Minutes of Patient Participation Group - 5 September 2013


Sue Hoyle

Julie Martin

J. C. Arragon

Lesley Arragon

Jill Robson

David Robb

Roy Dobson

David Jordan

Charlotte Powell

Tony Brearley

Gillian Massey

Gill Briggs

Dr. Chaudhury

Apologies: John Anderson, Jenny Spencer, Peter Clay

Artwork There has been a change of pictures on the surgery walls. The current work isfrom Rowley Lane School. Kirkheaton School had also been approached but no replyreceived. Another email will be sent.

Walking group no leader has been found yet. There is a walking group in Kirkheaton – ifanyone can find a contact please inform Sue.

Building work has not yet happened because of a delay with the builder. The ClinicalCommissioning Group is still willing to fund the work. Julie suggested that somewindows are put in the wall which divides the office from the waiting room. This idea waswell received and Julie will discuss with the architect. Dr. Chaudhury will talk to herpartners before going ahead with this idea.

New partners Dr Khan joined the meeting briefly to introduce himself and to say howpleased he was to be there. After he left several patients said they had heard very positivefeedback about the two new doctors.

Appointments the online system is now up and running and 40 people have registered touse the service so far. Prescriptions online started this week.

Data sharing Julie explained that there were three parts to this

• NHS summary care record, this was a countrywide system which meant that if you were taken into hospital in another part of the country NHS medical staff would be able to access essential information such as your allergies, your repeat prescriptions and recent acute prescriptions to enable them to treat you correctly and safely.

• Enhanced data sharing model, this is linked to our local clinical system and allows your GP and other professionals such as podiatrists, district nurses and out of hours staff who use SystmOne to access your clinical record. Your GP has always been able to view your full clinical record when other units have updated it and it is important that we are still able to view this. Patients can agree to this by allowing the GP’s to ‘share in’ information from other units. You would also have to agree to these units ‘sharing out’ your information to create the reciprocal agreement. Each different unit should ask their patients if they want to share their record ‘in’ and ‘out’ and it is up to each individual to agree to this at each unit.

• Care data extraction, this is anonymous data taken by the Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) for planning purposes. A long discussion followed with most people being in favour of the first element but hadconsiderable reservations about the second and the third. Julie explained that peoplewould be asked to opt in or out of all the different share schemes however NHS England could override the patients’ dissent for data extraction in extreme cases such as for swine flu or MMR data.

CCG news initially it was all quite chaotic but now minutes are being produced and datacirculated. Much that comes out is very complex and lengthy but Sue has attempted toreduce both the length of the documents and explain the jargon. She asked if the groupwas happy with what she had done and they agreed they were. Originally the CCG hadasked for one patient representative but now would like two to attend their meetings. Ifanyone would like to volunteer please contact Sue. The meetings are every two monthsand the dates of the next two are 2 October and 3 December.

Date of next meeting Thursday 5 December 2013 at 7.00pm at Lepton surgery