Kirkham Town Council
The Community Centre
Mill Street
Tel 01772 682755
Minutes of Meeting of Kirkham Town Council held on 2nd February 2016
Present: Mayor Cllr. P. Hodgson(in the chair) Councillors E. Oades, J. Cameron. M.Cox. P Boardman.K. Beckett. M. McIver.
E.Duffy (Minutes)
1: Apologies
Cllr. Silverwood
2: Declaration of interest
Cllr Oades - all planning applications.
3: Policing in Kirkham
Report distributed. Reply from Police proposing an additional statement be submitted with report in future.
Resolved that the clerk write and thank Mark Thackeray-Scott for his reply and point out that the report didn’t arrive.
Action Clerk
4: Minutes of the previous meeting
Resolved that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 5th January 2016 are approved as a correct record and signed accordingly.
5: Matters arising
- Andrew Stell is chasing up the Wifi usage with CAB.
6: Finance Report
Resolved that the report be accepted.
7: Mayors announcements
Rumours of surgery closures confirmed posing a threat to the Town centre. Fylde Council to hold meeting to develop Town centre policy.
Cllr Oades proposed that the Council goes into Committee to exclude the public and press on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reasons of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted
Resolved to go into committee
Rural Fylde incorporating Broughton as a super output area has 9 facilities. County cuts mean all facilities may have to be housed on one site. Cllr Oades is fighting to secure Kirkham as the centre for Rural Fylde and requests Councillors to support this.
Return to council
8: Correspondence
- Community Safety Partnership- Forward emails to all Cllrs.
Action Clerk
- Planning training- Town Clerk and Cllr P Boardman to attend planning training at the Reception Room, Town Hall on Monday 14th March 10am-1pm.
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9: LPAOS Report
a)Contractors Report
175.5 hrs remaining of contract. Proposed to keep 50 hrs in reserve for emergencies.
Response received to concerns of lack of information/action from officer dealing with remembrance way. LPAOS to monitor.
Clerk to forward LPAOS minutes to all Councillors.
Action clerk (inserted)
b)HMP Kirkham- Employment
Proposal to offer honorarium for time served with parks team instead of employment. Mark Wilde is checking with prison.
It is proposed that council agree in principle to an honorarium pending information.
c)Community Centre-
- Licensing- Disapplication for the Community Centre license from Cllr. McIver as the Designated Premises Supervisor to a management committee (Full Council) who is responsible for the supervision and authorisation of all alcohol sales.
Action Clerk
- Town End clock- Contact FBC Andrew Dickson to repair.
Action Clerk
- Michael’s job description referred to Staffing.
d)WSH-Ian Brookes- Update from IB- Meeting with KJFC at the end of the month.
e)Allotments-Trees T&C’s. Terms and Conditions to be addressed.
f)Cycle Path- Clerk applied for Covenant Fund-result in March. Result of Cllr. Cox application to Tesco’s carrier bag fund pending.
g)Contract renewal- Proposed that the contract with Fylde Borough Council will be renewed for 3 years.
h)Correspondence- Cllr. Hodgson declared an interest.
- Complaint from a regular user of sub-letting by another so blocking his access to Saturday night sessions. Proposed that current bookings remain but offender be warned and apologies sent to complainant. Procedure to avoid repercussion to be put in place.
Action Clerk
- MUGA Lights Funding. KTC missed applying for the full amount of £2,520+VAT as forms were not submitted. We can reapply and may not be granted funds or accept £1000.
Resolved to accept £1000
10: Communications-Nothing to report
11: Staffing Committee Report- Nothing to report
12: Planning applications-
a)1&2 The Chimes-Option to withdraw objections in light of applicants claim of ownership.
Council do not accept the maps as proof of ownership and believe the application is flawed as the applicant has claimed ownership of the land.
The also stand by their objection that the land around the Chimes development was intended to be kept as open space
b)16/0011 10 Selby Road
Kirkham Town Council have no objection to application 16/0011 and recommend approval.
c)15/0896 104 Poulton Street
Kirkham Town Council have no objection to the application 15/0896
d)16/0047 Progress Business Park
Kirkham Town Council object to planning application 16/0047 on the following grounds
“setting up of a retail element within a business park when there are adequate facilities in the town centre will have a detrimental effect on the high street”
13: Licensing- Nothing to report
14: Rural Splash.
Reply from the Manager of the Baths read out and proposed that KTC respond with their delight at improvements and query invoice for grant.
Action Clerk
15: KWBG Report.
Proposed that the Council goes into Committee to exclude the public and press on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reasons of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted
Resolved to go into committee
It is proposed that the £10,000 held in KTC accounts on behalf of the Business Group is transferred back to them.
Resolved to pay Action Clerk
Return to Council
16: Highways.
Leaky pavement outside Icon hairdressers has been reported to LCC. History of flooded cellars casts doubt on new block paving being solely responsible for floods.
17: Budget Setting
The budget was finalised with the addition of information on
- Balance of loan taken out with FBC for the William Segar Hodgson Pavilion.
- Breakdown of salaries
- Bank balances and interest on accounts
- Water Rate bills
Cllr. Oades declared an interest in the “In Bloom” and “Kirkham Trust” elements of the budget. Cllr Oades left the meeting.
Discussion around the procedures for setting the grants for the above.
Cllr McIver left the meeting.
Cllr Oades returned
Salaries to be broken down and circulated to Councillors Action Clerk
Clerk left the room whilst salaries were set.
Clerk returned
The precept was set to increase by 3% for the financial year 2016/17 to ensure financial stability to Kirkham Town Council.
Proposal to transfer reserved funds to savings account to earn interest.
Resolved Action Clerk
18: Date of next meeting- Next Council Meeting to be held on1st March2016 @7pm
Cllr Paul Hodgson - Mayor
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