Branston & Mere Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting held at the Pavilion, Moor Lane, Branston on
Monday 5th February 2007 at 7.15 pm.
Present: Cllrs. Messrs Adams, Clarke, Cucksey, Drury, Ford, Lundgren, Mumford & Wood and Cllr Mesdames Blakey, Cannings & Duncan.
In Attendance: Clerk Mrs Stead.
Members of the Public: Six.
Item 1 a) Apologies for absence.
The Council noted the reason and approved the apologies of Cllrs Douglas and Haw.
b) Declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest.
Cllr Mrs Duncan as District Councillor took no part in the discussion on planning applications.
Item 2 Public Forum
A resident from Fairleas commented that grass cutting appeared to start earlier each year and that the first cut had already been done although the verges were very wet.
The clerk pointed out that the cut at the end of the last season had been difficult because of wet weather and that the mild winter meant that the growing season had already started. The comments would be passed back to Environmental Services at NKDC.
Item 3 Alan Ball, Highways & Accident Investigation and Prevention Engineer.
Mr Ball started by saying that the Road Safety Partnership (RSP) worked to a nationally set criteria with additional policies set by LCC. He felt that Branston was quite fortunate as there had been few accidents and data showed that speeding was not a big problem. The RSP had an annual budget of £1 million for the whole county and priority had to be given to areas with more injury accidents.
Cllr Mrs Duncan raised the issue of Station Road with two schools attended by a thousand children; including many bussed in from outside the village. She said that safety was a huge problem for the Junior School as there was no crossing or patrol and a lot of parking at school times on an already busy road. There had been several near misses and the Parish Council and the Governors had written but had not received anything positive in response. In comparison, Heighington had a school safety zone with a 20mph recommendation and road markings and the school was not even on the main road through the village. She said that safety was a huge concern to the parents and some recognition of the problem was needed.
Mr Ball said that criteria was evidence based, taking into account the number of vehicles and the number of children crossing. He would need to speak to the education people.
Cllr Mrs Overton said that she fully supported the Parish Council’s concerns and a petition had already been presented to the full council. She said that Alan Brown had made recommendations.
Mr Ball said that the survey conducted showed that the area did not meet the criteria.
Cllr Wood referred to Mr Ball’s title and the need for prevention of accidents. He said that the community had witnessed the increase in traffic and needed answers.
Mr Ball said that sites had to be focussed on that had seen injury accidents and there was not enough money to cover all areas.
Cllr Wood said that left a sour taste and more explicit answers were needed.
Cllr Lundgren said that it was unacceptable that on roads around schools, accidents needed to happen before safety measures could be considered. A preventative solution was needed before an accident happened.
Mr Ball said that when funding was limited it would be remiss not to address areas where accidents had happened.
Cllr Adams said that the B1188 was a busy commuter route yet the speed limit was 40mph well into the village. He said that the council had been requesting an extension to the 30mph limit for seven or eight years which would be inexpensive but were continually told that it did not meet the criteria.
Mr Ball said that there were criteria for speed limits which were usually set at 85% of current speed. Non compliance in Branston was not great.
Cllr Adams said that the road to Aubourn and Haddington had no schools or houses but had 30 – 40 mph limits. Traffic lights had been installed at Burton on a road with fewer vehicles, yet the Parish Council had had to fund 50% of the cost of traffic lights in Branston. He asked why they met criteria when Branston did not.
Cllr Wood raised the point that the last survey on the B1188 had been carried out during school holidays and included a bank holiday.
Mr Ball suggested that the lower volume of traffic would have allowed greater speeds but that had not been the case.
Cllr Mrs Overton said that in conjunction with the wheelie rally, officers had agreed that the speed limit should be moved and she saw no reason why that should not happen.
The Chairman said that the level of concern demonstrated the need for support. With reference to the volume of traffic on the B1188, he said that it was clearly an important part of the strategic road network but that Branston was the only village along its length where it passed through the village centre. He asked how important it was to the RSP to ensure the safety of the road through the village.
Mr Ball admitted that the B1188 was a red route and was actually the only B road that was and the only one not to have an accident reduction scheme in place. He agreed that it did need special attention but pointed out that accidents that had occurred were in the rural sections and that those areas should be tackled first.
The Chairman raised the issue of improved street lighting, with the comparison of the less busy road to Washingborough which was fully lit.
Mr Ball said that in view of the need for energy conservation, there would have to be a valid reason to light the road. At the moment the criteria was not met and there had been no accidents at night.
Mr Ball agreed to take all issues raised back to the RSP and would put a response in writing.
Item 4 To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a) County Council
Cllr Mrs Overton’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
· Cllr Mrs Overton confirmed that the County Council increase in council tax was expected to be 4.9%. She said that she would be happy to pass on any comments.
· Information was being collated on green buildings. Details of energy saving devices were available on the environment agency website.
· The next science day had been organised for 20th March.
b) District Council
· Cllr Mrs Duncan said that the meetings for budget consultation had been well supported and that the increase in tax for the District Council was 2%.
· The Warm Strategy continued to provide funding to help warm houses through cavity wall and loft insulation.
· The development of biofuels remained topical and was moving forward.
c) Police
· PC Gordon said that he had been interested to hear that the RSP did not consider that Branston had a problem with speed. He said that he had performed checks on Silver Street, Beech Road and
Station Road and that there was a speed issue on roads leading to the B1188. He said that the volume of traffic was fantastic which slowed traffic on the main road. He pledged to continue carrying out speed checks and agreed to pass results to the council to strengthen the argument.
· PC Gordon reported that there had been eight crimes reported between 4/1/07 and 4/2/07:
One count of theft at a private party.
One incident of car damage, which had been detected.
One theft of a trailer.
Two counts of assault.
Two sexual offences.
One broken window at the Village Hall.
· PC Gordon told the council that some funding was available from NKDC which could be used for lighting, shutters or CCTV. He passed the application form on to the clerk.
Cllr Wood said that the increased level of police attention had been noted.
Item 5 a) Notes on the last meeting, held on 8th January, to be approved as the Minutes.
Acceptance of the notes was proposed by Cllr Adams and seconded by Cllr Mrs Duncan.
b) Matters arising from the Minutes.
There were no matters arising.
Item 6 Correspondence:
a) Various Newsletters and Periodic Publications.
11916 Lincolnshire Police Authority – Public newsletter & Crime Update.
b) Letters for information.
11917 NKDC Statement of Community Involvement – Notification of adoption.
11918 NKDC – Acknowledgement of the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment questionnaire.
11919 WLDC – Notification of Local Development Scheme revision.
c) LCC – Request for nominations for primary school provision review panel.
11920 Cllrs Cannings and Duncan both agreed to nomination.
d) NKDC – Training in preparation for District & Parish elections.
11921 Workshops had been organised to prepare for the election. The clerk agreed to attend.
i) NKDC – Consultation on proposed modifications to the Local Plan.
11922 The modifications recommended by the inspector included the removal of the designation ‘Parks & Gardens of Historic Interest’ from areas across North Kesteven. Further enquiries had been made of the Principal Forward Planning Officer. He stated that a survey had been made of areas of parkland and local historic interest at the request of Local Heritage and had been included in the revised local plan. Various objections had been received and the inspector concluded that as inclusion was a matter of choice they should be removed as not enough information was available to make recognition.
The Chairman voiced his concern that inclusion added weight to the protection of these important areas. While other forms of protection are in place, any weakening of conditions was considered to be a mistake. The council agreed to request that the clause be reinstated.
The clerk had been informed of a rolling review of conservation areas across the district and the council agreed to request early inclusion in this programme.
f) NKDC – Implications to the Code of Conduct following the Livingstone case.
11923 A copy of the guidance had been circulated to all councillors and was noted.
g) Lincolnshire Police Authority – Questionnaire on service.
11924 Several councillors had completed the questionnaire. A combined response would be submitted.
h) LALC – IT Resources.
11925 Councillors were made aware that hardware and software were available at a subsidised rate.
i) N Hykeham Town Council – Minutes of s106 meeting held on 19/12/06.
11926 The minutes were made available. Attention was drawn to the Planning Gain Supplement and the fact that 70% of the monies generated would go to the national pool and 30% to local investment, although not necessarily to the parish where it was generated. Future debate on this subject was expected to be made through the Parish Partnership cluster meetings.
The chairman had formulated a response to the Forward Planning Officer at NKDC with the approval of members.
j) Central Networks – Demonstration pack for use during power cuts.
11927 The pack included an analogue telephone, a torch, a wind-up phone charger, a radio, a foil blanket and a hand warmer as examples of aids during prolonged power cuts. Although the pack was not available to buy, Central Networks had a Winter Pack containing a torch, blanket, hand warmer and gloves available free of charge to the elderly and vulnerable by phoning 0800 096 3080 or by e-mail to .
Item 7
11928 Planning:
a) Planning decisions received.
Planning permission had been granted on the following applications:
N/13/1370/06 Conservatory 60 Station Road
N/13/1383/06 Dwelling & garage Plot 5, Park View Ave
N/13/1448/06 First floor extension 25 The Chalfonts
N/13/1452/06 Two storey rear extension 56 Sleaford Road
N/13/1479/06 Single storey rear extension 111 Heathfield Ave
Planning permission had been refused on the following application:
N/13/1280/06 Bungalow Villa Close.
b) Applications already viewed – For Information.
N/13/1536/06 Resurfacing & enhancement. Sheepwash car park
The Parish Council has been regularly updated on this project and offer their full support to the History Group and ArtsNK.
The car park is currently very dilapidated and the beck a neglected feature at one of the few points where it is visible from a public area. This resurfacing and enhancement can only enhance the centre of the village and provide an impressive gateway for the Spires & Steeples route.
N/13/0002/07 Single storey, front & rear extensions. 181 Lincoln Road
No Comments.
c) Applications for discussion.
N/13/0048/07 Single storey side extension. 2 Delph Rd, B Booths
No Comments
N/13/0079/07 Single storey side extension to form annexe 8 Springfield Close
No Comments
d) Tree Issues.
There were no tree issues.
Item 8 Other Reports:
a) History & Mosaic Group.
11929 Cllr Wood reported that work was due to commence at the Sheepwash at the beginning of March. The clerk had received details of the approximate energy charges for the environmental lighting. A charge of £50-100 per annum was considered acceptable and it was agreed to ask LCC to set up an account. Cllr Adams asked for a line to be included in future precepts. Cllr Wood said that it would be good value for the amenity provided.