SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

6th November 2012

Daily Plan –Levels of Friendship

Day 1


·  I know that my relationships are all different and that different ways of

behaving are appropriate to different types of relationships.

·  I can accept and appreciate people’s friendship and try not to demand

more than they are able or wish to give.


Ask the children to think of as many different friends as they can (in and out of

school), then to think about the following questions for a few moments, then to

share their thoughts in pairs for 2 minutes.

Do you like all your friends in the same way?

• Do you like doing the same thing with all of your friends?

• Do you tend to see some friends only in certain situations?

• Would you want to see all of your friends all the time?

Take feedback, and hold these ideas. Teacher to demonstrate Levels of Friendship circles on the board, starting in the centre with close friends and family, second circle –good friends/cousins etc, third circle, third circle –people in school/relatives you see rarely, fourth circle –people who are acquaintances or know slightly –postman, doctor etc.

Give out copies of the Levels of friendship resource sheet and ask children to

complete the sheet for themselves. They will not need to share it with anyone.


When the children have finished, or the allocated time has elapsed, facilitate a brief discussion as a class, drawing out the point that we all tend to have friendships at different levels, and this is OK. We do not want to be best friends with all of our friends. Some of us have many friends, some prefer to have one close friend.


Children will recognise the different relationships that they have with people that they know, and recognise that these differing relationships are fine to have.


Powerpoint Slides -1,2,3

Resource Sheet 1

SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

13th November 2012

Daily Plan –Managing Conflict

Day 2


·  I can say things and do things that are likely to make a difficult situation better.

·  I can tell you things that I or other people sometimes do or say in a conflict situation that usually make things worse.



Look first at the Conflict Photocards on slide .What might have caused the conflict in each of the photos? What types of feelings might the people be feeling? In the 3rd picture –what about the child –how might they feel?

Ask the children to recap on the elements that often make people angry in conflict situations: what are the things people do that make the conflict worse, and what are the things that make the conflict less likely to end in a fight or tears. Write the children’s ideas in two columns on the board or flipchart. (A list on next slide)

Which of these ideas would be best employed in the following situations –show children next slide –discuss the photos of conflict, discuss the way in which these conflicts might be resolved.

Show children the Conflict Cop slide, and explain that their task is to write how they would help to resolve the conflicts.


Children will consider the ways in which they can help resolve problems. And, how sometimes the things we say or do will make things worse.


Resource Sheet 2

Powerpoint slides -4 to 8

SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

20th November 2012

Daily Plan –Making Up

Day 3


·  I can use my skills for solving problems peacefully to help other people

resolve conflict.


Read the letter on Powerpoint.

As a whole group the children should try to fill in the details about what might

have happened. You might like to use these questions to start the discussion.

• Who are the characters in the story?

• How did Elly find out what Becky had said?

• Why do you think Elly was upset?

• What did Elly do when she found out?

The children should work in pairs to consider what Elly should do when she

receives the letter. Remind the children to use the peaceful problem-solving

process. Go through this step by step, -Powerpoint slide (using the poster in the whole-school resource file).

Show the children the second letter. Tell the children that they are to imagine that they are an Agony Aunt who will offer advice to Majid based on the letter that he has received. Try to offer him ways to resolve the conflict, and build upon his friend’s apology.


Children will consider two sides of a given argument, and look at ways of resolving.


Resource Sheet 3

Powerpoint slides -9 to 12

SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

27th November 2012

Daily Plan –Revisiting Anger

Day 4


. I know:

·  what my triggers are for anger;

·  what happens when I get angry;

·  what happens when I am overwhelmed by my feelings of anger;

·  some ways to calm myself down.

·  I can consider both the short-term and long-term consequences of my

·  behaviour in order to make a wise choice when I am feeling angry.


Another way of ‘putting out the fuse’ of our anger is to think hard about the

consequences of angry actions before we ‘lose it’.

Discuss with the children the idea of short-term and long-term consequences of the things they do when they are angry. Some of the short-term consequences might feel good at the time – maybe when you have smashed a computer or window you might feel powerful and strong, but some of the long-term outcomes might not be so good. Look again at the letter from previous session, and show the children `what happened next?’, and then work through the `What If…’ Thinking Key together on the board.

Give the children the `What happened next?’ for the Elly and Becky story. Have the children complete a `What if…’ Thinking Key.


Children will consider the consequences of anger and actions.


Resource Sheet 4

Powerpoint slides -13 to 17

SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

4th 11th December 2012

Daily Plan –Friends Magazine

Day 5


Children will look at a series of activities with a series of learning objectives over the next two sessions (LO –below) to produced their own Friends Magazine. After each activity, groups will choose one child to reproduce their work for a group magazine compiled at the end. These activities need to be gone through at pace –though children may be given some time outside of SEALS to complete them. One children should be selected to reproduce their work for each activity –this should be decided by each group using discussion.



L.O. What qualities make a good friend (pg7&8)

LO Strategies to help calm down (pg 11 &12)

LO Vocabulary associated with friendship (pg3&4)

LO Consider ways of dealing with upset (Agony Aunt) (pg 9&10)

LO How to make and keep friends (pg 13&14)

LO Consider consequences to our actions (pg1&2)

LO Consider the important qualities of friendship (pg 5&6)

Session 1 (Activity 1)

L.O. What qualities make a good friend (pg7&8)

Discuss with the children the qualities that they like in their best friend. What is it the makes them so special? What makes them a `best’ friend? Record children’s responses on the board.

Children to complete pages 7&8 in their booklet -`My Best Friend and Ingredients.

Session 1 (Activity 2)

LO Consider consequences to our actions (pg1&2)

Remind the children of previous session’s activity `What if…’ Thinking Key. Remind the children of the way in which there are consequences for our actions, and where they might lead to each other.

Show the children `What if…’ statements on the board and allow children to choose one to complete the What if…pages on page 1&2

Session 1 (Activity 3)

LO Vocabulary associated with friendship (pg3&4)

2 minute talk with their partner –how many words can they come up with associated with friends/friendship? Collect these responses on the board. Children to create their own Friendship Wordsearch using pages 3 and 4 of their booklets.

Session 2 (Activity 1)

LO Consider ways of dealing with upset (Agony Aunt) (pg 9&10)

Remind the children of the `Making up’ lesson. How following a letter, they imagined being an Agony Aunt, and wrote a letter offering advice on the situation. Show the children the letter from their booklet (Powerpoint slide), and discuss with the children what would be the best advice that they could give. Record some ideas on the board.

Session 2 (Activity 2)

LO Strategies to help calm down (pg 11 &12)

Remind the children of the lesson `Managing Conflict’, and how they thought about ways to clam situations down. Discuss with the children what some of these strategies where, and if appropriate to record some on the board. Show the children the `Top Tips to Calming Down’ page of booklet. Ask the children to prioritise them into a top five ways in which to calm down based on personal experience.

Session 2 (Activity 3)

LO How to make and keep friends (pg 13&14)

Remind the children of last sessions work on `What Makes a Good Friend’. Tell them that in this activity they need to consider how the might make a new friend and how they would keep them. Children should think about their relationship with their best friend –and what makes it special. Record some of these ideas. Children to record pages 13 and 14 in their booklets as a recipe.

Session 2 (Activity 4)

Show the children the slide Friendship is…Ask them to discuss with their partner how they would finish the sentence. Show the children some examples on the board. Ask the children to complete the Friendship is…pages (5&6) in their booklets by completing the sentence and adding a picture.



Resource Sheet 5 and 6 –resource sheets 7 to 13 are for larger group magazine.

Powerpoint slides -18 to 28

How to make up the booklet

First photocopy pages 5 and 6 from the resource sheets enlarging them to 3A. Line up the @ on both sheets in top right hand corner. This will set the pages to the correct orientation. (Do just one initially to check this is correct, then fold.)

then fold in half, and again

So that the front cover and back cover are visible (back is marked so that the final booklet can be stuck into book).

Staple, and then trim the folds off.

SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

10th December 2012

Daily Plan –Working Together In Groups

Day 6






SEALS – Getting on and Falling Out

17th December 2012

Daily Plan -

Day 7




