Calendar of Events
March 2011
Wednesday 9th
General Meeting, Descanso Town Hall, 6:00 p.m. for Pizza
Friday March 18
Carne Asada Committee Meeting--At Rene Hijar’s 445-0928
Saturday 19th
St. Patty’s Day Ride Corned Beef & Cabbage by, Jan Herrera & Marge Pachon, Ride-10:00 am.
Trail Boss Jody
Friday 25th-Sunday 27th Vallecitos Days, Terry Jorgensen, call Terry for information – 760-789-5185
April 2011
Wednesday 13th
General Meeting, and Potluck at Luke Barbour’s Shortbranch Saloon, 6:00 p.m.
16th-- 17th
Lakeside Rodeo Weekend
Friday 29th – Sunday May 1st
Austin Ranch Campout / Chuckwagon
Hosted by Marty Jorgensen
The Prez Sez
The Prez Says,
The brilliance and warmth of our sun this morning is proclaiming spring is about to be 'sprung'. We are fast approaching the annual vernal equinox, and the changing of our clocks back to longer daylight for afternoon and evening rides! ...Saturday night, March 12, turn'em ahead before you bed.
Continuing on the upbeat, our Melda continues to make great progress in her rehab...and she has vowed to get back in the saddle, missing it and her many friends. While she is still working hard at the California Rehab Facility in La Mesa, Melda enjoys taking breaks to take phone calls or visit with friends and family. The phone number for California Rehab Facility is 460-4444, and a direct line to Melda's room is 713-1615. Mary Ann reports that Melda loves to hear from or see you!
More sunshine...Gayla Robles, PVMR's ambassador of good cheer, is ready to hear from you about any members whose world can be brightened up a bit. When you become aware of any member who can benefit from a PVMR hug or warm wish, pass it on to Gayla at 619-749-4358, or e-mail her . To this end, Wayne Oberreuter will be expunging a nagging shoulder injury on Feb. 28, with the assistance of a surgeon...we wish him a successful procedure and rapid, complete recovery!
Mary Ann Cummings, our membership chair, continues to receive renewal memberships along with new members! PVMR has 150 households presently listed on its Feb 14, 2011, revised list! "Old" members, who have not yet renewed, are reminded to put PVMR on their 'to do' list. Mary Ann also stocks and sells PVMR clothing which you often see proudly worn by members. You can reach Mary Ann at her PVMR boutique, 619-701-4219, or e-mail .
PVMR has a new 2011 calendar, replete with traditional and new PVMR activates to present at our March 9th, 6:00 Pizza Social Hour and Meeting, at the Descanso Town Hall.
Included in the new colander is the happy news that Jan and Marge will once again treat members to their Irish Corn Beef and Cabbage lunch on Saturday, March 19th, immediately following our monthy ride! The ride will be in the saddle departing at 10:00 am, from the Sweetwater River Bridge parking area, in Cuyamaca Park. Jody, our trail boss, will lead us on a glorious spring preview ride of 2 1/2 hours, bringing us back plenty hungry. Members to bring their own favorite beverage. Let Jan know you can attend so she and Marge use big enough cook pots! phone 445-1861, or e-mail Jan at . The Sweetwater River Bridge is located on the east side of HGY 79, about 1/2 mile north of Green Valley Campground.
March isn't over yet...Not until you seen, camped, or rode out at Vallecitos Days Celebration. While this isn't a PVMR event is remains a popular must see/do event for many members! Contact Terry Jorgensen for information about this three day happening...March 25th to March 27th. Call Terry at 760-789-5185.
Any day now, Suzi Kirkwood, will be announcing the how to plan and reserve your 'Magic' week at Heartbar Horse camp, high up in the pristine areas of the San Bernardino Mountains. Mark you calendars, and schedule your vacation time for July 14th to July 20th. Suzi has reserved and secured the campground! Stay tuned for more information...or if you are too excited to wait, contact Suzi at 445-3555 or e-mail .
Those of you stalwart members of PVMR who both attended and found ways to make sunny and warm memories of our President's Day weekend at Stagecoach will get to share you 'stories' with or without embellishments at our March meeting...it's the least the membership can do for your 'bravery'!!?? Your lead mule has his own happy story to share thanks to the heroic rescue of his horse by Cyndi Denny, Charlene Phelps, and Rhonda Chabot, equine "Florence Nightingale's all"!
See all of you at the Pizza Social,
Keep safe, and come hungry!
FEBRUARY 9, 2011
6:30 P.M. Guest Speaker Libby Lyman talked to us about natural behaviors and took questions from members present.
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 P.M. by our president, Larry Pustinger.
Mike O’Grady led us in the flag salute.
Larry noted that more pizza will be needed. We ran out again. E mail Larry if you want to contribute something to bring for the social part of our meeting.
Guest: Karen Richmond New Member, Fred Klicka, was introduced.
It was voted that minutes of the last meeting would not be read.
Treasurer’s Report: Dues money did not get to Wendy in January so it will be included in the February’s report. Current Balance is $4849.83.
Because of the difficulty hearing in the building, Larry suggested that members stand when speaking and remember to be respectful when someone else is speaking.
Calendar Meeting: The date is February 11 and the Clark Ranch. It will be a pot luck and BYOB. Activities and rides will be planned.
Campout at Stagecoach: President’s Weekend. There will be free use of the clubhouse for Friday and Saturday nights sharing with Lakeside Frontier Riders. No pot luck on Sunday. At this time there are no corrals available. 2:00 P.M. is the check in time. Ernie Smith is the host and contact person.
New Ride Idea: Mark Gassert suggested that there be a ride rating system and a committee to initiate this as well as a way to communicate rides coming up so people will know who’s riding and how difficult they will be. Mark, Wendy, Cathy and Larry volunteered to be on this committee.
Facebook vs. Website: There was discussion about the pro’s and con’s of both. Ernie can create a protected password for accessing our website. Cathy mentioned we could post rides in the events section of the Website.
Buddy System: Larry would like a buddy system to call members who do not receive e mail and notify them of events, rides etc. There are 10 members who aren’t on line.
Roof for Descanso Town Hall: Peggy shared that mixed nuts will be for sale around Descanso. Containers will be set up in various locations.
Membership Chair: Mary Ann was not present. Members can contact her to buy jackets or other PVMR items.
CEA: Nothing to report.
Trail Boss: Jody will continue in this position.
Sunshine Lady: Gayla would like to do more as the Sunshine Lady. She mentioned that she would like an account at a flower shop and she would like birthdates from members.
Audit Committee: A committee needs to be formed to audit books every 3 months.
Peggy will be a grandmother of a grandson. Jamie went sleigh riding in Minnesota in January.
Gayla has Yogi back. Fred Klicka’s son is on the Amazing Race.
50/50: Fred won $52.00
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Blackmon, Secretary
Saturday March 19 will be our annual St. Patty’s ride at the Sweetwater Bridge in Cuyamaca State Park.The Trail Boss will be Jody Carnevale, 619-445-7752 if you have nay questions about the trail or the ride conditions. Marge Pachon (619-660-0370) and Jan Herrera (619-445-1861)will be the hosts, providing the corned beef and cabbage stewalong with another one of Marge’s surprise green deserts. Bring your own chairs, tables, and favorite drink. As a rain alternative, if by chance the weather causes the ride to be canceled and we have already shopped by Thursday the 17th, we could still have the Corned Beef and Cabbage at my (Jan Herrera’s) house instead.
Please R.S.V.P. if you plan to attend.
JULY 14 – 21, 2011
7 nights
$145/CORRAL or $75/CAMPSITE without horses
20 miles before Big Bear on Hwy 38
WILDERNESS PASS (not Adventure Pass) Needed to ride into the Wilderness area.
Mail registration with payment check payable to PVMR by June 15thTo: Suzie Kirkwood, PO Box 638, Descanso CA 91916
619-445-3555 for more info.
Name # Corrals
Phone # Cell # Amount Enclosed $
Email WRITE CLEARLY. I’ll email driving directions
11190 Hwy 79, Descanso* * * * How to Reach Us * * * *
OfficersSunshine Lady
President –Larry Pustinger – 619-659-3437Gayla Robles619-749-4358
V-President –Marci Jones –
Secretary - Susan Blackmon – 619-443-4222Membership Services
Treasurer – Wendy Shoenle – 619-820-1025Mary Ann Cummings – 619-445-3538
Board of DirectorsTrail Boss
Jody Carnevale – 619-445-7752Jody Carnevale 619-445-7752
Jan Herrera – 619-445-1861Hoof Prints Editor
Marty Jorgensen – 619-307-0276Cathy – 619-504-7881
Cathy Till –
Bill O’Brian – 619-443-4222
Articles and news for the newsletter
The newsletter will be out by the first of each month. You can all help me by getting your
information to me on the 25th of each Thanks, Cathy Till,
If you know of any member that needs a card sent please contact Gayla Robles our Sunshine Lady at
619-749-4358 or email her at
B a r g a I n c o r r a l
A pair of McClintock tapaderos, $80.00. An Aussie duster, size large, $75.00. 2 pair of Ariat leggings, leather with zippers, $50.00 each. Call Jan at 619-445-1861 or email at March 2011
If anyone has size 8-81/2 English riding boots for sale please call Marci Jones at 619-445-7016. This is for her co-workers daughter. March, 2011
1989 - 27 foot, Jamboree RV with 460 CU Engine; C5 transmission; Headers; Reinforced trailer hitch and electric brakes. A/C, Generator, power inverter, fully self-contained. Just reduced to $8,500. Call Gary at 619-818-1434 March 2011
1999 27’ Wilderness house trailer by Fleetwood RV; under 5,000 miles; slide out; sleeps six adults; separate rear queen bed; two access doors; A/C; 3 exterior storage doors; 8 cuft three-way refrigerator with freezer; microwave; shower with bathtub; extra outside shower/ If interested, call Dan or Judie at 619-659-3038 March 2011
Ride Cuyamaca Trails from Oakzanita Ranch. Openings to board in trail riding heaven. Variety of boarding options available. Bernie and Peggy enjoy working with people to improve horsemanship, equitation and solve problems. Contact: Bernie or Peggy Martin at 619-445-1289 or March 2011
2-horse GN trailer with living quarters and rear tack area. Living quarters includes queen bed, sink, 2 burner stove, shower, hot water heater, A/C, stereo and new toilet; 2 wardrobe closets plus add’l storage for food, dishes, etc.; 110 + 12-volt outlets inside and outside; add’l 40-gal water tank, total capacity is 60-gal; new refrigerator with 5 yr warranty, canopy, tires, front jack, spare tire rack; many extras including authentic “chuck wagon cook box”: mounted on outside; trailer to haul 3 animals. $15,000 – a great deal. If interested, contact Terry at 760-789-5185 or
Tucker western saddle for sale. Dark brown leather, 16.5" seat, wide tree width. Is a 2006 Cimarron style (which is now the Gen II South pass model)Hardly ever used, and looks like NEW! $800. Call Jan at 619-468-9019 or 244-7798, or email at
FOR SALE, TRUCK & CAMPER, ready to hook up to your horse trailer and go! Total for rig is $19,800.00.Camper is a 8 ½’ cab over Northland, self contained camper w/queen size bed. Truck is a 2000 Ford 4x4, Super duty diesel, F350, crew cab, leather seats, custom bumpers, tow package and bed liner. Will sell camper separate for $4,800.00. Call Mule Mary @ Res. 619/766-9233 or Cell 619/733-1029. Email me and I can send pictures of the rig @
For Sale: 2001 Trailswest 3H, LQ. $18,500 OBO. May trade for jeep or 2H, LQ trailer. 35' mid tack/dressing room. New tires. exc. cond. Call or email Tony or Gayla Robles at 619-749-4358 or for more info.