How to submit correspondence to the Aviation Commander Command Screen Board (Board #18436)

1. What is “correspondence”? What is a letter to the board (“LTB”)?

·  Correspondence is any external communication to the board, about you. We break it down into two major categories: routine correspondence and Letters to the Board (LTB).

·  Routine Correspondence is ordinary correspondence submitted by you to provide missing information or to update your record. This includes awards (NAM and above only), FITREPs (including FITREP letters of extension), qualifications, and diplomas or other documentation of academic degrees or JPME. How do you know if your record is complete and accurate, and will be presented as such at the board? Log on to BOL and find your way to your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), your Performance Summary Record (PSR), and your Officer Data Card (ODC). If everything is complete and accurate in those areas, you do not need to submit any routine correspondence. If there is information missing (e.g. FITREP gap, missing award, academic degree not listed, etc), submit appropriate routine correspondence to correct the discrepancy. If there are any issues with your record that cannot be updated by simply providing missing documentation (e.g. a FITREP gap for which you do not have the missing report), consider submitting an LTB. See below.

·  A Letter to the Board (LTB) is any other communication to the board about you that is not “routine” as defined above. LTBs can be written by you, or by another person on your behalf; however all correspondence to the board must be submitted by you, and an LTB written by another person must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by you in order for it to proceed to the board.

·  Please do not ask your community rep to submit correspondence for you. You must submit all correspondence yourself according to the instructions below.

·  Remember that the procedures contained herein do not correct your record permanently; they simply ensure that this particular board has access to your full and complete record. If you identify any discrepancies in your official record in preparation for this board, you are encouraged to 1) in the near term, focus on completing these instructions as soon as possible to ensure your complete accurate record is available to this board; and 2) after this board is complete, review your record on BOL once more and then address any remaining discrepancies in order to fix them permanently. To begin that process please see the officer record management brief at

2. Correspondence Checklist:

·  All correspondence pages including cover letter must have FULL NAME, COMMUNITY (HSM, VAQ, VFA, etc), and FULL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER in the upper right hand corner prior to sending.

a.  Cover Letter. All submissions must contain a cover letter signed by you.

b.  Do not add extra language to the cover letter besides what is provided in the example. (Unless you are intentionally writing a Letter to the Board.)

·  Official Photos.

a.  Per NAVADMIN 186/16, there is no longer a requirement to display an official photograph for officer selection boards. This change is effective immediately. The requirement to maintain an officer photograph in the official service record will continue to exist. If you choose to submit a photo please follow the instructions below.

b.  Read and comply with MILPERSMAN article 1070-180.

c.  You must use NAVPERS FORM 1070/884 to submit a photo, or it will not be accepted. The form is available at

d.  Sign the Photo form!

e.  Ensure the photo is a color photo.

f.  Submit hi-quality color electronic image superimposed directly onto NAVPERS form 1070/884 if possible. If unable to submit a color photo electronically, use US Mail to submit (see submission procedures below).

·  LTB.

a.  All LTBs should be addressed to President, FY-18 Commander Command Screen Board, Board #18436

b.  If you are submitting an LTB authored by another person, it must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by you. No correspondence originating from another person will be accepted by the board unless it is accompanied by a cover letter from you.

How to Submit Your Correspondence by Email (Preferred Method)

Email Deadline: 1700 CST, Sunday 05 March 2017 preferred to ensure receipt. Absolutely NLT 2359 12 March 2017.

1. The preferred method of submission for all correspondence to this board is E-MAIL (it is acknowledged that the NPC website advertises that US Mail is preferred, however we are requesting electronic submission if possible for this board in order to improve tracking.) Keep in mind however that we are asking for full SSN on all submitted pages; encrypted email is therefore required to safely submit personally identifiable information (PII). Please encrypt all email submissions if possible. If you are having difficulty submitting correspondence via encrypted email, please complete the following steps below to send a board package from a non NMCI network:

. Go to to download the required mailbox certificate.

. Please note - Use Microsoft Outlook with a CAC reader along with Internet Explorer or Netscape 7

. Type in the" E-mail address field"

. Click "Search"

. Click the "BUPERS" link under "Last Name"

. Click on the link "Download Certificate(s) as vCard"

. Click "Software Certificate for "

. Click the "Open" button for the File Download popup

. Once the certificate opens, click "Save and Close"

. The Certificate is then saved to the profile and can be used to send encrypted e-mail.

2. On the subject line of your email please enter: Board Package: Board #18436

3. Email scanned copies of your signed cover letter and all correspondence pages to and on the CC line please include the following email addresses: ; ; and .

How to Submit Your Correspondence by US Mail

US Mail Deadline: Postmarked by Friday 17 February 2017

1. If at all possible, please submit correspondence by email according to the instructions above. If you must use US Mail to submit your correspondence, please mail your submission no later than Friday, 17 February 2017 (postmark date); however if you are overseas or at sea, please consider that your mailed submission may not reach Millington in time for the board; officers who are overseas or at sea are strongly encouraged to submit correspondence by email.

2. If mailing, please use binder clips or paper clips to keep documents together, no staples.

3. Please mail signed cover letter and all correspondence documents (flat, no folding if possible) to:

US Mail: Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center (PERS 1)

President, FY-18 Aviation Commander Command Screen Board (#18436)

5720 Integrity Drive

Millington TN 38055-6300

All "Commercial" (FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) Express or Overnight Mail:

Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Customer Service Center (PERS 1)

President, FY-18 Aviation Commander Command Screen Board (#18436)

5640 Ticonderoga Loop Bldg 768 Rm E302

Millington TN 38055-6300

Verifying Receipt of Your Correspondence:

To verify that NPC has received your board correspondence, call NPC Customer Service Center at 1-866-827-5672 / DSN 882-5672, or use the self-service program (ORACLE):

- The member must log into ORACLE once every 30 days, if not they will need to e-mail UASKNPC to reset their password.

- Oracle Link: (MUST HAVE A CAC)

- Account#: Member's Full SSN

- Password: E-mail to reset password

- Your new password must be 14 characters long and contain 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 number and 1 special character.

- Upon login you may be asked to select your Default Responsibility. Please ensure 'iSupport Individual User' is selected and click the 'Update' Button. You will only be asked to do this once.

- Please note the "Problem Summary" field. If your package has been processed you will see "BOARD PACKET RECEIVED: Board ###, FY-##, rec'd DDMMMYY with # Pages". Some Officer Admin Boards will not have a page count due to business rules for those boards.

- The turnaround time for entering packages varies depending on volume received. During periods of high volume please allow 10 business days from the date you submit for processing until you are able to get a "received" status.

- Please do not send multiple electronic copies of the same package as this causes greater processing times.

You may also CHAT with a live agent as well at:

While on CHAT, please do not transmit any sensitive PII such as full or partial Social Security Numbers, dates of birth, etc. Agents can also answer a variety of questions.