Jo welcomed everyone along to our monthly meeting.




J Morriss, S Roden, M Hull, L Good, C McCabe, K Glenny,C Graham


A Ryan, J Black, J MacEwan, G Lord, K Thornton, E Thomas




Teacher Wish-list/Update– nothing to add as we have earmarked funds to donate for Surf Lifesaving Beach Education programme and also Footsteps Dance. Jo had idea for text alert software to make communicating with parents easier. Carol to check out and get quote

Concrete Paint Peeling – Carol has dealt with this. Concrete is old and continuously wet which has created issues with paint. Nothing further can be done without incurring additional costs.

End of Year Christmas Party – Sally has costing for 10 pin bowling & dinner in Pukekohe option or for an evening out at the trots on Friday 22nd November with buffet dinner and complimentary drink $68pp. Everyone liked idea of night at trots. Sally to get bus quotes. Sally to get numbers from PTA, Carol numbers from teachers and BOT – including partners. Need to know numbers reasonably soon to confirm booking.

J Morriss moved/S Roden seconded that the Minutes of previous meeting held on the27th June2013 be accepted as a true and correct record. ALL AGREED.







As per attached Detailed Report

Balance of Cheque Account as at20/08/13 $12,445.39

Current Cheque Account Balance as at 29/08/13 $12,275.99

M Hull moved/J Morriss seconded that the financial report be accepted. ALL AGREED.

Information Sharing – all going well.


  • Disco –Thanks Hayley for doing music. Kids all enjoyed themselves and liked theme. Next time perhaps more smaller spot prizes. Keep windows open a little to ventilate room now that we have black-out curtains to stop dewy condensation that made floor slippery. Hot dogs sold out well.
  • Abacus Calendars – New paper arrived for Mrs Andrew’s room. Artwork to be completed by 13th September and orders in by last Wednesday of term 25th September. Sally and Marie happy to co-ordinate order between themselves.
  • Kaboodle Bags – So far 5 sales totaling $335.35 earning school 10% profit of $33.53. Carol to put reminder in school newsletter. Caroline to update school noticeboard with Kaboodle information.
  • School Tea Towel – Emma has done heaps of work laying out the artwork and is nearly ready to send off. Adventure Kids sponsoring $200 towards production costs and will have their logo on the tea towels. Invoice at office for Ali.
  • Positive Negative Photography- Sunday 15th September. Louise has put flyers around town and note in newsletter tomorrow. Louise is taking bookings. Caroline to please include on school noticeboard.
  • Interworld Fundraising – Seeds/Chocolate. We have decided too many things on the go at the moment.
  • Chalk Catalogues – Nicki Hartley has kindly offered to co-ordinate this fundraiser. Catalogues distributed 1 per family on Wednesday 28th August.

  • Cake Stall - Friday 1st November at the Waiuku Fireworks night market. Marie to book stall. Sally to co-ordinate cake sellers at the market and donated baked goods from school families. More notices to follow closer to market.
  • Entertainment Books - Sold 16 in total with remaining 4 being collected from school 29th August. An invoice will follow (adjusted for what we have already paid and the books returned).

Hotdogs – No report.

Lunches – No report. Second pie warmer going well with pizzas not getting burnt now.

Signs – Please add :

Positive Negative photography date

Calf Club date

Tea Towel fundraiser

School Noticeboard – please add :

Kaboodle bags fundraiser

Positive Negative photography fundraiser

Tea Towel fundraiser

Abacus fundraiser

School Reports

BOT property meeting - working tenders out for building work which consists of :

Re-roofing Room 5

Re-furbishing Rooms 1, 2 and 3

New deck and bi-folds on Room 4

Looking at potential options for re-organising old offices at back of corridor to make more efficient use of space.

Math’s professional development continuing.

BOT investigating quotes for 2 flying foxes – 1 for juniors and 1 for seniors.

Forest Make-over Area – suggestion from teachers to provide more tree rings as stepping spots through foliage to minimize trampling of vegetation.

1000 seedlings were delivered to TFS unit but none suitable size for planting this season. Jo to check with Mrs Allen if they would like to do some planting this season as there are heaps of trees Jo has grown that need planting at the Morriss’ this season.

BOT Report

  • NIL


PTA Family Questionnaire

Yes this is a good idea for term 4 following calf club. More new families starting in term 4. Work in with school planning for next year and any feedback will be useful. Review questionnaire and make it shorter.

Fun Run

Perhaps early 2014. Jo Morriss to do some information gathering of possible routes, regulations, etc.

Ladies Shopping Night or Christmas Raffle

Preference for Christmas raffle. 1st prize iPad mini with 2nd prize MGP scooter. Sell in term 4 after calf club. Carol to let us know best date for this to fit with the term. Aim for 1200 tickets at $2 each. Louise also has some watches that could be donated for the raffle or for calf club.

Calf Club Update (Friday 18th October)

Update from Emma - arrangements going well to-date. Willy has secured some sponsorship but is having difficulty finding a major sponsor. Points of action :

Caroline and Sally please follow up with the supermarkets for donations of any products and then we can work out if we need to ask school families for grocery donations.

Janine to circulate rosters for BBQ and also for drinks and lollies to ask for helpers from Friends of PTA mailing list similar to previous calf clubs.

Gail has offered to co-ordinate cake and homemade sweet stall.

Karyn has donated some Nescafe sachets so we will be able to sell normal coffee as well as cappuccinos, along with individual muffins/scones.

Large calf club signs yet to be located.

Next meeting to be held on Thursday 26th September 2013 at 7.30 pm.


Signed as a true & correct record this ______day of ______2013.

President :______