Attitudes to Interprofessional Learning (IPL)
For the purposes of this questionnaire Interprofessional learning is defined as two or more professional groups learning with, from and about each other at the same learning events, with a view to improving collaboration and the quality of care.
The term ‘veterinary professions’ refers to veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses.
Please respond to the following questions by placing a cross in one box for each question to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Teamwork and Collaboration / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5strongly disagree / disagree / neutral / agree / strongly agree
1. / Learning with other veterinary professions(i.e. vets if you are a veterinary nurse, or nurses if you are a vet) will help me be a more effective member of a veterinary team. /
2. / Veterinary professions (vets and nurses) need to trust and respect each otherfor small group learning to work. /
3. / Team-working skills are essential for all veterinary professionals to learn. /
4. / Shared learning will help me understand my own limitations. /
5. / Patients and clients ultimately benefit if veterinary professions work together to solve patient problems. /
6. / Shared learning with other veterinary professions will increase my ability to understand clinical problems. /
7. / Learning with students from other veterinarydisciplines before qualification will improve relationships after qualification. /
8. / Communication skills should be learned with students from other veterinary professions. /
9. / Shared learning will help me to think positively about other veterinary professions. /
10. / Shared learning with other veterinary professions will help me to communicate better with clients and other professions. /
11. / I would welcome the opportunity to work on small-group projects with other veterinary professions. /
12. / Shared learning helps to clarify the nature of patient problems. /
13. / Shared learning before qualification will help veterinary professions become better team workers. /
Sense of Professional Identity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
strongly disagree / disagree / neutral / agree / strongly agree
14. / Clinical problem-solving skills should only be learned with professionals from my own discipline (veterinary medicine or veterinary nursing). /
15. / The function of veterinary nurses is mainly to provide support for veterinary surgeons. /
16. / There is little overlap between my role and that of other veterinary professions. /
17. / I would feel uncomfortable if another veterinary profession knew more about a topic than I did. /
18. / I have to acquire much more knowledge and skills than other veterinary professions. /
Client and Patient Centredness / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
strongly disagree / disagree / neutral / agree / strongly agree
19. / I like to understand the client’s side of the problem. /
20. / Establishing trust with my clients will be important to me. /
21. / I will try to communicate compassion to my clients. /
22. / Thinking about the patient as a sentient being is important in getting treatment right. /
23. / In my profession one needs skills in interacting and cooperating with clients. /