Minutes of the Senior Nurse Group
held on Monday 8th March 2010
in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Elinor Smith (Chair)Sean Coady
Jenny Gibb
Fiona Mackenzie
Jenny McNicol
Liz Taylor
Gregory Poon
Phyllis Smart (Deputising for M McAuley)
Yvonne Wright / IN ATTENDANCE
Jane Ewan (Item 3.3)
Susan Carr (Item 4)
Clark Paterson (Item 6.2)
Fiona Gray (Item 7)
Sheila Irvine (Item 7)
Eleanor Murray (Item 7)
Gary Mortimer (Item 7)
Elaine Stirton (Minuting Secretary)
Item / Subject / Action /
1. / Welcome and Apologies
Elinor Smith opened the meeting and noted the apologies from Linda Harper, Eleanor Morrison, Mary McAuley, Jane Ormerod
2. / Minutes of meeting held on 8 February 2010
The Group agreed this was an accurate record of the discussions held.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 – Training, Education and Care Commission
This item is currently being followed up with input from Karen Lockhart. This will be a large piece of work, which has already highlighted problems around eligibility to participate in the Flying Start Programme.
3.2 - Community Nursing
Gregory Poon tabled latest version of paper entitled “Review of Community Nursing – NHS Grampian” which supersedes circulated version. He acknowledged this was a very lengthy document and sought feedback from the Group on whether the content should be cut back and whether this document gives a clear picture of the way forward.
The Group discussed the interface with the ‘Productive Community work’.
E Stirton to circulate this document to the Nursing and Maternity Strategy Forum for comment.
3.3 – NMC Strategy Group
Jane Ewan gave a brief update on the role and remit of the NMC Steering Group. Subgroups have recently been established looking at four key elements: roles and responsibilities; education and competency; recruitment and human resources; templates, policies and bank nursing. The aim of the Steering Group is to establish a concise process for recording and reporting professional issues to the NMC using a standardised contract/generic action place. A number of other documents are in preparation and will be circulated to this Group for comment in due course.
Fiona Mackenzie made the suggestion that perhaps more Shop Floor representation on the Steering Group may be beneficial. Jane Ewan agreed to feedback this comment back to Jane Ormerod.
Elinor Smith confirmed that as part of her personal objectives for next year she plans to establish a robust database for logging all nursing referrals.
This item will now become a standing item on this Agenda. / E. Stirton
4. / Adult Support and Protection
Susan Carr highlighted the need to set up a process for the sharing of information relating to adults requiring support and protection. She highlighted that if health records require to be examined current legislation deems a health professional must carry this out. This responsibility currently sits within the remit of the Caldicott Guardian for NHSG. Susan sought support from the Group to identify senior nurses (and a possible deputy) from each sector, to participate in this process. It was acknowledged that the role of the senior nurse would be to review health records and provide reports in written format. It is envisaged that suitable training would be provided.
The Group confirmed they would be happy to support this request and the following names were suggested:
Acute: Fiona Mackenzie
City/CHP: Gregory Poon
Maternity: Jenny McNicol
Moray: Liz Taylor
Mental Health: Jenny Gibb
Elaine Stirton to forward full contact details of these individuals to Susan Carr. / EStirton
6 / 6.1
6.3 / SANE
Clark Paterson reported that a large part of this work has been completed. Integrity checking is meantime ongoing and the next stage will be a peer review.
Bank vs Agency Spend
Clark Paterson tabled two papers for information entitled: “NHSG Agency Nursing Budget Spend Comparison 2009/10 v 2008/09” and “Nursing Analysis”. Initial figures depict a 30% reduction in bank spending since September 09. The Group acknowledged this vast saving, but two areas of possible concern were highlighted:
i. Rise in short term sickness
ii. Concern for bank staff obtaining jobs elsewhere
Fiona Mackenzie gave a brief update on the workforce position. All of the newly qualified practitioners have been placed. It is envisaged Band 5’s would be allocated to the Flying Start Programme and students are being reminded to apply only when jobs become vacant. The Group acknowledged that a clearer steer is still required and with the projected 7% reduction in budgets colleagues require to be creative when job planning.
Nurse Bank Arrangements
Yvonne Wright reported that the redesign programme had been delayed by one month due to circumstances outwith her control. An update should be available for the next meeting. / YW
7. / Senior Charge Nurse Review, RTC & HAI
Fiona Gray confirmed that following the recent unannounced HAI inspection the report received had been fairly positive highlighting only a couple of areas of concern around process and roles. Fiona also highlighted that unfortunately the recent Masterclass was poorly attended, but otherwise went well.
The Band 7 development programme continues to progress.
Sheila Irvine reported that baseline measures are currently being collated. In relation to productive theatres - two places for training have been accepted.
There was Group discussion around the work carried out on storage of kits/re-utilisation of ward space for storage by Strategic Change Manager, Eileen Buchan. Liz Taylor reported that Gladys Duncan in the Shire has also been carrying out similar work in the Community Hospitals/CHP. The need for rationalisation and bed spacing were two areas identified as key issues of concern.
Gary Mortimer tabled a document entitled: “Decontamination of General Purpose Equipment and Reusable Medical Devices Protocols/Guidance (Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilisation) and encouraged Group members to promote the use of this guidance. Comments on the content would also be welcomed and should be forwarded to Stuart Rogerson, who has ownership of the document. It was agreed that Gary would attend future meetings of the Group when deemed necessary. Elaine Stirton to forward dates of future meetings.
Eleanor Murray updated the Group as follows:
Ø Inspectors were impressed with recent mattress audits
Ø A short life working group has been established
Ø Mini HAI Action plan implemented just requiring bedding down
Ø 50 audits with Rachel McDonald planned
Ø Focus to be kept to in-patient areas
Ø Theatres meantime to be put on back burner
Ø Two visits per day currently feasible
Ø All visits will be unannounced
Ø Close collaboration with the Estates Dept continues focusing on toilets/showers/improving building fabric in certain areas
Ø Plans in hand to remove ice machines and replace with new
Ø Pilot of Ultracart received positive feedback from Senior Charge Nurses. Case to be made to purchase a few.
Ø Work still required on outdated copies of Policies; ward based equipment log-books
Ø Better signage in relation to waste segregation.
Sean Coady agreed to link up with Eleanor Murray in relation to cleaning schedules. / ALL
8. / Tissue Viability
Fiona Mackenzie confirmed NHSG are to receive a share of the £1 million budget to improve tissue viability services across Scotland. A small team (equating to 1.5 WTE) has been established and this team have already put together a plan of action. This is meantime being costed. Fiona tabled the confirmation letter from Dr Margaret McGuire, outlining the reporting arrangements for this piece of work. E. Stirton to circulate this item to the Group for information in due course.
Fiona Mackenzie confirmed that she is also in discussions with colleagues on possible usage of some of the funding for secondments (district nursing) and looking at other opportunities such as e-clinics.
It was suggested that David Gray be invited to the next meeting to give a more indepth overview of the action plan. / EStirton
9 / Telephone Handover
Linda Oldroyd tabled her paper on: “SBAR Communication Tool for Telephone Handovers/Referrals”. Sean Coady suggested the addition of one box to record the mental state of the patient. Otherwise this paper was noted by the Group and support given for its implementation as of 1st April, 2010.
It was also noted that Paediatrics/Mental Health/Maternity would have their own speciality developed proforma. / LO
10 / Updates from all areas
Circulated report accepted as read.
Combined Child Health:
Circulated report accepted as read.
Nurse Bank:
Yvonne Wright highlighted two areas: (i) Consultation period for the NHSG nurse bank redesign - extension to end of March 2010 (ii) Awaiting clarification on how to proceed with newly qualified practitioners on the bank following 4 month WTE or 6 month part-time placements within NHSG.
Sean Coady highlighted two items (i) Pam Gowans had been appointed as the Facilitator for the Productive Community Services Project and encouraged colleagues to provide feedback comments directly to Pam. (ii) There had been two dismissals based around zero tolerance/cultural issues.
Mental Health/Moray:
Jenny Gibb highlighted (i) A number of workforce reviews were ongoing, causing a high degree of uncertainty amongst staff. (ii) Establishment of interface group covering ARI/RACH/Mental Health for management of dual diagnosis patients. (iii) Very positive visit by Hugh Masters and agreed to share four reference papers with the Group.
City CHP:
Gregory Poon highlighted: (i) New GP Lead for Child Protection – Rebecca Riddell; (ii) Local Intelligence Network (LIN) for controlled drugs; group meets 6 monthly and deputy for August meeting will be required.
Jenny McNicol highlighted (i) Securing funding for 18WTE for NNU (banding variability 2 – 8)
Fiona Mackenzie highlighted (i) NMC issue on practitioner accused of alcohol/drug abuse with police, solicitor, Chief Executive and Feedback Service involvement. Case dropped after false allegations formally confirmed.
Liz Taylor highlighted (i) Completion of OOH Community Nurse Pilot. Information to be shared with GPs & GMed. (ii) Full disciplinary cction commenced on practitioner who continually was accessing Skystore/lab to obtain results on a relative.
Elinor Smith thanked all those who had submitted reports – only one missing. / JG/ES
11 / Finalisation of CNO programme
It was agreed that Liz Gray would speak on health education/school nurses.
GANMAC places would be taken up by: Julie McNutt, Shona Nairn, Jenny Gibb, Fiona Mackenzie.
Elinor Smith proposed inviting some members of the Executive Team (R. Carey/D.Cameron) to join the meeting over lunchtime. / ES
12 / AOCB
1. Jane Ewan raised the issue of poor attendance at training courses and sought feedback how to address this matter. Following discussion the Group were in agreement that non-attendance should be reported back to relevant Line Manager.
2. Sean Coady raised the matter of the 12 hour shift for Top Band 5’s. He has been unable to find evidence that this will lead to any cost saving. Elinor Smith agreed to feedback this item to Jack Stuart and advise that a professional ruling should also be sought.
3. Jenny McNicol reported that due to recent issues highlighted on the inappropriate usage of “facebook” a warning shot letter is to be sent as a means of raising awareness to staff about their professional conduct.
4. Linda Oldroyd briefly outlined progress on the Delivering Dignity and Compassion in Care Grampian Pilot. It was agreed Linda should return to the May meeting to give a more indepth account of this piece of work. / ES
Date: 12th April 2010
Time: 12.00 – 16.00 hrs
Venue: Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Apologies for absence to: Elaine Stirton, ext. 58680;
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