interest Form, otherwise there were no changes.

Confidential Minutes
There were no confidential minutes

4  Minutes from previous meeting on 19th September 2017 were agreed and signed.

5 Matters Arising

MR enquired about the School Website and whether it is compliant. JF replied that now the School Development Plan was complete, the Website will be a lot nearer to being finished at the end of this week. JF is waiting for information from DEMAT regarding the way to display school data on the Website, DEMAT are expecting the information from the Department for Education. A Disability and Equality Plan is also needed. JF has written a new Behaviour Policy, which has been discussed with all Staff. This Policy has been adopted by the LGB and ready to be uploaded to the Website. The Pupil Premium data is also ready to go on the Website. With regard to SEND, JF will contact the Special Educational Need Co-ordinator to obtain the SEND Report for the Website. The ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section needs to be undated . DEMAT will be reporting on how the School Accounts should be displayed on the website. The Curriculum information will be finished this week and will be on the Website as soon as possible.

ACTION: JF to contact SenCo for the SEND Report and to continue with the Website.

6. Prevent Awareness: Helen Smith (School Prevent Co-ordinator) provided ‘Prevent Awareness’ to the LGB members. Three years ago Prevent Awareness concentrated on Terrorism and Radicalisation but now it is about extreme views of any nature and being aware of vulnerable pupils with an emphasis on British Values. Events that are concerning for School Staff must be put in writing and logged, even though eventually it may not be a worry. The Police Service offer an online activity through ‘Channel’ about what happens in the event of a referral. All LGB Members are able to access the ‘Channel’ Police Training which lasts about 20 minutes. SF mentioned there is also Home Office Training and Cambridgeshire County Council Training available. All Teaching Assistants in the school have received Prevent Awareness Training and the Strategy/Plan is now in place to ensure the process and culture are tight. With regard to Safeguarding, the Governor responsible for overseeing compliance required feedback to ensure that all Staff understood the Safeguarding strategy and plan.

ACTION: Local Governing Board Members to instigate collection of feedback.

ACTION: JF to forward KC and HS email addresses to SF.

KC ensures all of the Pre-School Staff are aware of what to do in a Safeguarding situation by asking members of Staff to deal with a fabricated scenario. All present thought this strategy could also be used within school. KC questioned the colour of paper used in the Prevent Awareness paperwork, it should be coloured to be easily recognised as a Referral. JF confirmed he would get this organised.

ACTION: JF to run scenario and report back to LGB.

ACTION: KC to organise with JF

ACTION: JF to organise colour of Prevent Awareness paperwork.

Helen Smith asked for confirmation that the School Office Staff would be the focus for invoices and payments for Cool Club. The Pre- School and Cool Club are to be responsible for ensuring that finances are recorded. The School Office Staff are to complete DEMAT training for this purpose. .

7. Safeguarding, SCR and Audit . It was reported that all is up to date and that there were some forms to check to ensure all is compliant.

8. Site Security Risk Assessment. Julia Steel, DEMAT, who is responsible for Health and Safety will be visiting the school to check what is compliant, what is not, and what we need to do to ensure compliance. There will also be a visit from a dedicated business for an assessment of the Fire Regulations and Signage for compliance. JF stated that after these visits he would be able to produce an Action Plan for Health and Safety, Security etc.

ACTION: JF to formulate an Action Plan for Health and Safety, Security etc.

23. SEND Governor required. JDR is to become the new Governor responsible for SEND

10. Adoption of Policies. Policies adopted at this meeting:

Sex and Relationships,

Site Security,


Disability and Equality.

The Home/School Agreement was also adopted.

JF to complete the Curriculum Statement and,, with the Curriculum Maps and Letters, make ready for publication on the website. A new Prospectus is needed.

ACTION: JF and JDR to meet for Governor visit and to work on the website.

ACTION: JF, School Staff and LGB members to prepare a new prospectus when apppropriate

9. DEMAT Local Governance Review. MR gave feedback on the Workshop concerning the Review of Governance. DEMAT want some consistency over all LGBs. . DEMAT want LGBs responsibilities to be clear . The Skills Audit for Local Governing Board Members is to be completed again.

ACTION: MR to email the form for completion.

13. Marketing (website, flyers) JDR reported that the marketing leaflets are to be included in the Royston Crow specific delivery areas we chose on the 6th November. The LGB gave praise and thanks to JDR. With regard to Steeple Morden, leaflets may have to be delivered by hand as the Royston Crow is not delivered there. Bassingbourn Barracks has been covered as JDR made sure there would be a leaflet drop there. Bassingbourn College have a newsletter and we can add a piece about the school in this.

ACTION: KC to let NT have the email address for Bassingbourn College.

11 and 16. Pupil Progress. JF provided data for the Governors to monitor. Discussion took place concerning the small number of children on roll making it more difficult to secure relevant percentages. JF reported that the work seen in book scrutiny and in lesson observations has resulted in providing the Performance Management Targets for the Teaching Staff. JF and Staff have decided on a different system for Yr 6 booster classes. It is hoped that extra funding will be provided for JF for monitoring, training and staff meetings. JF will be taking 2 booster classes a week with year 6 working on reasoning and problem solving. It has been decided that a Governor will visit school to speak with the Teachers for their opinion on progress and to also speak with the children about their views on it.

ACTION: JDR to go into School to meet with the Yr6 Teachers and for the Pupil Voice Meeting.

ACTION: All Governors to read the School Development Plan and the Pupil Progress data and to collectively ask JF any questions arising.

15. Playground equipment.The LGB offered their thanks to AF for raising money for the school. TheLGB appreciated a letter written by Councillor Cicely Murfitt, in support of the application to South Cambs for funding. A separate income stream has been made in the School Accounts to show the funding from grants.

16. Any Other Business It has been agreed that a representative of the Parochial Church Council will be invited to attend one of the LGB’s meetings each year. It was noted by the Local Governing Board that JF attended the village Songs of Praise and gave a talk about the school to all present. DEMAT have agreed that all Teachers should have salary increment 2% on the main pay scale and all other Staff have 1%.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 3.30 pm.