St John’s Academy Parent Council Meeting
5 June 2017
Julie Flynn
Jill Brash
Robert Staines
Pauline Ward
Nikki McNaughton
Clare Monaghan
Jan Jack
Susan MacLaggan
Action1 / Welcome and Apologies
Julie welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Dr Staines for coming along to the meeting.
2 / Notes and actions of previous meeting
Minutes approved. Add in Tomlie after Nikki in point 2.
Cleaning issue – Parent Council have not yet emailed into generic account concerns regarding the set up and cleaning at the Easter Fayre. Jill to action.
Trips – Joanne and Nikki have met to discuss this. More information on the trips to follow and this will link in with the cost of the school year that is currently being developed for every pupil.
City of Culture – Jill to invite to future meeting.
Insurance information – previously circulated. Parent council to note that although we have opted for the 4* star package we still need to make additional payment for inflatables.
3 / Parent Council Chair meeting
Minutes of meeting shared for information.
4 / Parent Council Poster
Thanks to Mr Smith for creating the poster. Poster to be displayed in the main reception, nursery entrance and primary noticeboard.
5 / Parent Council Accounts
Nikki advised balance is sitting at £2865.35 and the funding requests agreed will need to come from this also.
Accounts due to be audited shortly.
Jill to submit bid to Common Good again for Award Ceremony 2017. Common Good Funding to be a standing item on the agenda for future meetings.
6 / Pupil Equity Fund
Paper issued from Dr Staines looking at possible options for the funding. St Johns RC Academy to receive approximately £120k funding.
SLT currently looking at options and parent council requested to be kept in the communication loop regarding plans for the funding.
7 / NQ Changes
Robert issued letter regarding and a question was raised regarding the current model for S3 and how this would need to be changed. Robert confirmed that we would run with the current masterclass model for 2017/18 then this would need to change.
Parent council wanted to note their disappointment with the removal of the assessments from Nat 5 with greater reliance on the final exam with essentially no fall back to Nat 4 through the added value.
Question was raised about how this would be communicated to parents. Robert agreed we would look to get information leaflet for parents.
8 / School Values
Robert shared the agreed values from the school improvement group.
Parent council suggested that they lose the acronym FARL.
Requested that someone return to Parent council meeting in 6 months to update how these have been embedded into the school and owned and understood by pupils.
9 / School Improvement Plan
Robert advised this was not ready and look to share at the AGM in September.
10 / AOCB
Funding requests
Nursery Helmets – replacements for broken ones as part of the Play and Pedal initiative – agreed £150.00
Mini Play Rangers - Jan presented the model that had been develop with P6 pupils and working well in the playground – request to purchase list of resources to support this – agreed £96.70
My Maths – declined – Parent Council advised to try and sources from elsewhere and revisit the group if struggling.
Nikki McNaughton advised that the Parent Council had donated £200.00 to the Lily Douglas fund.
Information regarding Our Ladys – concern regarding part of building at our Ladys and school have been relocated here while work is being carried out. Timescale looks like until the end of the term at this stage.
11 / Date of next meeting
6 September 2017 – AGM
6 November 2017
29 January 2018
21 March 2018
4 June 2018
All meeting will take place at 7pm in the conference, North Inch Community Campus.