Dear Girls and Mother Advisors ,
As you may know I’m Fallon Cote, Grand Patriotism, from Westerly #7. I want to have a project to get our girls interactive with our troops. I would like each Assembly to write one letter a month giving thanks and appreciation to our troops, with each theme according to the month. With the theme for each month, it would be appreciated if you are creative with your own thoughts and personal ideas as well.
The purpose is not only to thank our military, but also to make them feel valued and their service worthwhile. They put their lives on the line and leave their homes for us and our families. My themes are to keep the letters active over the months so we are not just saying thank you. These amazing people hear that every day. We want it to be more meaningful and loving.
How it will work;
- Girls, with the help of an advisor, will find a military base between RI, CT, and Ma. Try to spread it out so one military base doesn't get two. Please send me the base you have chosen so I can make sure no assembly conflicts withanother.
US ArmyNationalGuardMilitary Base Address: 83 Windham St, Willimantic, CT06226
- Written theme will be seen down below in chart with the month duedate.
Month Due dates / Themes
February 24th / Do a little research on the base and make a letter personal to the service they do and recognize their work
March 24th / Using quotes and inspiration from the heart; chose a quote to motivate them to keep moving, and give love and appreciation
April 28th / Recognize our fallen soldiers (when they receive this it will be May so it will be close to memorial day )
May 26th / Make this one personal, put thought and feeling towards the connections you made over the months of doing this project
- Each assembly is asked to write ONE letter a month as a whole assembly until May. Iwould appreciate it, if you allparticipate.
- I would like the letter you have written, sent to my email just for a check over, before being sent off in the mail. (yes, handwritten, if possible print and mail send. Picture of handwritten letter sent in my emailplease)
My email;
- I will send an email twice a month to make sure all assemblies do not forget about thisproject
- I will try and read at least one of your letters at each grand event to get our word andservice out
Thank you all for participating Rainbow love and service,
Fallon Cote, Grand Patriotism