Chair Tyne & Wear Joint Local Access Forum
10 Stephenson Terrace
Northumberland NE41 8DZ
Tel 01661 854335
5 March 2017
Dear Sir or Madam
Tyne and Wear Joint Local Access Forum response to proposed new housing at Cushy Cow Lane Ryton (Ref DC/16/00320/FUL) North of Crawcrook (Ref DC/15/01004/FUL)
I am writing on behalf of the Tyne and Wear Joint Local Access Forum to offer our advice and comments on the above proposals.
The forum would like to draw your attention to the presence of a number of Public Rights of Way in the vicinity which link the housing sites to longer routes in Gateshead and the Tyne Valley. We are concerned about the safety for path users crossing the busy A695 and wish to see safe crossing points included within the housing schemes.
We note that there have been somelocal concerns about the impacts of the proposed housing on public footpaths and we believe that in principle, access routes should not be closed, made less attractive or rendered more difficult to use as a result of development. We would expect more people of all abilities to be using the routes as a result of the developments and we would expect that the opportunity should be taken to improve the routes as far as possible as part of the development. In particular we would advise that the existing footpaths should:
- be upgraded to multi-user routes,
- be designed to allow use by as wide a range of people and abilities as possible and
- retained or diverted paths should be located conveniently in anattractive green space setting that allows safe (off-road) access with elements of local countryside character.
We would refer you to the following documents.
- The Tyne & Wear Rights of Way Improvement Plan, and its appendices, currently to be found within the Tyne & Wear Local Transport Plan
- “Public Rights of Way and Development. Planning Guidance Note for Major Applications” (See copy attached)
- The 2005 former Countryside Agency (now Natural England) publication “By All reasonable Means”.
We would like to see the details of all new paths and links and improvements to existing paths. We would suggest that path details be requested by appropriate planning conditions if minded to recommend approval.We very much welcome new recreational access links but would emphasise that these should be dedicated and/or adopted as Public Rights of Way. A planning agreement (S106) should include a section whereby this is secured. Concessionary or permissive paths are not Public Rights of Way and do not guarantee full or permanent access. New access routes should ideally be Public Bridleways in order to maximise public use and enjoyment .
If you would like to discuss the matter or need more information, please contact me using the details above or via our administrator.
(Email )
As a final point we are required to report on our performance each year to Natural England & DEFRA. Please would you reply to this letter confirming what action will be or has been taken on the advice provided. If none please supply reasons.
Chair: Tyne and Wear Joint Local Access Forum
The Tyne and Wear Joint Local Access Forum is a statutory advisory body established under the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000 and our role is to advise on Public Rights of Way and the wider issue of improving access to and enjoyment of the countryside having regard to“the desirability of conserving the natural beauty of the area “ …”including the flora, fauna, and geological and physiographical features .“
This letter constitutes formal advice from the Tyne and Wear Joint Local Access Forum. Newcastle City Council as Planning Authority is required, in accordance with Section 94(5) of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, to have regard to relevant advice from this Forum in carrying out its functions.