RoyalCollege of Physicians
South of England

Cardiology Training Day

Friday 27TH February, 2009

Wolfson Lecture Theatre

RoyalCollege of Physicians

RegentsPark, London

Registration Form and Programme

To register, or for any other information, please contact:


PO Box 20710, LondonE3 5UE

TEL: [+44] (0)20 8980 0679  FAX: [+44] (0)20 8980 0725 


RoyalCollege of Physicians

South of England Cardiology Training Day

Friday 27th February, 2009

Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Physicians, London

The Chairmen of the Specialist Training Committees in Cardiology for Thames, Cambridge, Oxford and Wessex regions have arranged a south of England SpR Training Day, to be held on Friday 27thFebruary, 2009, at the Royal College of Physicians, London.

This event is supported by each of the relevant Deaneries and all Trainees in Cardiology will be expected to attend. A register will be taken at the end of the day and attendance certificates issued. The Training Day will be included as part of the Formal Training Programme organised by each of the Specialist Training Committees.

Space in the lecture theatre is limited. We are inviting all specialist registrars who hold an NTN, as well as all LAT post holders. Trainees holding an NTN, currently doing research, are also welcome. If there is sufficient space we would be happy to accept applications from trainees currently in research but not holding an NTN.

For early registrants, there is an opportunity to attend either a Workshop, with a display of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps, which will be run by Dr Alun Harcombe, or to participate in the angioplasty simulator Sessions. Please indicate on the enclosed registration form if you wish to be considered for one of the workshops. (Space is limited, so places will be allocated to the first applicants).

The draft programme is enclosed. It would be appropriate if you would now discuss the arrangements for clinical care in your hospital with your Educational Supervisor (Consultant) and other colleagues who will be affected by your absence. A registration form is also enclosed and we recommend early registration.

It is essential that you discuss the arrangements for clinical cover for your hospital and then send the registration form to BCOS Ltd before 21stFebruary, 2009.

John Coltart, Stephen Holmberg, Tom Farrell, Charles Knight, Peter Mills,

Tom MacConnell, Charles Pumphrey, David Stone, Richard Sutton

The organisers thank the following companies for their unconditional grants, towards sponsorship of this meeting:

Cordis (a Johnson & Johnson Company), Daiichi-Sankyo, Datascope, Glaxo SmithKline,

The Medicines Company, Sanofi-Aventis


08.15 – 09.00Registration and Coffee

09.05 – 09.10Welcome and Introduction

09.10 – 10.40Session I – Imaging/Heart Failure


09.10 – 09.40State of the art management of Heart FailureDr Theresa McDonagh

09.40 – 10.10Case Studies in Cardiac MRI (inc. CT)Dr Charles Peeples

10.10 – 10.40What the Transplant Centre offers youMr Steve Large

10.40 - 11.10Coffee and ExhibitionOsler Room

11.15 – 13.15Session II - Coronary Disease


11.15 – 11.45Genetic FactorsProf Alistair Hall

11.45 – 12.15Where now in ACS?Prof Keith Fox

12.15 – 12.45CAD in the Asian communityProf Adam Timmis

12.45 – 13.15PCI in multi-vessel and left main stem disease:Dr Mark de Belder
what do the trials tell us?"

13.15 – 14.00Lunch and ExhibitionOsler Room

14.00 - 14.30Session III -


14.00 – 14.15Update on “BCS Report/KBA”Dr Alun Harcombe

14.00 – 14.30Update on SAC/EducationDr Charles Knight

14.30 – 15.30Session IV -

14.30 – 15.00ACHD and PregnancyDr Cathy Nelson-Piercy

15.00 – 15.30 Pulmonary HypertensionDr Simon Gibbs

15.30 – 16.00Session V - Arrhythmias


15.30 – 16.00Drugs vs Ablations for AFDr Kim Rajappan

16.00Close of Meeting and Tea

The following Sessions will be run during the day, and pre-booking will be essential:

(a)Workshop with a Display of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps will be held, run by Alun Harcombe

(b)Angioplasty Simulators

RoyalCollege of Physicians
South of England Cardiology Training Day

Friday 27th February, 2009

Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Physicians, London

Registration Form

Pre-registration for this Training Day is recommended

Please use capital letters.

Registration will be confirmed in writing.

Current Year Of Training:
Registration for Main Meeting:
Registration for Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps Workshop / Please indicate below if you wish to attend one of the Intra-aortic balloon pump workshops. Priority will be given to the first applicants
Morning session …….. Afternoon session ……..
Registration for Angioplasty Simulator Session / Please indicate below if you wish to attend one of the Angioplasty simulator sessions. Priority will be given to the first applicants
Morning session …….. Afternoon session ……..
Special Dietary Requirements:

Return to: BCOS Ltd., P O Box 20710, LondonE3 5UE (Fax: 020 8980 0725)

E-mail registration is available: