Date:19thFebruary 2015 Time:6.05pm / Location: JSA - Professional Learning Centre
Chairperson:Lisa Sette / Minutes:Elizabeth Lukovska
Attendees: / Sue JOHNSTON, Corinne PUPILLO, Lisa SETTE(President), Denise CLARKE,Kristie GIANNAKIS, Virginia SMEDLEY, Edward STOLINSKI, Dianna LAURIA, Mary THOMAS
Minutes: Elizabeth LUKOVSKA
Apologies: / Anna McGRICE, Daniela SMITH, Steve SHENNAN
General MeetingItem / Discussion / Motions and Actions
- Welcome/quorum
5.35-6.05 School councillors went on a tour to view the progress and development of the bike / walking track.
- Apologies
Moved:Sue Johnston
Seconded: Edward Stolinski
- Minutes of Previous School Council Minutes
Moved:Virginia Smedley
Seconded: Sue Johnston
All in favour, carried unanimously
- Correspondence-In/Out
DEECD Bulletins – Copies tabled
Notification was received advising that JSA will be exempt from the States testing means.
Healthy Promotion Charter
Corinne tabled and spoke to JSA’s participation and commitments as part of the program.
Hume City Council
Corinne read the follow up email received from Hume City Council regarding the parking congestions in Emu Parade. Signage has been agreed to be placed on Emu Parade however there will be a delay. Corinne will report back to council of any further updates and progress.
NIL / 4.1 /4.2 Motion: That the Correspondence In/Outbe accepted
Moved:Edward Stolinski
Seconded: Kristie Giannakis
All in favour, carried unanimously
- Finance Report
5.2 FSC recommends that November, December & January accounts be approved for payment
5.32015 Draft Master Budget
The 2015 Draft Master budget was tabled and discussed.
5.4 Financial Commitment Summary
Elizabeth tabled and spoke to the Final worksheet.
5.5Westpac Purchasing Card
2014 Master budget
5.6 2015 Bank Account Signatories – That the following list of staff be authorised for Financial delegation for CBA, VTU Investments and Westpac accounts.
- Corinne Pupillo, Susan Johnston & Denise Clarke
- Corinne Pupillo & Susan Johnston
5.9Assets Policy
5.10EFTPOS Policy
5.11 Electronic Funds Policy
5.12 Fundraising Policy
5.13 Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality Policy
5.14 Internet Banking Policy
5.15 Investment Policy
5.16 Finance Administration Policy
5.17Facilities Hire Policy
5.18 Purchasing Card Policy
5.19 2015 School Council Meeting Dates(With a minimum of 8 meetings)
(Thursday’s 5.30pm-7.30pm)
19th February, 19th March, 14th May, 11th June, 6th August, 10th September,
29th October & 3rd December. / 5.1 Motion: That the Finance sub-committee minutes & reports be accepted
Moved: Sue Johnston
Seconded: Virginia Smedley
5.2 Motion: That the November, December & January accounts be approvedfor payment.
Moved:Kristie Giannakis
Seconded: Dianna Lauria
5.3 Motion: That the 2015 Draft Master Budget be endorsedwith a variation to add an additional $40,000 to the bike / walking track
Moved: Corinne Pupillo
Seconded: Kristie Giannakis
5.4 Motion: That the Financial Commitment Summary be accepted and approved
Moved: Virginia Smedley
Seconded: Mary Thomas
5.5 Motion: That the December Purchasing card expenditure be approved.
Moved:Mary Thomas
Seconded:Dianna Lauria
Final adjustments were made to the 2014 Master budget to reflect the correct expenditure.
8601 CRT $4,760.00
8650 Unfilled vacancies $4,107.00
5502 Principal/Leadership $1721.00
1051 Personal Learning $1282.00
9351 Classroom Start Up $1282.00
5001 School Charter $1721.00
5.6 Motion: That the 2015 JSA Bank account signatories be approved and endorsed
Moved: Kristie Giannakis
Seconded: Mary Thomas
5.7 Motion:That the 2015 Official Order Form signatories be endorsed
Moved:Mary Thomas
Seconded: Edward Stolinski
5.8 Motion: That all special events fundraising activities be treated as an Input taxed event (G04)
Moved: Denise Clarke
Seconded: Sue Johnston
5.9 Motion: That the Assets Policy be endorsed
Moved: Sue Johnston
Seconded: Virginia Smedley
5.10 Motion: That the EFTPOS Policy be endorsed
Moved: Kristie Giannakis
Seconded: Sue Johnston
5.11 Motion: That the Electronic Funds Policy be endorsed
Moved: Mary Thomas
Seconded: Dianna Lauria
5.12 Motion: That the Fundraising Policy be endorsed
Moved: Denise Clarke
Seconded:Edward Stolinski
5.13 Motion: That the Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality Policy be endorsed
Moved: Mary Thomas
Seconded: Kristie Giannakis
5.14 Motion: That the Internet Banking Policy be endorsed
Moved: Edward Stolinski
Seconded: Corinne Pupillo
5.15 Motion: That the Investment Policy be endorsed
Moved: Virginia Smedley
Seconded: Mary Thomas
5.16 Motion: That the Finance Administration Policy be endorsed
Moved: Dianna Lauria
Seconded: Denise Clarke
5.17 Motion: That the Facilities Hire Policy be endorsed
Moved: Denise Clarke
Seconded: Edward Stolinski
5.18 Motion: That the Purchasing Card Policy be endorsed
Moved:Sue Johnston
Seconded: Denise Clarke
5.19 Motion: That the 2015 School Council Meeting Dates be approved
Moved: Dianna Lauria
Seconded: Corinne Pupillo
- Principal’s Report
Recruitment - staffing changes and current unfilled vacancies due to movement of staff.
Curriculum Days 23rd, 27th, 28th & 29th January
Very busy start to the year – Staff were engaged in some very valuable and important professional learning opportunities.
One Certification (Previously AMAZE) – Feedback was received from ONE Certification
Outcome – Further evidence will need to be provided for 37 standards that were identified (Total 119 standards) The Quality Action Group and Leadership Team will be working in partnership in time for the school based audit from 15th - 17th April 2015.
School council elections - Vacancies
Corinne thanked retiring school councillors for their contributions.
Broadmeadows School Network
Corinne spoke to the progress within the network around governance and professional practice. / 6.1 Motion: That the Principals Report be accepted
Moved: Kristie Giannakis
Seconded:Dianna Lauria
All in favour, carried unanimously
- Occupational Health and Safety Report
Moved:Virginia Smedley
Seconded:Sue Johnston
All in favour, carried unanimously
- ICT & eLearning Report
Moved:Kristie Giannakis
Seconded:Mary Thomas
All in favour, carried unanimously
- General Business
ADVD of our Teaching and Learning programs will be presented at the next council meeting.
2015 AIP – Final Draft tabled
Sue spoke to the key improvement strategies and the implementation plan.
ONE Certification – Discussed in the Principal’s report
Curriculum- Discussed as part of the AIP / 9.1 Motion: That the 2015 AIP be endorsed.
Moved: Sue Johnston
Seconded: Dianna Lauria
9 Other Business
Meeting Closed at7.10pm
Signed as a correct record:
School Council President______Principal______